The Right Words.

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After Jace begged me to eat something,other than grilled cheese,I decided pork chops,rice,peas, and a cold iced tea(That I shared with Zach,after we woke him up). Jace ate steak and had  a lemonade. Once done,Zach went back to bed and I just played on my phone,because,well I'm cool... My head rested on Jace's chest and my legs up to my chest. Jace watched baseball on the t.v. and would cheer every now and then. I just cracked up at his cuteness. Turning my phone off, I joined him. I didn't know baseball so I just cheered when he did until, the game was over. Jace played with my hair and we enjoyed the quite. 

"Why did you run?" Jace asked in a depressing voice. I opened my eyes,sat up,and faced him. His grey eyes were darken with tears and he watched my every move. I looked him in the eyes and scooted towards him. 

"I didn't,I promise. I wanted to go on a walk,to clear my head because I was stressed with," I pointed towards Zach.

"Ava,I was....Scared,angry,worried,and so much more. You should have told me." 

"I know and I'm really sorry. Plus,why would I run when a new pup,our pup, is on the way?" I smiled towards the end,thinking of the memories we would soon share. Jace smiled as well and kissed me. 

"What do you think it will be? Boy or girl?" Jace chuckled at my wonderment and thought for a second.

"Boy." His eyes twinkled and he continued. "So,then our next child," I giggled. "will be a girl and he'll protect her." We both chuckled and our foreheads meet. His grey eyes were back to normal and twinkled in happiness. 


I awoke to Zach giggling and water splashing. I opened my eyes to see an alarm clock that read 6:29. I sighed and sat up. The laughter got louder and the splashing more splashie...(Quick A/N I don't care if that's not a word.Lol.) Getting up,I saw there was a crack of light under the bathroom door,so I walked towards and knocked. 

"Come in!" Zach said loudly. I giggled and opened the door to see Zach in the tub,with his swimming trunks on,and Jace with a black tee-shirt on and black basketball shorts,kneeling by the tub with a smile. I walked over to Jace and kneeled down beside him.

"Good morning momma!" Zach said and kissed my cheek. I giggled again and turned to Jace. He smirked at me and I went in for a kiss. Sparks went through my body and tingles were in my fingertips.

"Ewwww!" Zach said. We pulled apart and saw Zach was 'hiding' behind the shower curtain.  I shook my head at him and then I washed his hair,while Jace got dressed. After I finished washing Zach's hair,I changed into a over-sized black sweater, black jeans and my running shoes. Jace changed into a black sweater,as well, blue jeans and his black nikes. 

"Twinning!" I joked to Jace, he laughed and shook his head.


We were on the roads,still in the mountains,when Jace pulled off by a trail. I looked at him suspiciously and he looked nervous. We got out of the truck and made our way up the mountain. Until we came across a beautiful stream that was surrounded with rocks and trees. I took a couple pictures,trying to capture the moment when Jace called my name. Walking over to him,I saw Zach was trying to keep in laughs,making his face red. I giggled at his childness.

"Look." Jace put one of his hands on my shoulder and turned me around. Then he removed his hand and pointed to,like nowhere. 

"Jace I don't se-" I turned back around to see Zach with a bunch of white and red roses and Jace was on one knee. "Jace?" I whispered. He smile nervously and pulled out a black, small case. He opened it to reveal a diamond ring, with a silver band. I gasped.

"I remember the day I saved you and laid my eyes on your lovely golden eyes,and knew you're the one. It wasn't just the mate bond that pulled us closer to each other. It was trust, kindness, compassion, and most importantly, love. I felt so much in this time we've came to know each other, and I can't believe I waited this long. We have been through alot in the past,ups and downs,lefts and rights. But,we've pushed past it and fought back. So this is why I ask you, Ava Pike, will you marry me?" At the end of his speech,I was in tears. I remembered the good and the bad. The cozy nights and the quiet days. The moving night parties and the lazy afternoons. Also,how Jace saved me from every shitty memory and how he puts up with me. I looked in Jace's eyes to see every positive emotion ever made and choose my answer.

