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Ryder's POV

The door opens and in walks Cameron. He steps to the side and Brooke comes into view. Anger takes over my body. How could somebody Jade trusted and cared for betray her in such a way? Brooke stands in the middle of the room, arms by her side, looking down at the floor.

I walk out from behind my desk and stand two feet in front of her. "Close the door." I hear the door close, but I don't take my eyes off of Brooke. Silence ensues for another moment, no one dares says a word. "Do you know why you are here, Ms. James?"

Brooke takes a quick glance up at me, but doesn't meet my eyes before she is back to looking at the intricately woven pattern of the carpet below. "No, Alpha." Her voice shakes as she answers me.

I nod to myself and take a few small steps closer. "Are you aware of what happened to the Luna Queen, Ms. James?" I question.

This time Brooke gives a slight nod of her head, "She was taken from the hospital, Alpha."

What she says sends a pain through my chest, but I just nod to myself again and take a few more steps closer. "That is correct. Guess what the funny thing about that is?"

Now that I'm closer, I can see that Brooke is shaking. "What, Alpha?" she whispers. I take a few more steps closer, so that I stand right before her.

I bend down until I'm her height and for the first time she looks at me, but still not directly in the eyes. "You are the only one who keeps coming up when looking into who could have been on the inside. You live in the Castle. You were close to Jade, to the files. You could have been easily overlooked because no one, including myself, would've believed that a child would have turned against us."

Brooke frowns and drops her eyebrows, she frantically starts looking around the room. "Alpha, I don't know what you are saying. Turned who against who?"

I smile small, "Sure you do, Brooke. So, what did they offer you, money? Or did they threaten you?" Brooke's eyes start watering, "Alpha, I have no idea what you mea-" I cut her off.

"What are their names? Where are they based? Huh?" I wait for a second with no response except Brooke breathing faster and faster. My volume starts to grow, "Come on, Brooke! Where did they take her?!"

Brooke's eyes flicker around the room, seeking help and empathy from the people scattered in my office. I growl and her eyes snap back to me, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I roar, but this time Dalton leaks in, our power taking control of the room.

Brooke instantly falls down to here knees, showing her neck in submission. Dalton smirks in satisfaction. Brooke's body starts shaking violently and then the sobs echo in the silent room.

"Ryder." I look over to my father, who has an arm wound tightly around my mother. Mother glances up at him and then at my silver eyes. "Ryder, she's a child."

"This child is the reason Jade is gone, going through what we can only imagine. Jade is missing the first days of her children's lives. This child betrayed her pack and for what?" I turn back to Brooke's shape on the floor, towering over her with my tall frame. My eyes burn silver and the flames lick my skin from inside my body of pure rage and hatred.

I feel myself loosing control to Dalton. His thoughts becoming mine.

She did this. She hurt mate. She must pay.

Ryder, baby, can you hear me? It's Jade?'

I freeze dead in my tracks. All feelings rush out of me and I'm left there standing in disbelief.

Mated To The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now