Rouges and New Found Powers

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The morning comes quicker than expected. When my eyes peek out against the harsh sunlight filling the room, it's much brighter than usual. Finally, my eyes adjust, looking at the alarm clock that rests on the bedside table. Shock runs through me when I see it reads 10:00 AM, despite having set the alarm for 7 the night before.

A string of curse words flies from my mouth. Jason will be here soon and of course, I overslept! I shoot out of bed...well, I attempt to. A weight stops me at my waist and restricts me from going any further. I roll my eyes and heavily pat Ryder's arm in an attempt to wake him.

He lays sprawled, one arm securing my waist, and his face partly smashed into the pillow. His mouth is parted and his lips move ever so slightly with each breath. The scene in front of me is humorous and adorable, and it causes me to halt my movements. Knowing I'll most likely be late and have to rush my ass off, I can't bear to wake him when he looks this peaceful.

Carefully, I lay down, but this time closer to his body. A small gasp escapes me when his arm automatically tightens and pulls me flush to him, yet he doesn't wake. With a giggle, I snake my hand under the covers until I find his shirtless side. Ryder's body is incredibly warm and I don't fight my desire to let my hands entice him awake.

I gently drag my nails over his skin, biting back another giggle as I feel the goosebumps rise on his skin. I palm his abdomen, before slithering up his chest, appreciating every bump and curve. I smile as I curve my hand around his neck and lean my face toward his. I go to kiss him, but pause when I see his mouth has closed. I shake my head and narrow my eyes. You sneaky devil.

Instead, I lift my mouth to the shell of his ear. With my heart pounding, I take his earlobe between my lips and gently suck before pulling back with my teeth. When his lobe finally releases from my grasp, I chuckle softly. "I know you're awake, Ryder. I can feel it," I whisper lowly, then place a string of slow, open-mouthed kisses down his jawline. His member presses firm against my hip and it stirs a forbidden heat in me. It drives me so wild that I can't help but let my hips push closer to him.

Ryder's hands are suddenly on my hips, stilling my movements. When I peer back up, his eyes are open and they are blazing silver. His immediate reaction surprises me, so I stare helplessly into his eyes which boil me from the inside out.

Without a word, Ryder grabs my leg and hooks it over his hip, while simultaneously shifting my body closer to him. He dips his head down and grazes my jaw with the bridge of his nose, taking a deep, slow breath. I close my eyes, letting my head fall back, when his hand begins slowly stroking my outer thigh and bottom and his lips start sucking on my neck. The thin fabric of my pajama shorts does little to stifle the feel of his fingers.

Ryder trails tantalizing kisses up my neck until his lips engulf mine, taking my breath with them. My head feels so heavy with desire it's intoxicating. After a brief moment, Ryder pulls back ever-so-slightly and rests his forehead against mine. His chest rises and falls fast, rubbing against my body with every breath. My mind races with anticipation as his eyes trace my features with a look that pulls at something in my core. "If we had the time, I would do to you all the despicable things I've been thinking about since I first saw you," Ryder finally speaks, his voice deep and raspy.

Ryder's words cause my jaw to slack as I suck in a deep breath. Okay, that was hot.

He leans in and captures my lips again in a gentle, slow kiss, breaking away after a few seconds. A small smirk pulls at the corner of his lips. "Unfortunately, your brother is due to arrive within the hour," he leans down and takes my earlobe between his teeth, as I had done to him moments prior. I stifle a moan when he tenderly sucks and nibbles on it, the sparks traveling all the way down my spine. I whimper with need as his hand kneads my bottom and dips low between my thighs, massaging my skin so deliciously that I begin having trouble forming coherent thoughts. "I doubt the first thing your brother wants to see is me having my way with you," he chuckles lowly after releasing my ear. His low laugh reverberates inside of me and only pushes my desire more. Goddess, his words are making me wish for things I could never say aloud.

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