The worst timing.

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The doctors rushed Zach into the medical wing. Doing...I don't even know. As of right now Jace and I were in the waiting room,time slowly passing by. I couldn't even sit,I had too much anxiety building up. So,I paced back and forth counting seconds.

"Ava, please sit down. It doesn't help if you pace and let your mind wonder." Jace told me.It didn't matter,I paced and paced when Jace stood and walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Ava, please come and sit with me. Please!" Jace begged me. He looked straight into my eyes and held me close so,I could not move. "Ava,please." I took a deep breath and nodded. He smiled at me and helped me over to the couch. He sat down the same time I did,but moved me so I was on his lap.Jace put his head in the nook of my shoulder and neck,breathing in my scent;calming him down. I did the same thing and snuggled closer. Slowly,I drifted off....


I awoke in Jace's arms,on on the couch,and looked for a clock. I saw one on the exit door. 4:30 AM,it read. I sighed and got up,moving Jace's arms in the process;wanting my space. Deciding I should go on a walk in the woods,I ran up to our room and grabbed Jace's black hoodie and my phone and ran back down stairs and out into the woods. The sky was painted a dark blueish purple with few pink spots. The air was crisp,clean, and cool enough to see my breath. Entering the woods on the trail I walked for about fifteen mintues when I got a text. I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and looked at the screen. Unknown number. I unlocked the screen and the text read-

'I hope you haven't forgotten me.'

"What?" I voiced my thoughts out loud. I texted back.'Who is this?' The wind started to pick up and it was suddenly cold out. Then I felt a small sharp object on my jugular vein and picked up a similar scent of beer and power. Matt. He then used one arm to cross my chest and held my arms so,I could not struggle and the other arm held the object at my throat.

"Hello Ava." He spat at me with venom. I was silent. "What? No hello or how are you?" The object,I'm guessing a needle,barely touched my vein making my movements dangerous.

"What do you want?" I whispered,trying to be strong. I don't need to think about the past right now.

"Shhh,I'll explain." He cooed to me like a baby." I want to know about,what's his name. Oh yea,Zachary...How is that poor fella. I heard he was sick." My mind went blank. How did he know? My breathing is becoming irregular. "Well,answer me!"He was careful not to yell.

"H-he's sick. W-we don't k-know why." A tear fell and slowly made it's way down my cheek. I felt his arm and the object move and replaced by another. He moved in front,so I could see him and used his thumb to wipe off the tear.

"It's a shame doctors can pick up wolfsbane in such a young pup." He popped the p and looked me in the eye. Darkness danced with the devil in his eyes. That bastard! Of course it is him! He ruins everything and if it makes someone happy he screws it all up!

"H-how?" I stammered. He chuckled darkly.

"I have people on the inside my dear wrench." He looked at me once again and started to pace in front of me. "But you have some options. Well,more like two deals to choose from." He chuckled once again and took a deep breath. "Choice one:" He held up one finger to indicate it was the first option."You can run back to Jace but,your kid dies and I attack every given second.Next,choice two:I tell you where the antidote lays and you call your Alpha to tell him and you come with me. I would choose two if I was you...I mean come on,your kid lives and everyone in that pack lives. I'll even include a bonus for you.You may tell Jace that I'm here and taking you. Choose wisely." Think Ava think! I mean choice two is better...

"Choice two." I whispered and looked down.

"Yay! I knew you would pick that one! Okay so the antidote is in your bedside table cabinet." The guy holding me gave me my phone and I unlocked it. I dialed Jace's number. He answered immediately. Before he had a chance to talk,I started to talk.

"Hi Jace." I said breathless. "Can you do something?"

"Ava,where are you and are you safe?" Jace is making this so hard right now.

"Can you just run to our bedroom and look in my bedside table."

"Ava ar-"

"Just do it please!" I started to cry,losing my stableness.

"Okay..." I could hear him racing up to our bedroom and looking around.

"There's a orange bottle with a couple pi-Ava are you fucking kidding me right now?" He thinks I'm addicted? Wow,such faith.....

"No,it's not like that Jace!"I heard him sigh. "They are for Zach,the pills. Give him them and he WILL be better." Angry tears and sadness tears both fell fast.

"Can you tell me where you're at now?"

"No." I whispered. "But,Ma-" Matt growled lowly and I knew that growl all too well. "Alpha Matt is taking me and I just want you to know I love you and I love Zach." I talked over him while he argued with me. I hung up and looked back to Matt. I felt a burning and piercing needle point go through my vein and my now colorless world went black.


I tried to call Ava back back just got her voicemail. I grunted in frustration and threw the closest object,which was a vase,against the wall. But,I knew she wanted Zach to live so,I rushed back to the medical wing and told the doctor to give the pills to Zach. And I started to call a meeting with my Beta,Lucas and my third in command,James.

We ARE finding Ava...


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