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Hello, thanks for voting and sorry the chapter was short. I think the chapters may be short at the moment but they will get longer the more I write and get in touch with the book.


*AVA'S P.O.V.*

I woke up to a blinding light. As I opened my eyes, I saw I was in a white room with a lemon cleaner aroma. I think I'm in a hospital. Yep...I turn my head and see IV tubes and a heart monitor.Beep,beep,beep. It seemed as if it was mocking me. Next, the memories of last (Or I think it was) night came rushing to my head. The Alpha, my mate, a cell, passing out... Damn, I'm broken. Pain came flooding into my body. Everywhere. Then I heard a groan.

I swiftly turned my head and saw a god sitting in a pale blue chair right next to me. He had bed-head and a five 'o'clock shadow. He was wearing a tight black v-neck tee and black jeans with high top vans. I also noticed he was using a black hoodie as a pillow, wow he loves black....Even his hair is bla-Wait he's the Alpha, my mate?! He must have heard me moving, because he then slowly opened his eyes to reveal stormy grey eyes mixed with worry,tiredness, and lust. Then he jumped out of his chair and it caused me to flinch back. I put my hands up as a shield to block a hit that I was expecting. But nothing came, then I felt a hands gently pulling away my arms from my face while tingles went wild throughout my body. I quickly shut my eyes.

"Princess, please look at me..." He said in a voice that was deep, but a perfect deep. Next, I felt explosions of little shocks where my chin is. And let me tell ya', it felt perfect.I open my eyes only to be met with grey ones. He let go of my chin and I was immediately craved his hands. He backed a foot away and my inner wolf howled in pain. 

"I'll get the doctor. Just stay right there." Then he turned around and left the room with the door quietly behind him. I just sat there missing him. 

"Where's mate? We need mate. I need mate."  Charlotte, my wolf, whimpered.

I looked around the room and took out the IV ( A/N: She can take an IV out, fyi. I mean come on, I started writing this when I was young!) and gently placed it down on bedside table. 'Damn, I have to pee.' I thought to myself as I pulled the blankets off me and stood up slowly. I grabbed on to the table and wobbled a little bit, then I walked to an open door and saw a bathroom. I shut the door and locked it. 

(A/N I think you know what happens in the bathroom...)

As I finished drying my hands on a towel, a loud knock hit the door and I jumped.

"Princess? Are you in there?" Great, my mate. Don't get me wrong he's my mate, but he is kinda scary... I nodded my head. Then there was silence again. Oh wait! He couldn't see me. Hahaha, I'm dumb. Just as I was about to open the door, the door came crashing down ending with a THUMP! 

I jumped back and yelped but nothing came out except a sore throat. There stood an angry alpha, an angry mate. His eyes almost fully black. Not good, I thought to myself.

He glanced up and saw me and came stalking over to me. I was too shocked to move. He came over and hugged me,while putting his head in the crook of my neck. He's sniffing me...Um,okay then...


Do you like it so far? DM me!




And don't forget I update almost everyday and today is my birthday! Yay, me!

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