Comings and Goings.

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I learned that Olivia and I have a lot in common. Such as we both love walks, rain, reading, drawing, and many more. We continued talking, while Jace, Lucas, and James talked in the office. Every now and then we would hear laughter. Olivia was shy at first, but the more got to know each other, the more she talked.

"So, when are you due?" She nodded towards my belly bump. Zach still sat on my lap with his eyes closed, listening to our conversation. 

"In three weeks! I'm so nervous." We chuckled at the end. 

"So, how's Lucas?" She blushed and thought for a second.

"He's kind." I raised my eyebrow.

"Only kind?" She blushed even more and didn't meet my eyes.

"He's so funny and smart. He makes the best kind of jokes and makes me smile all the time." Olivia trailed off at the end, her eyes distant. Then she sighed. "Well, I'm going to the bathroom." Olivia stood and walked off. A few minutes passed and I felt a hard kick from my pups. 

"Ow!" Zach hopped off me and I rubbed my hands over my stomach, as if it would sooth the pups. Another harsh kick. I breathed deeply in, trying not to focus on the pain. I tried to mindlink Jace to tell him, but I couldn't. 

"Zach," I breathed out. "go get daddy. Please." Zach nodded and ran off. My back started to hurt. Everything hurt. Jace then came running in and kneeled in front of me.

"Ava, just breath. It's gonna be okay." I nodded and tried to take deep breaths. "I'm going to pick you up, so just breath." I nodded once again, scared my voice would break. Jace put one of his arms behind my legs and my back. He picked me up bridal style and made his way to the medical wing.

We arrived at the medical wing and was brought to a room. Zach waited outside with James, Lucas, and Olivia. Neal came rushing in, getting the equipment ready. Neal put the sonography gel on my belly, no matter how much Jace fought the idea, and checked everything out.

"Well, it seems you're ready. Due to the Alpha genes, the pups grow faster and develop quicker than usual."

"So, when the Hell are they due?" I tuned them out, due to the fact-

"I think water broke." I spoke my thoughts aloud. Jace looked down at me wide-eyed as if the world stopped. I gripped tighter on his hand and he looked back to Neal.

"Now!" Neal rushed out of the room, but gave me a hospital gown to change into first. Jace helped me take my pants off and my shirt, the rest I did on my own. Next, Neal came in, fully prepared. Nurses also came. Everyone kept telling me to breath and I was ready to yell at them. Neal said it once more and I responded.

"Shut the Hell up!" Neal looked taken back for a second, while Jace cracked up, but quickly got back to work.


Ten hours later and very, very, very painful contractions, I gave birth to the first pup. It was a boy and you could tell it was a boy just by it's face. I could already tell it was going to look like Jace. Before I got a chance to look at him, my other pup started to come. Within mintues, a new baby girl was born into the world. But, everything started to go black. People's voices were starting to fade, objects were getting blurry. Jace said something but I couldn't hear him.

"Ava?" I faintly hear this and looked back to Jace. Jace looked at me worriedly when I didn't respond. 

"She losing blood! Nur-" Every noise went silent. The corners of my eyes were becoming black. The darkness slowly consuming me. The last thing I saw was Jace. He had tears in his eyes, shaking my hand, as if saying 'Hold on.' I closed my eyes for, maybe, the last time...


"AVA!" I yelled for the hundredth time. "Hold on!"  Her eyes were slowly getting darker and lifeless. The heart monitor was slowing down. The beeps becoming farther apart. My eyes were getting black. Jaxson wanted control.

'How can she leave?! I'd never leave her...' Thoughts and arguments raced through my brain. 

"Get out of here Alpha!" I looked at Neal as if he was crazy. 

"Fuck that! She's my ma-"

"She's also dying! Are you the doctor? NO! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I felt Jaxson taking over. Making my way out of the hospital, I ignored everyone. Once I saw the outside, I shifted. Letting the animal inside me take over, trying to be free...

*AVA'S P.O.V.*

Black. Black is what I saw. No pearly white gates, or clouds beneath my feet. But, there was also no fire, or wretched screams. Where am I? Then the black room turned into a meadow clearing. There was a tiny creek, with rocks and little fish. The soft, warm, green grass and wildflowers were vibrant with color. The place seemed familiar but at the same time, I felt as if I've never been here. 

"It's nice isn't it?" I jumped at the sudden voice behind me. Turning around, I saw a beautiful, enchanting woman. She had white hair with dark blue streaks through it. She seemed very young, maybe a couple years older than me, and wore a dark blue robe like dress , that fell past her feet. The dress had tiny stars at the hem of the dress, while cresent moons were on the neck line.

I nodded referring to her question. She walked closer to me, her movements flawless.

"Ava," How did she know my name? "Why did you let go so easily?" 

"W-what?" I said finally finding my voice.

"You just gave birth... Jace can't raise three kids on his own." I stood there shocked. Realizing that I did let go easily, tears started to rise in my eyes. Another mistake I made...

"Do not cry child, you'll be back there soon."

"W-who are y-you?" I stuttered. The woman chuckled and placed a hand over her heart.

"Sorry for being rude. I'm Selene, the moon goddess." My eyes grew wide. Moon goddess?! She meet Zach.

"Yes, I remember Zach. He's a very strong kid." I then had a small smile on my lips, thinking of Zach. "Walk with me." 



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