The dinner (Part one)

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*Ava's P.O.V*

It was nearing 3:30 pm and I decided I should get ready for the dinner. Jace,Zach,and I would have to leave by 5:30 to get there on time. Jace said he would bring Zach and I to the dinner to meet close packs and make 'friends'. I couldn't say no to Jace,I mean he looked so excited and he sounded like a little kid going to a candy store!

I was in the kitchen drinking the rest of my water when Zach ran in. He ducked and hid under the dining table. I put my glass in the sink and was about to ask why he was running,when Lucas came running in with another guy named,James. I meet him at the party the other night. Lucas and him looked like they were about to kill someone.

"Zach!" Lucas's voice roared. His voice was so deep,I flinched. "Zach!" Lucas said once again.

"He's probably not in here Lucas." James added. Lucas turned around and started to say Zach was in here and James disagreed. They kept going back and forth. 

"Guys." I said at a normal tone. "Guys?" I said a little louder."GUYS!" I yelled. They both shut up and turned towards me.

"What!?" They yelled in unison. 

"Why do you need Zach?" They both sighed and rolled there eyes. I chuckled.

"Alpha's orders." James deadpanned. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes and sigh.

"Where's Jace?" I asked all seriously.

"Sorry lu-"Lucas tried saying.

"Where's Jace?" James looked defeated when I asked this again.

"In his office." Lucas mumbled.

"Great!" I said in a perky voice. The boys looked at me questionably and then looked at each other. I walked closer to them and grabbed one of James ears and then Lucas's. I held onto them as tight as I could. I started to walk and the boy's yelled in protest.

"C'mon Zach." I yelled over the boys and they kept trying to fight coming with me. Zach ran past the boys and walked right by me. He looked back at James and Lucas and started to laugh. We walked down the hall and up the stairs. We reached Jace's office,finally!,and Zach opened the door. He walked in first with a huge grin on his face as he walked to Jace's desk. Jace looked up,said hi to Zach and then turned his attention to me. His happiness sooned turned into confusion. 

"What the Hell?" He mumbled. I walked in as if I owned the joint and let go of the boys ears. I pushed both of them on the couch. They rubbed their ears and said an apology...To Jace! What the Hell?I looked to Jace with an eyebrow raised.  

"Ummm,what are doing Ava?" Jace asked carefully. 

"Why were these assholes running and yelling at Zach?Zach came running into the kitchen hiding from these dimwits! I was about to go get ready for the dinner and they,"I pointed towards the boys."are wasting my time." Jace looked towards James and Lucas with rage. 

"I told you to tell Zach to find Ava," He pointed at me."and ask them to start getting ready!" Jace used his alpha voice. Damn! He was hot when he used his alpha voice. James then stood up.

"Alpha I'm sor-" He was interrupted by Jace.

"You follow my orders step by step,damn it!" Zach was biting his lip trying not to laugh. "You are excused." Jace said and he sat back down. The boys ran out of the room as if the devil himself was coming after them. As they left they shut the door. Once the door clicked shut,I turned to Jace then Zach and started to crack up. Zach joined along.Jace started to laugh about thirty seconds after Zach and I started laughing. Once we settled down on the laughing,Jace stood up and picked up Zach,and walked towards me and took my hand. We walked to the bedroom to get dressed. When we entered the bedroom,I got Zach's mini tux out and gave it to him.

"Do I have to wear this thing?" Zach questioned while whining.I chuckled.

"Yea. Yea ya' do." I chuckled once again. He walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I went to the closet and pulled out a long sleeve black knee-length cocktail dress and shiny black opened toed shoes. I walked back into the bedroom to see Zach shutting the bedroom door. 

"Where's he going?" Jace turned around to see me. He smiled.

"He's going to get an apple." Jace shrugged his shoulders at the end of his sentence. I giggled. Jace kissed my cheek and walked to the closet. I stripped my tee shirt off and my sweatpants. I pulled the dress on and moved my hair out of the way. Just as I was about to pull the back zipper up,Jace beat me to it. He slowly zipped it up and kissed along my shoulder. I bit my lip to suppress a moan. He stopped kissing my neck and turned me around to face him. He kissed my lips softly. Once our little makeout session was done,I saw Jace was in a tux. He also looked me over.

"You are more and more beautiful everyday."He whispered. I ran my hand through his pitch black hair.

"Ava,"He trailed off.He took a deep breath. "We kinda have to get ready and I don't have time to take a cold shower." I looked at his questionly. It took me a couple seconds until I realized what he meant. Once I did,I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear Jace cracking up. Great..........

I went with a natural makeup look and pulled all of my  golden hair to one side. I put on a diamond necklace and bracelet. Once I was done I put on my heels,grabbed my black clutch, Jace was nowhere in sight. I figured he was downstairs.I walked down the steps to see Jace and Zach on the couch playing some game on Jace's phone. They heard my heels click on the steps and looked up. Zach smiled at me and Jace was in awe. I reached the bottom step and Jace stood up and walked towards me and took my hand.

"You are magnificent Ava." He whispered.


We pulled up a huge mansion. There were people already crowding the steps and entrance. The lawn had lights that you would see at movie premiers.It was amazing.



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