Meeting the pack

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*Jace's P.O.V*

After,about,ten minutes I went to check on Zach and Ava. I opened to find my goddess mate asleep with Zach in her arms. I smiled and walked back into the hallway,while shutting the door. I would wake them later.I walked downstairs to finish some paperwork and to see if any of my pack-members needed anything for tonight. 


I had about three hours until the pack meets their new luna! I walked back upstairs to my room. I opened the door quietly and walked in. I shut the door and I heard someone stirring. I looked over my shoulder to see a bedheaded Zach. He smiled sheepishly at me and I returned it with a smile of my own.


"Hello Zach."  I thought of the party.

"Zach?" He hummed in response. "Do you want to take a bath to wake you up a little?"

"Yea,why not?" I walked over to him and carefully removed Ava's arm off him. She must of felt the connection when I did that because, she had a small smile playing on her lips. A smile of own fell on my face when I saw she accepted me in her sleep as well. I picked Zach up and carried him into the bathroom and set him down on the marble counter. I turned on the bath and went to get his tux. I set the tux on the counter near him and placed Zach's feet on the floor.

"Do you need any help or anything?" I asked kinda shyly; hey,I've never took care of a kid before!

"Nope! I'm  a big boy!" He said with a toothy smile. I chuckled,turned off the water,and walked out of the connected bathroom and shut the door. I walked over to Ava and gently shook her shoulder. She swatted at me and I chuckled.

"Ava..." I whispered.

"Five more mintues!" She whined. 

"Ava,wake up." She finally opened her eye's and she took in her surroundings.She meet my eye's and smiled.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Hi," I smiled. "Do you want to start getting ready for tonight?" She nodded weakly and started to push the covers off herself. I helped her up and walked her over to the closet. She went in and shut the door.


Jace walked me to the closet. As I shut the door,I changed into the peach dress and searched around for my heels. Once I was done I walked of the closet;heel's in my hands. Once I walked out,I saw Jace helping Zach tie his tie. Zach looked up and smiled. 

"Hi!" He said excitedly. I smiled at him and looked towards Jace,only to be meet with his grey,angelic,eyes. I blushed and looked down. My werewolf hearing picked up on his voice saying.

"Beautiful." I didn't believe it.I felt sparks under my chin. He gently lifted up my chin so I could meet his grey eyes. I lifted up one of my eyebrows and smirked. He gave me that really? look. He looked me over and his eyes darken as he went over my chest area.

"You look amazing!" He let out a breath.

"I'm not even done yet." He smirked and his hand left my chin. I could have whined at the loss of the touch.  I giggled and walked over to Zach. I bent down and kissed his cheek. 

"Yuck!" He said while rubbing his cheek. I laughed and he giggled. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I plugged in my curling- iron.I put on my makeup and did a winged smokey eye for good luck. I also put on my nude lipgloss and curled my hair and let it fall down my waist. A knock sounded at the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I put my hand on the knob and twisted. Once I opened the door I looked down to see a little,dressed up Zach with a white rose in his hand.

"Here ya' go!" He handed me the rose.

"Thank you. Where's Jace?" Zach then had on a sly smile.He grabbed my hand and lead me to the stairs;my heels clicking on the floor. On the stairs were black rose petals and white christmas lights lined the rails. 

"Wow." I breathed out. Zach giggled.

"Ready?" He asked. I looked back down to him. 

"For what?"

"To meet daddy's pack,of course!" 

Oh....That.I'm so nervous. I looked to the wall behind him. 'What if they don't like me?','What if I fall in front of all of them?','What if they think I'm not a good luna?','Will they cheer me on or boo me off?' The thoughts kept coming and coming. But I couldn't cry now. I had to face this fear. 

"Momma?" I stiffened and looked back at Zach;the wall long forgotten. 

"Yes?" My voice cracked. 

"Do you want me to get daddy?" Damn it! Why is he so nice? Now I will cry. I held in my tears,but one escaped. Down,down,down it went. The tear hit the ground. 

"Okay,"I took a deep breath."let's do this." I said with determination. Zach looked at me with uncertainty. 

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

We began walking till we reached black wood double doors. There was two,buff,guys. They nodded at me.

"We will be ready in fifty seconds Luna." The really buff one said.

"We are happy to have you here Luna." The other said. I nodded.


The doors finally opened. I could hear people talking amongst themselves. When they saw the doors open,they looked towards us. I saw Zach shy away and he went behind my legs,holding onto my dress. I reached for his hand,while taking deep breaths to calm myself. Zach grabbed onto my hand,like there was no tomorrow. The pack members split-up and made a walkway in the middle of the room,everything was still so quiet. I took my last deep breath. 

Zach and I held on to each others hands tightly and we walked up the aisle. The stage came into view.White and black balloons were on tables and everything looked so professional. Black,round,tablecloths with white polka dots.  There were even candles. Once Zach and I reached the steps that lead to the stage,Jace walked out. People clapped as if they saw a actor. We walked to Jace as he walked to us. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. He took my free hand and lead me and Zach to the center of the stage. 

"Hello,Bloodrose pack,tonight you will meet your new luna!" The crowd roared with excitement. Jace hugged me again.

"Do you want to say something?" He whispered into my ear. I shook my head 'no' but,then why not.

"Sure." I whispered again. I could feel his smile on my cheek. I took a deep breath,again,and walked towards the mic. The crowd died down and turned to face their new luna.

"Ummm,hi," I said shakily into the mic. Everyone has gone quiet once again. 'Okay' I thought. "I happily accept the role of being luna of the Bloodrose pack. I can't wait to meet all of you!" I said in a happy voice. It was silent for a couple seconds and I thought I did something wrong. Until one clap sounded, then one more, then one more, and suddenly everyone was clapping. I smiled and walked back to Jace.

'I did it!' Was all I thought. I smiled at Jace and he looked at me proudly. 

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