Chapter 42 - Old Friends

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Just as the intermission started Samantha felt her cell phone vibrate with incoming texts.

Jake: Stay there Sweetie. We will come to you.

Josh: You looked hot earlier. We will bring you something to drink.

Samantha smiled. Her boys were still trying to take care of her. She was thankful of their offer for a drink since she had already finished her's. Josh was right about the her looking hot. It was very warm and this area of the stands did not have any shade. At least it wasn't as hot as their first rodeo though. That she wasn't sure if she wanted that experience again.

A few minutes later, Josh and Jake were standing in the aisle at the end of their row. Congratulations were called out to them along with offers of seats by the guys in the rows behind. They calmly replied that they had already made plans to sit with Samantha since she was their guest.

The ringleader and the other girl looked up at the commotion. The two of them them had been leaning together in front of Samantha, forcing her to lean back into the legs of the guy behind her, so that they could talk. While they hadn't noticed Josh's and Jake's entrance Samantha had. She had locked eyes with both of them from the time that she could see them. The smile on her face had only gotten bigger the closer they came.

"There's a seat at the end for Josh and I'm sure that I could squeeze up so that Jake could share with me," offered the ringleader with a flirtatious smile.

"Thanks for the offer, but maybe Samantha and her," —Jake motioned to the other girl— "could just trade places. That way Josh and I could both sit."

The ringleader's eyes popped open as she heard Jake's refusal, but then her look changed to that of fake innocent concern. "But where will Samantha sit since there isn't enough seats?"

Josh smiled. "She can sit with me and then Jake. That way we are only uncomfortable for part of the time." He knew that those listening would think that the person sharing with Samantha would be uncomfortable, but both him and Jake knew the opposite was true.

"Sounds fine with me." Samantha bent over to pick up her purse now that the two girls had moved back into their seats once they had realized that Josh and Jake were there. Samantha stood up and moved towards the aisle.

The other girl didn't move until Josh asked her nicely to slide down a seat. She still didn't move until she realized that Josh was going to sit in her seat, beside her. She then graced him with a large smile.

Josh sat down and turned to Samantha. He slid as far back as he could go and spread his legs. "Come here Samantha." He pointed to the spot of seat between his thighs.

Samantha's heart beat faster with the husky sound of Josh's voice. She knew exactly what it meant when he spoke to her like that. She worked hard to keep her smile friendly instead of the flirtatiousness that she felt. Now was not the time she had to keep reminding herself as she moved herself in between his legs.

He put his hands on her waist and spun her around until her back was to him. He then pulled her down to sit in between his thighs. He slid his hands forward until his arms banded around her waist, holding her to him. Her back tight into his chest. He leaned forward with his mouth against the ear on Jake's side rather than where the girls were. "Are you comfortable?"

Samantha shivered as she nodded.

Satisfied, he nestled her head under his chin and turned to talk to Jake who had sat down beside him.

Jake handed Samantha her drink as he put her purse down by his feet.

A few guys from the row behind them started talking to Jake and Josh while Samantha sat there quietly with her eyes closed listening to the sounds of Josh's and Jake's voices. She felt very content and loved with Josh wrapped around her and Jake next to her.

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