Running away.

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The night flew past. It consisted of meeting pack members and clicking our glasses together for toasts. I hoped the evening was over soon! Zach sat by me and looked embarrassed and he was really shy,it was really cute to be honest. I noticed all of the men stood next to a door. I was about to ask Jace why they were there, but he stood up.

"I'm going to a quick meeting,if you need anything just holler." Jace whispered into my ear then kissed my cheek. I blushed. I watched him walk into the room and the men followed in suit.  The doors clicked shut behind them. It's Zach and I now. 

"Momma,can we leave now?" Zach whined to me.

"Not just yet.....Sadly." I mumbled the last part. Zach and I chatted away and the older women went to sleep,saying goodnight to me.Now it was the younger aged women and girls chatting,drinking,and dancing.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked Zach.

"I don't know,I mean kinda,I guess." He shrugged his shoulders.

I got up and took his hand.I lead us to the formal dance floor and bent down to his level. I took his other hand and we danced as best as we (He) could. I hate dancing but,hey,I was bored. After about ten minutes Zach stopped and wanted a drink. We walked hand in hand to the table of food and drink. I got a plastic cup and filled it with ice cold fruit punch.Zach drank the cup as we stood there. When Zach was half-way done,a girl came up to me. She had perfect skin,a model body,and straight brown hair. Also she was like, a foot taller than me. And I was in heels....

"So,you're the new luna."She snarled. She looked me up and down,sizing me up. 

"Uh,y-yeah." I nervously said. She rolled her eye's and cracked up. Did I say something stupid? 

"Pathetic."She spat. I noticed everyone grew quiet and was staring.

"Excuse me," Did I hear her right?

"God,you can't even stand up for yourself luna." She looked towards Zach." Did you get knocked up with this,this thing?"She pointed towards Zach. She had gone to far.

"First of all,I can stand up for myself and second,you are a bitch! He" I pointed towards Zach."was abandoned. Also I don't need to tell you this!" I could basically see steam coming out of her ears. She looked at my un-hidden arms. She smirked and meet my eyes again. CRAP! I thought to myself.

"Awwww,self-harming?" She asked in an innocent voice. The memories came rushing back. A single tear escaped, Zach grabbed my hand.

"Fuck off." I whispered. But werewolf hearing picked it up. Gasps sounded all around us. Then she slapped me. No,not a normal slap,she used her nails. Blood seeped out of my cheek. Then cracked up again! Is she a psycho?!

"Look everyone," She turned around and people cowered away from her."she isn't even marked."She looked back to me again.  "When do you plan to get marked?" I knew she knew she hit a soft spot,thanks to my face expression. "Well,we're waiting..."

I had to think. And fast!

"L-later?"It sounded more like a question. She snickered. She left and walked up to the mic. She tapped it and the boys came out. 

"Excuse me everyone!" She called out. The boys stopped and gave their attention to her.

"Good evening!" She smiled. I gulped and started to sweat."I would just like to announce and give a speech about our new luna!"She laughed. I started to take my heels off,my legs felt like jelly."First off, this runt thinks she can rule us. She is a self-harmer and get's knocked up by other men!" People started to whisper."She's not even marked." That did it. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I grabbed Zach's hand. I started to run. Zach got the hint and ran with me. I tuned everyone and everything out. Blood on my cheek was dry and made my tears dirty. I saw the forest in view. I stopped and turned to Zach.

"When I shift,climb on." I shifted right then and there into my snow-white wolf. I knelt down and Zach grabbed onto my fur,we were off. I ran as fast and as hard as I could I felt wetness on my neck where Zach laid. We both felt un-wanted. Again. Just as I reached the border, a huge black wolf jumped out. I stopped fast. Thankfully Zach did NOT go flying off. My golden eye's meet sliver ones. 'Jaxson!' My wolf cheered. Oh how nice of her to show up now! NOT!

Jaxson growled at me when I started to back up.I stopped and lowered my head in respect. Jaxson came to me. 

'Please don't go princess.' Wait! We can mind-link now? I looked back up,the anger was gone,replaced with sadness and hurt. Zach got off me and walked over to Jace. Zach tried to pet his nose,but he was to short. Jace leaned down to his level. 

'Please shift and come back.' I nodded my head,only to please him. I planed to get away from here. From her! I walked behind a tree and shifted.

"Crap!" I whispered to myself.I peeked my head from behind the tree. I saw Jace shifted back and changed into black shorts.

"Umm Jace?" He looked up to me. "Do you kinda ha-" He cut me off by standing up and handing me shorts and a shirt. Mind you,they are black again! I changed and smelt another familiar wolf.  Lucas. I walked out from behind the tree. Lucas had Zach in his arms and he gave me a guilty glance.

"Luna." He bowed and left me and Jace alone. I looked over to Jace. He walked towards me and started to kiss me gently on the lips.

"I'm so,so,so,so sorry." He whispered quietly. He ran his thumb over my now healed cheek.

"It's not your fault." We both looked at each other again and we smashed our lips against each others. I don't know what got into me,but it felt good. We moved our lips in the same motions,he begged for an entrance to my mouth. I denied,just to be mean.Even though I really wanted it. He pushed me up against a tree and I put my legs around his waist. He asked for another entrance, I gladly accepted this time. He fought for dominance,searching around in every crook and nanny.Somehow we ended on the floor....naked! All of a sudden Jace stopped.

"Wait," I looked at him skeptically.I wanted more of his god like body!"I don't want to take you here. I want it t be better and more romantic." But I could see his point. Hurt was etched in his face. 

"Okay." I breathed out. We gathered our clothes and put them back on. Too bad my dress was ripped... I started to walk home, but Jace picked me up bridal style. I glanced up at him just to see that famous smirk.  We walked home in silence and I fell asleep in his arms.  


Was the wait worth it guys? I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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