My Alpha King Mate

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"Let's goooooooooo!"

I jump from my REM sleep and into a heart attack. I flail around in my sheets, trying to fight off the sudden intrusion. Rather, I find myself suddenly suspended in air and then in pain. 

"Ow." I groan at the new pain radiating through my body. I push up off the floor I just made out with and try to figure out what woke me. Cheers come extremely loud from somewhere beyond my door. I growl under my breath and wrench open my door. I march down the hall and follow the heinous yelling of the inconsiderate werewolves. I cringe as I make my way toward the living room and the harsh sounds grow. 

I walk into the living room and see Jason, Jake, Carter, Delta Laney, and Beta Hendrix. They are standing and yelling at the TV. I step further into the room and peer around them to see the cause of the commotion. Seriously? A football game? My check of the large clock mounted on the wall tells me it's 5:48 AM, which in my opinion is still way too early to be yelling like this.

Abruptly I notice a movement in the corner chair and I look over to see King Mathews watching them in amusement. Additionally, royal guards stand equally placed around the room. I take a moment to peek again at the screen and confirm that I will never understand one's obsession with throwing around a ball. 

Their yelling suddenly increases in volume as a person I can barely see on-screen crosses into the touchdown zone. I cross my arms over my chest and clear my throat in an attempt to gain their attention. When that fails, I try speaking. "Excuse me," I call on deaf ears. 

I roll my eyes and try again, louder this time. "Hello, excuse me." Still nothing - not even so much as a turn of the head. Okay, that's rude and now I'm annoyed. 

Looking around for my target object, I spot it on the end table next to the couch. Feeling vindicated in doing so, I pick up the TV remote and press the mute button. All attention is quickly drawn to me with calls of unpleasant names, complaints, and whines. I cross my arms again, this time in annoyance. Oh wow, so now they can look at me? 

"Good morning, gentlemen," I greet completely unamused. "Though I appreciate your enthusiasm for this asinine sport," I begin, gesturing to the TV, "I implore you to recognize that other people in this household are still sleeping - myself included. So, if you guys would be so kind as to remember the sun doesn't revolve around you and keep your voices down slightly, we with heightened hearing would appreciate it." 

They all go quiet then Delta Laney decides to speak. "Well, the game's on now and we don't really care who's still sleeping. Now, if you will be a dear, unmute the TV, and go do what women do," he says with an arrogant smile. 

Jason growls lowly at him in a warning. "Might want to take that back, dude." Delta Laney only smirks at me.

I laugh in disbelief. Did he really just say that? Ha! Here I was trying to be all respectful. "What the hell did you just say?" I question, walking around the table and couch so that I stand directly in front of Mr. Public Speaker. 

He shoots a look to Beta Hendrix that basically screams 'watch this' before looking back to me."Why don't you go to the kitchen and make us some sandwiches," he mocks so proudly. Delta Laney laughs at his own attempt at a joke, looking to his friends to support his "joke." 

None of them dare.

I cock my head to the side in mock confusion, frowning. "Oh, was that funny? Was that supposed to be funny? If so, you really need a career change from being a fucking clown." Poorly hidden laughs sound out around the room, but I continue to glare Delta Laney in the eyes. I can feel myself actually fuming - like what a fucking asshole this guy is. He doesn't even know me. 

Mated To The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now