"Yes!" I smiled through my tears and Jace carefully placed the ring on my finger promising a future. He smiled and hugged me, the same time I hugged him. We pulled apart and Jace put his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. The kiss was full of hope,love,promises, and passion. Our lips were in sync and danced to the unheard rhythm of music. We pulled apart and we hugged again. Then I felt Zach hug my leg,like the first time I meet him. I smiled and enjoyed the new beginning. 


We finally arrived at the pack house and were inside. I was playing legos with Zach,while Jace was in his office,planning the engagement party. Over the afternoon,I was congratulated a million times. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked Zach. 

"YES!" He yelled and ran to the kitchen. Once I entered,I pulled out some leftover chicken and made chicken noodle soup. I handed a bowl over to Zach,made one for myself and one for Jace.

"I'll be right back." I said to Zach,who was currently stuffing his face. I chuckled and made my way to Jace's office,bowl in hand. I knocked on the door and heard his say 'come on'. I walked in and saw Lucas and James sitting in the two chairs in front of Jace' s office. Jace looked up and meet my eyes. He smirked and I blushed. 

"I made you some soup." I said as I walked closer to Jace. 

"Did you make your best friend any soup?" Lucas said as I gave the bowl to Jace. I glared at Lucas.

"No stupid, she made me soup!" James said and smiled triumphantly. The two boys glared at each other and waited for my response. 

"You two are fucking stupid." Jace said casually. My eyes widen and I smacked him upside the head. "Ow,what was that for?" Lucas and James stared at me with shock,then busted out laughing.

"Don't say that word!" Out of all the words,I HATE that one especially. I then joined the laughter of the two idiots and made my way out. "I'm watching you. All of you." I said in a serious tone before I shut the door and started cracking up. Making my way back to the kitchen,I heard Zach struggling. When I entered I saw he wanted more soup. I chuckled and handed him my bowl,and got me another bowl. Then,we both sat at the table.

"Momma,when can I go to school?" Zach blurted out.School? Never heard of it.

"What's school?" Zach stopped eating and looked at me as if I was crazy. I raised my eyebrows at him. Zach stood up and started to walk backwards.

"Zach? What are you doing?"

"I'm goin' tell dad." 

"He's busy,don't bother him. Come and finish your dinner." I started to stand and Zach dashed off to Jace's office. I ran after him,but it was too late. I entered the office and saw Zach jumping onto Jace's lap. 

"Dad guess what?!" Am I going to look stupid? I hope not. Lucas and James looked at me in question,but I was too focused on trying to hear Zach over my heartbeat.Jace looked over to me and I looked down immediately, trying to avoid embarrassment.   

"Momma doesn't know what school is. She never went." Thanks Zach...Thanks a lot. Everything was silent, so I looked up to see everyone staring at me. A blush rose in my cheeks. Lucas looked like he was about to explode with laughter, James looked shocked, Zach looked proud, and Jace looked... Surprised? 

"You are so freakin lucky." James said shocked. Lucky? How? I tried to smile, but I knew it looked forced. Then a laugh escaped from Lucas,but he tried covering it with a cough. I glared daggers at him.

"Is this true?" Jace questioned. I slowly nodded. "Boys, out." Oh,shiz! James, Lucas, and Zach made there was out of the office and shut the door behind them. 

"What's school?!" I blurted out.

"Well it's where you learn math, science, reading , and history."

"I know a lot of that already. Why would more people teach that?" Jace looked at me surprised.

"Who taught you?" 

"Matt," Jace growled deeply. "and m-my sister. Mainly her though." I controlled my tears and Jace  seemed to be thinking. "How long do you stay in school?"

"About fourteen years, that's counting pre-k and kindergarten." I nodded and pretended to know what those things were.  Cause I'm cool!


Can you believe Ava's never been to school? Lol....

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