A walk home.

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'Jaxson!' My wolf howled with joy.

'Who's Jaxson?'

'Oh,yeah. That's Jace's wolf's name.' Hmmm,Jaxson. I could get used to that. I stepped out of hiding and saw a giant wolf. Bigger than the average wolf huge! This must be Jaxson...

'Jaxson' turned his head my way and ran to me. Once he got near me he tackled me and started to lick me one the nose. I giggled internally.


We decided to walk home in our wolf form since I didn't bring any clothes with me. Jaxson was like, two heads higher than me,because of alpha traits. Jaxson walked right above me so I was directly under him. At least he blocked the killer sun. For the whole walk all the words of my past came flooding back to me,whore,runt,useless,bitch,slut,motherfu*ker,and many,many more. Tears started to flood my face. For I cried silently,hoping Jace would not hear me.

As soon as I took the next step,sunlight blinded me. I opened my eyes and Jace was not above me,but behind me. I turned to face him and he whimpered. 

'Babe......Are you thinking about what Macey said?' He mindlinked me. I just nodded my head and lowered my body. I was now laying down with my head between my paws,tears still falling. Next,Jace laid down in the same position, but facing me.

'Are you hungry?' YESSSSSS! I shook my head 'no'.

'Yes you are. You haven't eaten anything today. So come on.' His Alpha was starting to show so,I did not argue with him. We walked back to the pack house with him above me,blocking out the sun. 

Once we arrived at the pack house it was very silent. Like,so silent that if you breathed it sounded loud. Jace must have noticed my confusion.

'Don't worry,I sent everyone out for the day so we could have the house to ourselves.' 


(A/N they are in human form and fully clothed now. Just an FYI)

We finished our sandwiches and decided to take a nap. When I got up to the room,Jace took a shower and I had the whole bed to myself.


Sorry about updates lately! I am going to update this story tomorrow though so yay!  

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