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"Zachary,do you want to,maybe,come with me and be part of a new pack?" He had a small smile,which made me smile,but his quickly faded.

"But,I'm scared of Alpha's. I'm just-just an omega. And an omega rouge at that."

"Don't worry. I was a omega too." His eye's seem to brighten up when I said this.

(A/N Recap)


"Ava?" Once I had finished my phone call with my betta,Lucas,I saw Ava was no where insight. I tried picking up her scent,but her wolf must be weak from the lack of food,water,and lack of shifting. Damn it! I took off from where I saw her walk. I thought she would wait or something. I continued down the path,hopefully to find my mate.


"So,Zachary,what's your favorite color?"I asked for the last 10 minutes we actually became friends. Whenever I asked about his past,he would go quite. And let me tell ya', this kid talks a lot. I don't why,but I felt a real connection with Zachary. I mean I miss my Jace but, this kid is different.

"You can call me Zach,and forest green with black!" Great, another fan of black. "What about you mo-Ava?" He tried to cover up,but I caught it.

"Zach" I stopped us and held his hand and crouched down,which was not that far because I am short,and looked him in his eyes.

"Zach, you can call me momma." I saw tears brimming in his eyes,but a smile on his face."You want to know why,Zach?"

"Why?" He questioned.I gave him on of my most warmest smiles. A twinkle in his eyes gave me the feeling that he had hope and he would NOT be disappointed.

"Because,I have the feeling you are staying around here for a very long time." If it was possible,his smile grew. "So,are you hungry?"I asked standing up and still holding on to his hand.

 He nodded his head and his stomach seemed to know what I asked,it grumbled. Then Zach and I laughed. His laugh was so cute too! We started to walk and then 10 minutes later,we heard a growl. I protectively put Zach in front of me and he hugged my knees. Mentally an AWWW!,moment,but there are bigger issues at this point. I looked around only to see Jace. Releaf spreaded it's way into my body. 


He whipped his head around and I saw his eye's were almost black. His hair was sticking straight up as if his hand kept going though it. He meet my eyes and they returned to their normal grey.  I heard a whimper and his eyes shoot down to Zachary. Black was closing into his eyes once again.

"Jace,this is,umm,Zachary."I whispered. 

"He's a rogue!" His voice boomed and,I don't know why but tears started to fill my eyes.I flinched. Zachary hugged me even tighter.

"He's only a child." Jace's eyes softened and he looked at me,all blackness gone. Jace tried to hide his Alpha and,surprisingly, it worked.


Once that awkard moment in the woods was done we walked to the pack house. One of my hands held Zach's while the other was accompanied by Jace. 

"What do you want for lunch Love?" Jace smiled and he had dimples. He can be cute.

I looked over at Zach,only to find him playing with the end of my shirt.

"Zach,what would you like to eat?" I quietly waited for his answer. I looked up and saw Jace looking straight into my eyes. I shyly looked away and blushed. I could hear him snicker. 

"C-can I h-have,maybe chicken-nuggets?" 

"Yes,you may." Jace respond.

"T-thankyou." Zach said shyly. While Jace got the frozen pieces of heaven and read the instructions, Lucas walked in. 

"Hello,Alpha,Luna." He bowed in respect. He looked at me with a smile and did a double take at Zach,who is seated in my lap. He just started at Zach,like he was his next meal.


"Hmm?" He said then looked over to Zach and I.

"We're g-goin' go a-and take a bath." 

"Don't you think Zach needs new clothes?" He smirked. I nodded my head.

"Just go help him take a bath. I'll get someone to bring up clothes. Also take a bath in our room." I nodded my head and got Zach off my lap. We walked pass Lucas and he was about to sneer but,Jace called him over. We walked up the long staircase and in the middle of the staircase I stopped to catch my breath. 

"Momma,are you okay?" 

"Just a-little weak. That's all." He nodded and we continued up the steps. Once we finally reached Jac-our room. I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the bath. I turned the water to warm. Zach looked at the bathroom in amazement. 

"Is Alpha rich?"

"Yes,and Zach,you can call him Jace or..." I trailed off. Zach seemed to know what I meant though. While he looked around,someone knocked on the bedroom door. I got up and told Zach he could add bubbles to the running water. I walked over to the door and opened it. Once I opened it an old lady with grey hair stood there with a smile on her face. I noticed she had boy clothes,so I happily took them. 


"Your welcome Luna." She said and walked away. Then I heard a laugh. I shut the door and placed the clothes on the bed and walk into the bathroom to only see a bath that was over filled with bubbles and water streaked down the sides. I giggled and ran to turn off the water only to slip on my bum. Zach cracked up and so did I. I turned off the water and told Zach to undress. 

"Okay,Zach,can I come in now?" 

"Yea!" He giggled. I opened the door and only saw his puppy-dog face with bubbles everywhere. I giggled. I washed his hair,chest,and back. The water looked almost black when we were done. I set a fluffy black towel down on the closed toilet seat.

"Are those black?!" He almost yelled.

"Yea." I giggled he must really love black. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and shut the door. I got changed into a black tee-shirt with hoodie and black sweatpants. Also black socks. These clothes were all Jaces.  Then put my hair up into a bun.

Just as I finished putting on my socks Zach stepped out of the bathroom. I stood and went over to the bed where Zach's clothes were.

"Here ya' are." He happily took the clothes and ran back to the bathroom and I giggled.  Then there was knock at the door. I walked over to it and opened it. Only to be meet with Jace. He smiled at me and I,once again,blushed and looked down at the floor.Then there were shocks on my chin and he lifted my chin up to meet his eyes. 

"Princess,you don't have to hide from me." He chuckled. I blushed even more.

"You're cute when you blush. Now,"He turned a little more serious."Can I check your wrists? The doctor wants me too." He said a bit guilty. Tears brimmed my eyes remembering the memories. I nodded my head skeptically. He sighed. He lifted my left arm gently to the height of his waist and pulled back the sleeve  and examined my wrist. I looked the other way and closed my eyes. Then he checked my other arm.

"There,all done." And with that,he kissed my forehead.


Well it's a long chapter! 1240 words! Hope ya' liked it. 




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