A Fight to Remember

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Time seems to freeze when across the field I see Ryder being attacked at once by 7 rouges. One by one they start to pin him down and my feet already are taking me towards him.

Even though I am one of the fastest beings to ever walk the planet, somehow I'm not fast enough to get to my mate before the bastard Elijah sinks his fangs into his neck. 

200 feet.

Time slows down and everything is happening in slow motion. Ryder thrashes against the rouges holding him and breaks a paw free. He slashes at Elijah and Elijah growls in pain.

100 feet.

Elijah clenches his jaw even harder and I see the blood gush from Ryder's neck and he whimpers in so much pain that nearly kills me. His eyes search field and find mind, locked onto his, never diverting for even a second.

10 feet.

Ryder falls still.

5 feet.

I collapse to my knees. No, this isn't happening. My eyes are only locked on Ryder. The love of my life. The father of my children. The pain spreading throughout my body is indescribable.

The rouges are still holding him down and Elijah stands triumphantly over my mate's still wolf form. Jasmine growls more fiercely than I have ever known and before I know what's happening, Jasmine has taken over.I feel power and strength rush back into my body, the previous fatigue and pain from before long forgotten.

Elijah looks over and smirks at what he's sees as his winning. Then his eyes focus on me. Something flashes in his eyes, but it's gone within a second and then he shifts to his human. 

His face and body are covered with the blood of my beloved. "You've lost this war, Jade Collins. I've killed your mate, I will kill your family, I will kill your children, and I will kill you. Your power is mine, as is your Kingdom." Elijah takes slow strides towards as he makes his threats. 

All I am seeing is red. "You will not be alive long enough to make good you mutt!" Jasmine yells at him and then we are charging. 

He throws a punch at me but I turn to the side and grab his arm, twisting it and pushing down at his elbow. I smile when I hear the sickening crack of his bones breaking. Elijah screams out but I kick out both of his legs from under him. He falls face first to the ground. I kick him repeatedly and as my foot is about to reach his ribs once more he grabs my foot and yanks me down. 

He climbs on top of me and starts throwing punches to my face. I block as many as I can before I bring my knee to his groin. Elijah whimpers in pain and I kick him back a few yards. I run over and start punching him hard. "This is for my parents." Punch. "This is for my pack." Punch. 

I lean down and wrap my hands around his head. I stare into his eyes with so much hatred and his mirror the same. I growl lowly, "And this...is for my mate." I twist my hands hard and his necks snaps. I let him go and stand up as I look around. 

My pack is fighting, not for me, but for itself. 

I see Cameron fighting off rogues by the 10s. I see Jason taking down anyone who comes too close. I see Krista tackling rogues left and right. My family, my pack, they are fighting a war never meant for them. Finally, my eyes rest on Ryder, who has now gone back to human form. 

Something blocks my airway and I find that it's a sob. He can't be gone, he can't leave me. Jasmine cries out and I feel something come over me. All I can do is stare at Ryder and I make my way to him.

The man I love laying so still...so lifeless. 

I collapse next to his body, covered in scratches, bites, and his neck is bleeding profusely. Just like my father's. The grief of everything takes control of me and I scream.

I scream so loudly that everyone around starts covering their ears or whimpering. Suddenly a bright flashing white emits from my body and everything is quiet. No more screaming or fighting. 

I look around and every rogue has dropped to the ground, dead I think. 

I turn back to Ryder and tears fall rapidly down my face. 

I take his face in my hands and stroke his cheeks with my thumbs. "Ryder, baby, I need you to open your eyes. I need you to wake up and show me your beautiful eyes." I sob when he shows no response. "Ryder! Oh please please please wake up!" I heave heavily and I notice people around me. Jason is kneeling on the other side of Ryder and I hear Krista's small sobs beside me. 

I gasp in air and my world feels like it's collapsing on top of me. "Oh goddess please no, oh please." I lay my head on Ryder stomach and cry and pray to anything or anyone out there. Anything to bring him back to me. 

Goddess please, bring him back to me, please. Give him back, it's not his time. Our children need him! I need him! More sobs rock my body. 

Muttering picks up around me. "What's going on?" "What the hell?" "They're glowing." 

I pick my head up at the last one and in fact see that Ryder and I are glowing, I am glowing black and he is glowing white. These lights seem to come from ever pore on our bodies.

"Heal him." Jasmine's voice echoes in my head and she sounds different, powerful and wise. What? How? I ask frantically. 'I have told you once before that we are more powerful than anyone could know. You have a second chance in this moment to bring our mate back to us. Place your hand over his heart and heal him. Give him your essence.'

Still confused, I do as she says. I place my hand on his chest where his heart lays below. I close my eyes and see my essence, my light, meeting his at my palm. Ryder, I give you everything. Please come back to me. As I say this to myself tears well up behind my closed eyes and fall when the spring open. 

My palm has started to heat and when my eyes open, I see a gray light surrounding Ryder. 

I watch as this light travels to my palm and then seeps into Ryder's body. 

Then everything is still.

I wait in anticipation and cradle Ryder's head in my lap. Someone puts a blanket over him. Seconds tick by as though they are hours and my hope starts to dwindle. 

Then Ryder's body jerks with his gasp of breath.

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