Sickness and in health.

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*AVA'S P.O.V.*

I waited for about ten mintues when Jace came back. I stood and meet him in the middle of the room.

"Any news?" I asked in a hushed tone,Jace meet my eyes and shook his head no.

"They are trying to bring the fever down," He took my hands and held them with his own. "but the fever won't come down and he not eating.They said they are trying everything they can."My heart dropped to my feet in fear." Neal did want me to ask you if you rather have him transferred to the medical wing," What?! No. I don't want him far away,not right now!" or he can stay in his room."

"Please have Zach stay in his room,please!" I whispered yelled. Jace nodded and left the room to find Neal. Right as the door clicked shut,I walked over to the edge of the bed and fell to my knees.I shut my mind-link off with Jace and the pack.I felt lonely in the world again,like I didn't exist. The right word was not lonely,it was more like a numbness. My body felt numb,my heart felt scratched. Most people might think 'Why me?',but in my case it was 'Of course it's me.'. I shut my eyes and felt the darkness move in slowly. Ever so slowly,it pained more and hurt more than you could ever imagine on your soul. I wasn't crying,nor was I weeping,I didn't have the strength to cry and or weep,not anymore. There I sat in the shadows of the morning light,darkness feeding on my soul and dancing with the darkness.


I found Neal easily and told him we wanted Zach to stay in his own room. He nodded and I walked down stairs to my office,wanting to be alone. I sat on one of the couches,and stared into the fire. I felt empty and fearful. I shut my eyes,only to open them once again.

'Mate cut both connections!' Jaxson growled.

'She wants to be alone,I get it. Just deal with it Jaxson!' I growled back.

'Go find her and make her feel better! I'm the Alpha,you are only the human,you respect and do as I say.' I felt Jaxson trying to take over,but I didn't have the strength to fight back. I felt to weak right now.

*AVA'S P.O.V.*

I now sat in the darkest corner,where the light could not reach me,and just stared blankly into the room. Memoires of the happiest nights, now seemed like a ghost. It haunted me. My breathing was shallow,not caring if I passed out or not. I was so caught up in thinking,I didn't even hear Jace come in the room. I felt someone picking me up,so I was brought back to reality. At that moment,I didn't know what was worst,the memories or the haunting past. I looked up to his eyes,only to find Jaxson,not Jace. His eyes were black and not the heavenly grey.

"J-Jaxson-n?" My voice cracked out.He looked down to me."Where's Jace?"

"Cowering away." He looked back up and sat me down on the bed.I just wanted to be left alone.

"Jaxson,I kinda want-no need to be left alone.." I trailed off. He growled.

"Why? Do you not love anymore? Or is it because you're weak?" He started to ask me questions I didn't have an answer to. Jaxson growled again,looked at me and stormed out of the room. I sat there for about five mintues,shocked.

'What did we do wrong?' Charlotte whimpered.

'I-I don't know.' I replied.I could hear Charlotte whimpering,I could feel the pain of having our mate be mad. I just need out. Out of this broken room for now. I picked myself up,grabbed my shoulder purse, and snuck outside. I found my path in the forest and took off running. Running from Jace, Jaxson, fears,and everything else in this screwed up world.My bag keep hitting my thigh, but I did not care. Feeling the cold autumn air only made me push faster,my steps increased and I felt free. For the first time in my life I felt unstoppable. Unreal. I ran and ran. After sneaking past the border,feeling the need to keep running,I ended up in a town. I walked on the sidewalk and walked into a dinner.

"How many?" A red-headed waitress asked.

"Only one." She nodded and showed me to a booth right next to the window.

"What would you like to drink?" She seemed bored,so I rushed out-

"Dr.Pepper please." She left me alone in my thoughts. I pulled out my phone to see if Jace texted me. Nothing... Sighing,I just pulled up a book that I downloaded onto my phone. The waitress came back and gave me the drink and asked what I wanted to eat.

"Umm,"Great job Ava! You forgot to look at the damn menu! I thought to myself. "Just a grilled cheese and tomato soup." It sounded more like a question.

"Okay,is that all?" Whew! Thank goodness they have it!

"Yes and thank you." She smiled and walked off once again. I looked out the window and saw raindrops falling hard.


'What the Hell Jaxson?!' I mentally yelled at him,taking control again.

'Sorry,but I was pissed...At you!'

'You had no right to yell and ask such questions to Ava and Charlotte!' I yelled louder. I cut the connection before he had a chance to respond. It was about an hour after the fight when I gained control,so I decided to say sorry to Ava and Charlotte. Walking up the steps,I stopped. No scent... 'Shit!' I thought to myself. I ran to our room and Ava was nowhere to be found. Her purse was gone as well. I mind-linked her only to find out the connection was cut,so I mind-linked the guards and border patrol ,asking if they have seen her and to be on alert. Stressing I sat on the bed. Thinking of ideas,when my phone vibrated.

'Oh,yeah! I forgot she has a PHONE!' Ignoring the call,I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

*AVA'S P.O.V.*

I was finishing my sandwich when my phone rang. I picked it up to see it was...Jace. Great,how am I going to talk to him?


Sorry for all of the character changes!

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