How do I tell?

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*AVA'S P.O.V.*

The week flew by. Consisting of movies,hanging out with Jace in his office,reading,and playing with Zach.Jace also gave me a cell phone with a case of him kissing me. It was sweet and cute. Now that we mated,we seem closer than ever before. We could mind-link each other and I could also mind-link the pack! It was great. Everyone congratulated us.


I awake to the sound of a cell ringing. 

"Hello?" Jace's sleepy voice fill my ears. "Are you sure?" I turn around to face him. He has a confused look on his face,he looks to me and kisses my cheek. "Okay,be there soon." He ends the phone call and sighs. 

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly.

"I have to run to Derek's,my cousin,and won't be back till later." He gets up takes a shower and changes. We say our good-byes and he leaves. I'm still in bed when Zach walks in the room. 

"Momma,I'm hungry." He whines. I just chuckle and sit up. The feeling of sickness floods my body, I stand,I run too the bathroom and throw-up last night's dinner in the toilet.  Breathing deeply,I see Zach left. Calming myself down,I sit by the edge of the toilet just waiting for  myself to throw-up again. Hearing footsteps,I look up to see a concerned Lucas and a confused Zach.Lucas came in and bent down to my level. 

"Ava,are you okay?"I nodded,even though I wanted to yell 'Do I look okay?!'. Lucas looked down then back up again.

"Do you think your,you know..." He trailed off. I raised my eyebrow,not knowing what he meant. 

"Pregnant?" He whispered.My eyes went huge, my body paled,and I felt sick once again. My body froze. Pregnant? How could I be mother? My wolf howled with excitement at the thought. I had to turn my mink-link off,so no-one could feel my fear.

"I-I" I tried to talk. "I don't know." I whispered. Lucas turned back to Zach.

"Hey Zach,why don't you go and tell James to make you breakfast and tell him to come up here." Zach nodded and raced down stairs. Lucas and I were silent until James arrived. 

"Hey,Lucas wh-" He stopped once he saw me. "Luna,are you alright?" I shook my head no. 

"James,can you go to the store and pick up a girl test and don't alert the Alpha yet." James sucked in his breath.

"I'm not picking up those blood th-"

"Pregnancy test's ass-hole." I interrupted him. He looked back to me with wide eyes.

"Pick up at least three of them."

 James raced out the door. I heard the door slam,then a truck leaving the driveway. 


Twenty mintues later James arrived with the tests .

"I didn't know which kind to pick up so I grabbed three different kinds." I nodded and his phone rang. As he walked off to take the call,Lucas sat there.

"Ummm,you going go or..."

"Oh yeah ." He chuckled. He left the room,shutting the door behind him. 

"Okay,let's do this." I pep-talked myself.


After peeing on the little stick,I had to wait for three mintues for the results. I sat thinking about everything.

Will Jace want a kid? Will he accept it? Will he reject me as well? Will my kid be fucked up like me? What if I accidentally kill the kid? Will the kid like me? What if it hates me? Will Zach like it? 

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