The dinner (Part two)

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  We pulled up a huge mansion. There were people already crowding the steps and entrance. The lawn had lights that you would see at movie premiers.It was amazing. 


Jace and I linked our arms together,while Zach was being carried in Jace's other arm. We walked up the steps to be welcomed.

"Ah,Alpha Jace," The guy bowed."nice to see you again. I hope you enjoy tonight." 

"You to Rick. Also this is Bloodroses new Luna,Ava." 'Rick' held out his hand and I shook it.

"If you don't mind me asking Luna,what pack did you belong too?" Rick said casually.I froze.My brain jumbled.

"Umm,the Silver tail pack." I whispered.My old pack was not known for their kindness. Rick gasped.Jace tensed up.

 "And this is Zachary." Jace gave Rick a stern look. Rick nodded discreetly,even though I saw it,and held out his hand for Zach. Zach looked towards me and I nodded,as if to say it is okay.  Zach carefully held out his hand and Rick shook it.'Awkward' is what I thought of it. Jace said goodbye to Rick and we walked inside,only to find a lot of people. Hundreds,maybe even thousands! They were all drinking wine or champagne.Kids running around or sticking with their mothers,while teenagers listened to their fathers,trying to find their future mates,or just chatting and making plans for their future. We walked through the crowd.

We finally stopped and I saw a couple before us. They were an older couple based on their white hair and wrinkles. 

"Jace,there you are! I haven't seen yo-"She must have noticed Zach. She looked to Zach with her thick rimmed glasses. "Is this the famous Zachary?" How did she know? I glanced up at Jace and his blood drained from his handsome face. The lady was still staring at Zach and Zach started right back. But, his eyes were full of shock,embarrassment,and fear.

"Don't be rude Teresa,"The old man said."the new Luna is also here." The old lady looked at her husband. 

"Oh,shut up,Liam. I'm just meeting Zachary." Teresa turned towards me and looked me over.

"You are such a lovely girl." She cooed me.I just kinda smiled at her.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys again,"Jace said and started to slowly back up."hope to see you later."Liam nodded and smiled. He took Teresa's hand and lead her away. Once they were gone I turned to Jace. 

"How did they know Zach?" Jace's face drained from color again. 

"Well..." He trailed off.


"I kinda sent an email out for people not to question us about-" He moved his eyes to Zach.

"Are you fricken serious?" I whispered yelled. He slowly nodded. He looked up into his eyes and they held sadness and guilt. 

"Sorry."He said quietly ,I sighed.

"It's fine I just wished you told me so, I don't seem so stupid." He nodded and we shared a quick peck. I noticed people started to head to the backyard.

"I have to go do this award thingy." Jace said as if it was nothing.

"What's the award for?"

"I don't know,being a great Alpha or something."He rolled his eyes. I smacked his shoulder.

"You are great. Go get that award! I'll watch Zach." He nodded,set Zach down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He walked away. I looked to Zach to see him staring at someone. I tried to follow his gaze,but all I saw was moving people.

"Zach,who are you looking at?" He pointed so only I could see and I looked in that direction. Once I finally saw who it was,I could've fainted.

'Matt.' My wolf whimpered. Our old ,disgusted, Alpha.   I gasped. Matt saw this and gave me a mischievous smile. I looked away and picked up Zach. I probably looked drunk,trying to run in heels. I looked back only to see him walking with grace and he seemed to be chill. I weaved between people and I finally got to the front seats. I turned around. No Matt. I relaxed a little bit. I then heard a tap of the mic.

"Please take your seats ladies and gentlemen!" I sat down and placed Zach by my side. The talker continued to talk about being here and what the award was for while I warned Zach about Matt.

"Do NOT go by that man got it?"He slowly nodded,but then looked up to me.

"Why was he staring at me,momma?" I started to tear up. Matt took everything from me. He can NOT have Zach,not in a million years.

"J-just don't go by h-him,okay?" He nodded again. I picked him up from his chair and set him on my lap. I cuddled him close to my chest and he placed the side of his head on my shoulder. After about ten minutes of Alphas winning awards and giving speeches,Jace's name was finally called.

"Jace Blacklynn!" Blacklynn? Unique. I clapped and Zach was halfway asleep. The crowd roared with applause and whistles.To be honest,I was proud to have such a great,famous,and strong alpha. He walked up on the stage with a smile and self pride. Once he got to the mic,he saw me and winked. I fricken blushed! 

'Speech! Speech!" The crowd yelled with excitement. He still had a smile and nodded. The crowd went dead silence. 

"Well,umm,thanks." He lifted the little gold trophy and some of the crowd giggled and or clapped.They settled down once again.  "I would like to thank everyone,especially my amazing mate and my special Luna! Also Zachary!" He said this the whole time looking at me with a cute smile. "Also I would like to thank everyone here and I wish you the best." He waved and walked off the stage. He made it over to Zach and I and took the seat next to me,while the speaker thanked everyone.

"You did amazing!" I whispered into his ear.

"Thanks." He whispered into my ear,then kissed my earlobe. The speaker was finally done talking and everyone started to stand and leave. Jace stood and took Zach. I stood up as well. We made our way to the front of the house and waited for people to get to their cars. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and turned to see Zach. I smiled at him. He tried to move out of Jace's arms. 

"Zach what's wrong?" Jace asked quietly. He pointed behind me. Jace and I turned around only to see Matt.  He looked towards me and rolled his eyes. I could hear Jace lowly growl.I quickly turned around. Zach looked towards me.

"Momma,he wants talk to you." Now I was shocked!

"Zachary,how do you know this?" Jace asked with a little rage.

"I can hear him."

"How?" I asked quickly.Zach pointed towards his head. Mindlink. How? I looked at Jace and he was full of rage,confusion,and worry. 

"Let's go." Was all Jace said,he grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. I basically had to run to keep up with him.


Duh dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! How's your day? Hope you liked it!

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