Chapter 4 - Execution

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Lisa watched as Samantha made her way back to where they were sitting. She had watched as both Josh and then Jake had publicly kissed Samantha, and she was seething inside. Sure the kisses were fairly chaste and only on the cheek and forehead, but they were more than the blown kisses that she received. And she knew that they had been for her no matter what the girls in front of her and behind her had been saying.

As Samantha sat down beside her she turned to Samantha and put on her innocent smile. "Hmmm, it seems like both Josh and Jake can really ride. They must be so popular with the ladies. Can you imagine how they can ride, if they ride horses like that?" she asked sweetly.

She thought that from previous instances where guys had tried to pick up Samantha while they were out in a group, that Samantha was insecure around guys. She figured that if she planted enough seeds about how the boys were players that Samantha would leave them alone. She knew that Samantha did not do one night stands and hated it when guys would cheat on their girlfriends. "Payback is a bitch," she thought.

"Yes, they do ride really well, don't they? And to think that this wasn't even their strongest events. I can't wait to watch them tomorrow when they compete for real," responded Samantha with a big smile. She knew very well what Lisa was trying to do. She was surprised and a little hurt that Lisa was actually trying to destroy her potential relationships over jealousy. She had never expected it from Lisa. Dawn and Joy, yes, but Lisa was usually the nicest and quietest of the other three girls. It really sucked that these were the only girls her age that Samantha could stomach hanging out with. At the same time, she knew that all would be forgiven the minute that Lisa would hook up with a guy. It was one of the reasons that she never pursued a guy in front of these three friends, but spending time with Jake and Josh was worth it even if she was just pretending to be their girlfriend.

During the last competition, Samantha's phone buzzed with an incoming text. She pulled her phone out of her bag and looked to see who it was from. Her phone buzzed again with another incoming text as she tried to unlock it nearly causing her to drop it. "Maybe I should take it off vibrate?" she chuckled to herself.

Josh: Do you want to meet Jake and I at the competitors' gate? We can get some supper together.

Jake: Bring Lisa and your mothers and we'll bring our dads.

Samantha asked her mother if it was okay if the boys and their fathers could eat supper with them as they waited for the music festival to begin. Both her mother and Lisa's mother thought that it was a great idea.

Samantha: Sure thing. See you both shortly.

Samantha knew that the competitors' gate was where the boys seemed to have the most problems with girls and women coming on to them. She didn't really want to explain to her mom and especially Lisa about why she was going to be pretending to be Jake's and Josh's girlfriend. Instead she suggested to Lisa and their mothers that they head out to the bathrooms and to grab a picnic table while she met the boys and their fathers. She would then lead them over to where they were sitting. Lisa looked a little suspicious, but thankfully she really needed to use the bathroom so she agreed. The mothers thought that it was a great plan considering the size of the crowd that were probably going to need to eat before listening to the music.

As soon as the rodeo ended the group split up. Samantha was worried that she would have problems finding the gate since neither Jake nor Josh had shown her where it was, but she needn't have worried. She just had to follow the crowd of women and teen girls. Most were dressed for a rodeo, but a few of them were dressed as if they were going to a costume party at a club. Some of them were even trying to walk in stilettos across the dirt and grass. Samantha just shook her head not quite believing what she was seeing.

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