I Wanna go Home

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I'm not the kind of person who has a constant desire for the finer things in life, but waking up in a dark and damp room with a single light bulb hanging overhead was not what I was expecting to wake up in after having two children.

I fight to keep my eyes open, especially since the blood loss from the scratch on my arm is making me feel so tired. There's an intense burning in my midsection, my arms, and my legs and my whole body feels like it just fell off a 30 story building. It takes me a moment to figure out I'm strapped down to a bed. There are chains wrapped around the places I feel the fire crawling up my skin.

I pulled against them with some of the strength I have left and whimper as the fire burns deeper. I gasp and fall back into the mattress. 'Jasmine? Can you hear me?'

"There's not point in trying. Those chains are silver and laced with Wolfsbane, not to mention the IV drip pushes a constant amount of Wolfsbane through your veins."

My push my eyes open further and watch as a hazy figure comes from out of the corner. When I can somewhat focus, I know exactly what is going on.

A growl rips itself from my throat, "You bastard!" The man chuckles and walks closer, leaning against the edge of the bed.

"My friends call me Elijah." Finally a name to a face, after all of these years. I'm breathing very heavily, fighting the feeling of faintness.

"I think I'll stick with bastard. Seems much more suiting." I spit. Elijah chuckles and runs the back of his fingers up my arm. I try and squirm away from him, but the chains and exhaustion make that extremely difficult.

Elijah smirks and brings his hand back to himself, "Relax, sweetheart. I'm not that kind of guy."

I scoff and fight my eyes open, "Yeah you're the guy who murders entire packs and kidnaps people from hospitals." A wave of something came over and I started shaking. I feel my eyes roll back in my head and the shaking intensifies. Slowly, a strange feeling that I can only describe as tingling numbness starts at my feet and travels up my body.

"What the hell...? What are you doing? Stop!" The takeover continues despite Elijah's objections. As it reaches my temple, a striking force causes my head to shoot to the side. The shaking and tingling stops immediately and I sink heavily into the ragged mattress. I feel a grip on both of my shoulders and see a hazy person above me, logically assuming it's Elijah. I try to focus on what he is saying, try to focus on anything really, but I'm being pulled into unconsciousness. I feel my shoulders being shaken, but I cannot react in any shape, way, or form. The last thing I take into account is a voice whispering in my head, 'Sleep.'

- - - - - Sometime Later - - - - -

I wake up, but this time, it's in the complete opposite room than from before. It only takes a moment to realize I'm in a hospital room. I hits me that before was terrible dream and that I'm still in the pack hospital after having Atarah and Mattathias and that Ryder is probably somewhere down the hall with them.

Relief floods my system and my heart starts to settle to a normal beat. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

That's when my heart stops all together and dread fills my gut. The door opens and my new found fear is confirmed. In walks a women, dressed like a nurse, and she reeks of pure rogue. I start to breathe fast and hard. Everything hitting me clearly this time.

I've been kidnapped my the Red Howlers, a rogue pack lead by a man determined to destroy me.

I have no idea where I am.

I do not know if my mate and children are okay, or even alive.

That last parts awakens my wolf, who seemed to be buried deep inside of me. Jasmine takes over completely and she has the woman's neck in my hands before the nurse even has time to blink. Jasmine leans down into her face, "Where am I?" She growls ferociously. The nurse struggles against my hands, but Jasmine refuses to let up and squeezes harder. "Where. Am. I?" She growls lowly, her voice admitting a power I've never heard before.

The nurse gasps out for a sweet taste of air. "Woods north of your pack. 250 miles." Jasmine loosens her grip.

"Clothes." She demands. The nurse lifts a hand that is shaking violently and points a bony finger at a closet across the room. Jasmine growls one final time and the out of nowhere, flings the woman across the room. She crashes into the gurney I had been laying on previously and I don't miss the sickening snap of her neck as she lands, lifeless.

'Jasmine! What are you doing?' I watch as my body shrug into clothing and heads for the door. 'What needs to be done.' She snaps at me and then blocks me from her. I helplessly watch as she carefully peels open the door and measurably creeps down the hallway when the coast is clear. As she continues further down the halls, trying to find an exit, I can tell we both notice something at the same time.

There is no one here. Not a one. No guards. No doctors or nurses (minus the one who came into my room). No Elijah.

As the thought finishes echoing through my brain, a searing pain in my neck drops me to my knees. Jasmine is no longer in control anymore, my body is my own again. I scream as the atrocious pain continues its waves. I can barely register the echoing of feet down the sterile hospital hallway.

I clutch and scratch at my neck, trying to rid myself of the thing causing this pain. Suddenly, a hand is in my hair and my head is snatched back, allowing me to come face to face with Elijah once again.

Elijah smirks and chuckles darkly, "You didn't think it would be so easy, did you?" He releases my hair and my head falls forward, meeting my chest that is heaving up and down violently. Even though I'm in intense pain, even though I know it's best not to provoke him, I still can't help myself from shooting back.

I laugh humorlessly and glance up at him with what little strength I have left. "I guess I was banking on your reputation of being a dumbass." This seems to do the job of pissing him off because his fist strikes me down at full force.

I smile and blood drips from my mouth and onto the white tile floor. This also seems to piss him off because he lifts my head by my hair once more and proceeds to punch me yet again. This time I fall to the ground.

Even though I want so bad to cower in a corner, lick my wounds, and remain silent...I can't. That shows weakness, a weakness that reveals all I care about in this world is my family and pack. I know he is ready to destroy anything that brings me happiness. I will do anything to protect them all. In the end, if that means I take a thousand more punches, then I'll do it with a smile on my face.

And that's exactly what I do as the next punch lands.

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