The Search Never Ends

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Ryder's POV

I slam my fists down on my desk, making everyone in the room jump. A frustrated growl tears throughout the room from myself, "It has been five days! How come not a single person can tell me where my mate is?" I look up from the red-flagged map, the map that shows all of the places we have checked for Jade. Judging by the lack of eye contact, my eyes are glowing silver.

The room remains silent until Jason speaks up. "Ryder, you need to calm down. We are all worried about her, but yelling and slamming your fists into the closest things aren't going to help find my sister any faster!" I lock eyes on him and the battle of dominance is brought to face when his eyes start to turn black.

"Okay, okay, put the rulers away boys. This pissing contest is causing nothing but tension and helping Jade zero." Krista steps between us, breaking Jason and I's focus from one another.

Sighing, I turn around and run my hands over my face. 'Ryder, we need to find our mate. I'm having trouble sensing Jasmine anymore.'  I roll my eyes, 'I know Dalton, I know! I can't believe I let this happen. I should have been watching over her.' 

A knock on my office door takes everyone's attention. Cassie peaks her head in, "Alpha, Atarah and Mattathias are awake."

I nod, "Thank you, Cassie. I'll be there in a moment." Cassie bows her head and exits the room. I look down, my eyes furiously scanning the map, trying to figure out where to look next.

Cameron, who is also a trusted and high ranking pack warrior, walks over to my desk. "We've covered a 175 mile radius from the location she went missing. Our warriors are now awaiting word as to where we go next." I nod and start to formulate the best course of action.

"I say we expand the search out another fifty miles and see what we find. After that, if nothing comes up, we will continue to expand the search radius." I look up at Cameron for conformation.

Cameron nods, "Sounds good. I'll alert the warriors immediately." I give him a curt nod and go back to the map, racking my brain for all the possibilities of where they may have her hidden. "Alpha?" I raise an eyebrow to Cameron. "I'll be joining the search in the North."

I frown, the idea immediately displeasing. I glance around the room, landing back on Cameron in the end. "Cameron...I don't think that is a good idea. This has too much bad history." He takes a deep breath a squares his shoulders.

"With all due respect Alpha, my job description is to protect this pack. The future Alpha Queen, aka my sister, was abducted. Yes, this has bad history, but when I went missing, my siblings never stopped searching for me. This is personal, always has been." Jason walks over and stands behind his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. Cameron glances at his brother and turns back to me. "I am joining the North effort, Ryder."

Jason steps forward, "And I'll be joining the South effort." I look back and forth between the two brothers, feeling a sense of pride for my mate's family. I nod at them and they bow their heads to me. I focus back on the map, moving the flags and pieces around.

A lump builds in my throat and the long forgotten burn of tears fills my eyes. I continue to look down as I speak to everyone, "I need my mate and my children need their mother." I clear my throat and blink hard a few times. I look up and lock eyes with everyone in the room. My top warriors, my family, my mate's family, my Beta and Delta. "We don't stop until we find her."

Everyone bows their head and choruses, "Yes, Alpha."

I stand and walk to my door, "Thank you everyone." I open the door and walk out. I make my way up to my room where Cassie and Aaron reside, watching over my children. I open the door and each of them has a baby in their arms. Brayden sits beside his mother, petting Atarah's head.

Cassie looks up at me and smiles, "I must say you have some precious little ones, Mathews." I chuckle and walk over to them. Aaron places Mattathias carefully in my arms, "Thank you, Cassie." I wiggle my finger in front of his face and he makes a grunting noise. "They take after their mother." I don't have to look up to see the pitiful looks on their faces.

"Is there any news?" Aaron asks. In these past recent months, he has taken a brotherly liking to Jade. I shake my head and bounce a fussy Mattathias, "No. We're upping the search radius another fifty miles. It's like they vanished into thin air." Mattathias starts to cry out, kicking his limbs. A few seconds later, Atarah starts to do the same.

I clench my jaw as a wave of heartache hits me head on, "It's like they know we're talking about their mother." I hush Mattathias and kiss his forehead. When he quiets down, I lay him in his bassinet and do the same to Atarah. Eventually they have both fallen asleep, finding comfort in being close to one another.

I sit on the bed and place my head in my hands. A hand pats my back, trying to give me some form of solace. "Daddy, up." I look up to see Aaron pick up Brayden, placing him on his hip. I sigh and shake my head, turning to watch over my own children.

"She's missing so much. My main job as her mate is to protect her and I couldn't even do that. Now...who knows what she's going through." Dalton starts to become angry and restless once again, a common occurrence in these past few days.

"Ryder, there is nothing you could have done. They shouldn't have been able to get into the pack, let alone the hospital. You couldn't have known." Aaron tries to console me. I close my eyes and lean my head back, his words echoing in my head.

"They shouldn't have been able to get in." I mutter back to myself.

Then it clicks.

My eyes shoot open and I jump up. I run out of the room and back down to my office, hoping everyone is still there. I burst into the room and all eyes are on me.

"There's a mole."

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