Eyebrows are raised.

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(FYI:Ava does NOT have a cracked ankle anymore,they went back to the pack-doctor and got the cast removed. It healed quickly due to werewolf blood and everything is fine. I did not add it in,because it seemed really boring when I wrote it up! Also NEXT UPDATE IS MONDAY!)

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jace questioned. When I didn't respond,he continued."Is that why you shut off our mind-link and didn't answer your phone?" I looked down and nodded slowly. He shifted his body my way,and lifted up my chin. My eyes didn't meet his grey ones. 

"Ava,please look at me." He pleaded. I knew that if I looked in his stormy eyes,he would know that I have fear racing through my body. "Ava." He tried again. I was drawn in from the sadness of his voice and was about to look up when Lucas interrupted.

"What did you guy's order? I'm starving." I looked over to him and glared. 

'Please tell mate! Jaxson is worried! Mate is sad and angry we aren't telling him.' Charlotte said as the waitress came with our food. Jace turned back around,but not without an angry expression towards Lucas.

'Well I'm scared!' I fought back. 

'Are you going to tell him soon? Our scent is changing already.'

'I don't know Charlotte!' I yelled back at her as I bit into my toast.

'A pup is growing inside of you and that means a bump will show. A bump is already making it's way!' She growled back to me.

'FINE!' I yelled back and cut the connection. I started to eat,but my hands were shaking with the thought of a growing child inside me. Jace noticed this and held onto one of my hands till we were finished eating. Once we payed and walked outside,the rain was coming down hard. 

"Lucas take Zach home,Ava and I will be there soon." Jace said looking towards me. He took off his jacket and held it over our heads and we dashed to the truck. Once we were seated,Jace turned to me.

"Ava,are you okay?" I looked out the window,seeing the rainfall was peaceful and quiet. I looked down to my shoes that were wet with water. "Ava if you're mad at m-" But I cut him off,saying the secret of the day.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered. With werewolf hearing,I knew Jace heard it. He stopped talking,his eyes seemed glossy and the world slowed. The only noise was the falling rain and cars in the distance. It seemed we were in forever silence,even though I knew it was only a minute.The tears came to my eyes and they fell.Down,down,down my cheek,staining and stinging with pain from no response.

"Holy Shit!" Jace said while chuckling. I looked back over to him with confusion,tears  still falling, and all I saw was a smile and a couple tears coming from his own eyes. He laughed again and kissed me with passion. At first,I didn't respond but,soon enough,our lips danced with each other. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. A smile was crystal-clear on his face and his eyes kept with love. My mind was confused,dazed more like it. Is he happy? I guess. 

'See told you!' Charlotte mocked me. 

'Shut up...' 

"How long ago did you know?" He asked with excitement,but also with caution. 

"Umm,t-this morning-g." I stuttered out,looking like a fool. His smile grew and he kissed me once again. 

"Do you know how far along you are?" 

"Probably just one week." He looked like a child in a candy shoppe,the way his eyes glowed.


Jace parked the car and before I even had time to open my door,Jace opened it for me. He held his hand out for me and as I took it and stood up,Jace held me closer. He opened doors and helped me take my jacket off,as well as my shoes. 

'I'm not even that far along.',I thought to myself. 

We walked into the kitchen and saw Lucas and James playing checkers,while Zach watched. Lucas looked up and meet my eyes. I nodded my head.

"Congrats man!" Lucas said while standing. 

"Yeah,congrats!" James added. Jace must have told them through mind-link.  They came over and 'bro-hugged' Jace and hugged me. 

After they said their congrats,Jace asked me to follow him and so,I did.And guess were we ended up...The pack doctor. Yay,Neal...(Note the sarcasm.)

Once we enter the medical wing,Jace took me straight to Neal's office and when we entered,we saw him eating 'ramen noodles' and looking at a magazine.He looked up towards Jace and I and smiled.

"Well,hello Alpha!" He said in a fake 'happy' tone."Didn't expect to see you two again anytime soon." He took his legs,that were resting on the desk,down to the floor and stood up.  

"We need a ultra-sound and a due-date." Jace spat. Neal looked towards me in a questionable manner. 

The nurse,Mandy,was rubbing the cold gel-like substance around on my stomach,prepping me for an ultra-sound. To be honest,I'm excited,but also terrified. How could I be a mother? Jace must have felt my nervousness through the connection because he squeezed my hand and gave me a smile. Mandy turned on the little t.v. screen and rubbed the device on and what I saw was so small,so different,so...So lovely.There on the screen was a little dot,hard to make out. A smile crept onto my face and a single tear fell. This time not from sadness or fear,but love.


Sorry,it's  a little shorter. NEXT UPDATE IS MONDAY! Because of family junk. Yuck...............

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