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Multiple growls echo throughout the room. "What?" Ryder growled. I sighed, "I'm not going to repeat myself when you clearly heard what I just said Mathews." Ryder narrows his eyes at me.

"When did this start?" Sean, Ryder's Delta, asks me. "About 7 this morning, so about....37 minutes ago." I tell them as I look at the time. "Did you have planned on telling us anytime soon?" Jason asks, crossing his arms.

"Not at first. I didn't even know what was going on. There was no reason to cause drama if it turned out to be nothing." I say, but continue, "But now I know it's more than nothing." I say and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"What do you mean? How do you know it's not just some stupid pup messing with you?" Evan asks. I glance at him, "I don't but he was here. I got a call and then a text. Only reason I know this is because someone deleted the call from my log." I say. "WHAT?!" Ryder roars. Everyone in the room flinches slightly except me.

Ryder starts pacing a mumbling under his breath. 'Go calm our mate.' Jasmine says. 'Jasmine.' 'Do it Jade. You and I both know he didn't kiss Stacy, at least not willingly. He feels guilty and his wolf Dalton gives him hell everyday for messing up with us. Jade please. I need my mate. We both do.' Jasmine tells me. I sigh and watch Ryder breathe harder and growl loudly while pacing. 'Fine.' I say.

I sigh and walk over to him. I stand in front of him and grab his face with my hands, making him focus on me. "Hey. Shh. Calm down. It's okay, he's not here anymore and I'm okay." I say and look straight into his black eyes.

Ryder's eyes flash from blue to black, but he wasn't fully calmed down. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me. He's arms immediately go around my waist and pull my body flush against his. I mind link the guys who are still standing in the room to go. They nod and leave, closing the door behind them.

I run my fingers through his hair as he puts his head in my neck and breathes deeply. "I'm here Ryder. It's okay." I sooth him. I hear him breath deeply and then let out a sigh, tightening his grip on me. "It's okay." I whisper.

I hear him whimper and I pull back slightly, "Hey. What's wrong?" I say. Ryder looks up at me with so much sorrow in his eyes I feel my heart break slightly. "Ryder? What's the matter?" I say and place my hand on his cheek. Ryder closes his eyes and leans into my touch.

He opens his eyes and looks at me with guilt and sadness in his eyes. "Jade I'm so so sorry. What happened was an mistake. She came onto me and I tried pushing her off but I was in shock because it happened so fast. I missed you so much. My wolf has not let me go one day without making me remember what I did. I'm sorry. I tried to find you but I couldn't. I wanted to explain but you left before I could. I'm sorry Jade. I hate myself for what I did. I'm sorry." He rants and I see his eyes rim with tears.

I stare at him speechless. I give him a small smile, "It's okay Ryder. It's okay. I understand now that you didn't do it, but at the time I was hurt. I'm sorry I didn't let you explain." I say.

Ryder rest his forehead against mine, "I'm sorry Jade." I shake my head slightly and put my finger against his lips. "Stop apologizing. It's okay. I forgive you." I whisper, looking into his eyes. "Really?" He asks surprised. "Yes Ryder, really." I say.

A breathtaking smile graces his face, "Thank you. I've missed you so much." He says and puts his face back in my neck. I sigh, "I've missed you too. It was a long month alone." I mumble against his shoulder. Ryder chuckled, "Tell me about it."

We just held each other for a moment until Ryder pulled back and looked me straight into my eyes, "God I'm so happy you're back." He whispers. I smile slightly, "It's good to be back." I tell him. Ryder hums in response and moves his head so his cheek is brushing against mine.

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