Me too!

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We left the pack house and we are now walking on a path in the woods. 

"So...." Jace awkwardly said. I giggled at his unsteadiness. As we kept walking, a calm silence lingered in the air. All of a sudden a loud obnoxious noise came out of nowhere. 

"Damn it." Jace said as he digged though his pocket. He then picked out his phone and answered it.


"Wait,where?" As he continued his conversation,I snuck off and wandered around a little bit. I kept walking but a twig snapped and I stopped dead in my tracks. I could no longer hear Jace or see him. Another twig snapped.

"Hello?" I waited in response. I heard none.  Then a bush moved and I carefully took a step towards it. I stopped once again because of my fear. 'C'mon A,you can do this!' I thought to myself. I regained my posture and continued to the bush. Then I heard a whimper or,maybe,a cry? I stepped around the bush to see a little boy crying. He looked up at me and screamed.Then I screamed,because,well,it scared me to Hell when he screamed. Then I mentally cracked up at myself and stopped. 

"Shhh,it's okay." I said as I took a careful step towards him. He scooted away and backed up against a large oak tree. He still looked down to the ground. I took time to look at his features and saw he had black short hair,tan skin,he seemed to be 5 or 6 years old,and his clothes had holes and ripped and seemed to be too small. I crouched down and took my index finger to his chin and gently lifted his head up so he could meet my gaze. One problem though, he shut his eyes! REALLY?! 

"Hey...."Omg what should I say?"Can you open your eyes now?"Nice Ava,real nice. NOT! Well this little boy seemed to be pleased with my question because he open his eyes. His eyes were a deep dark blue. I gave him a warm smile too only see he has been crying. 

"So,um,my name's Ava,what's yours?" I asked carefully.

"Zack...Zackary." He whispered.

"Well,Zackary,what are you doing all the way out here?" His eyes started to brim with tears once again. And where the Hell is Jace?!

"I-I'm a r-rouge." Okay,shocker there! I gasped quietly.But now I have a crazy idea and hopefully Jace will accept.

"Zackary,do you want to,maybe,come with me and be part of a new pack?" I had a small smile,which made me smile,but his quickly faded.

"But,I'm scared of Alpha's. I'm just-just an omega. And an omega rouge at that."

"Don't worry. I was a omega too." His eye's seem to brighten up when I said this.


Guess who's getting an awesome chapter tommorow?YOU! I know,be happy! JK> See you later,sorry I uploaded kinda late.

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