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  "Jace,I could,I would NEVER run from you,from my mate." A tear of my own escaped. 

He looked at me with his watery eyes and then looked down to the sleeping Zach,whose head rested on my shoulder. I could see a ghost of a smile on his face. 


I woke up to the sound of a...Hammer? What the Hell? I opened my eyes slowly,scared to see the outcome. When I opened my eyes,there was no one around and I was the only one in the bedroom. Confused,I sat up and pulled the covers off me and I walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and pulled on some jeans and a long-sleeved black blouse with my sneakers. Right as I grabbed onto the door handle,the hammering stopped and voices began talking. I opened the door and across the hall,a door was opened and there stood Jace,and his 8-pack in all glory,building something with James and Lucas. They crowded around talking about something on the paper Lucas was holding. Jace must have smelled my scent,because he lifted up his head and smiled towards me and I returned the gesture.  I walked closer to the room and Jace excused himself from the boys and made his way towards me.

"Hello,princess." He said as he pulled me into a hug and kissed my temple. I giggled. 

"Hi." I whispered back. Now it was his turn to chuckle. He pulled away and ran his hands down my covered up arms. We were still smiling when James interrupted us.

"LUCAS! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jace sighed and rolled his eyes. He turned around and let out a loud,beautiful laugh. I walked out from behind him and cracked up! I saw James covered in a dark blue paint from head to toe. James eyes were black and he was shaking with anger. Lucas saw this and ran out of the room, a smile still on his face. James was off like a bullet,blue footprints made his trail as he chased down Lucas. Jace and I looked at each other again and cracked up again. Once we stopped I asked the question I came in here for.

"What is this?" I asked as I moved my hands indicating the room.

"Well,"He smiled."I'm setting up a room for Zach." A smile made it's way onto my face and I hugged Jace again.

"Have you told Zach?" He shook his head no.

"He's down stairs by the way,watching t.v. and eating cereal." 

"Mmmm,K." I sighed. "Well I'm going to go and join him." I kissed Jace and walked down the stairs to see Zach at the kitchen table eating 'Apple Jacks'. I walked past him and sat down on the opposite side of the table. 

"Good morning!" I said in a perky voice.Zach focused on the bowl and he only nodded. "Zach? What's wrong?" 

He still looked down into the bowl,hiding his face. 

"Are feeling okay?" He nodded. "Zach?" I said standing up and walking towards him. I pulled over a chair and rubbed his back. As soon as I did that he stood up,like my touch was toxic. He ran into the other room.  I chased after him and he made his way to the door. Zach opened the door and ran out. I tried to catch up to him,but he was running to fast. I tried to kept going but,of course,I tripped. I looked up to see Zach gone,so I sat up. I stood but sat back down,thanks to my now hurt ankle. I now sat criss-cross and my head in my hands,tears streaming down my face. I don't know how long I wept sitting there when I heard a voice.

"Luna?" I stopped sniffling and looked up. I saw a little girl with brown curls tied up with pink bows and a pink dress. "Are you okay?" I shook my head no,scared to hear what my voice would say. The girl smiled at me and ran off. 

'Charlotte?' I tried to connect to my wolf again. After about ten seconds,Charlotte replied. 

'Yes?' I sighed in relief.

'Where have you been?' It was quiet. I tried to stand again only to have my ankle be in pain again. Great.... I heard running,but to be honest I didn't care.

"Ava?" Jace?! Okay,I take back what I said. "Ava are you okay?" I shook my head no and I looked up to find only Jace.  He knelt down by my side. "What happened?" He whispered.I cleared my throat.

"Where's Zach?" Jace raised his eyebrow.

"He's reading in the library." 

"What?!" I whispered shouted. Okay,so Zach is okay,he's at home. Damn it! Here I was worrying about him and he's been safe the whole time!

"Ava?" Jace broke me out of my thoughts. I looked back into his eyes. "What the Hell happened?"  Tears brimmed the bottom of his eyes. I took a deep breath. 

"Okay,this morning when I walked down stairs,I saw Zach. I said good-morning and he didn't respond so,I asked what was wrong. When he said nothing,I walked over to him and touch his shoulder."Tears started to come to my eyes. "He moved away from my touch like it was p-poison-n." The tears came head on and fell like no tomorrow. "S-so I tried to calm him down and he ran outside,I ran after him and tripped. And now my ankle fucking hurts!" I sobbed out. 


Sorry everyone! My laptop was dead and I didn't know where the charge was. But,here you are and I hoped you enjoyed. Sorry,it wasn't long! 

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