Chapter 47 - Chaperone?

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Wednesday Morning, Second week of August, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Samantha couldn't believe it. Today was the day. The day that she was going to spend her family holidays with her boys instead of her parents. She was more excited to go spend time with them and their families than she was to spend it with her extended family. That was saying a lot since Samantha loved family get togethers.

Samantha's extra exuberance went unnoticed by the rest of her family as they were all excited to be leaving for some summer holidays. Her parents worked hard and didn't often get the time to go away. While going to visit relatives wasn't the same as going to a resort especially when they would be pitching in with some early canning and preserving, it was still time away.

For her brother, excitement was an understatement. He was going to get to spend over a week with his cousins playing in the mud, fishing, dirt biking, shooting, and every other thing imaginable that a city boy doesn't get to do regularly. It was his ability to get in the way and to be over the top annoying that was keeping her parents focused on him and not her. She had never been more thankful to have him as a brother as she was then.

Within a few hours, Samantha found herself settled into the backseat of the family car ready for the two hour drive to her boys' farm. She couldn't wait to see not only her boys, but also the rest of their families. She wanted to see how Sherry was doing after finding out that she was expecting twins last week.

Sherry hadn't wanted to just spill the beans to Jason, Jake, Bryan, and the older twins Luke and Kyle. Instead she had cooked up a reveal party with the help of Sharron and Lily. They had set it up for supper the next day when they could video call in with the older boys. They had also video called Samantha so that she could watch their reactions as well.

The whole meal had been made with items that could contain other things. Sherry had placed a tray of devilled eggs on the table, but instead of just having one swirl of filling, each egg had two. The main meal had been stuffed meatloaf. Instead of the stuffing being in one glob in the middle, she had slips the stuffing into two sections. The potatoes were twice during baked potatoes. Again the mashed filling had been piped into two mounds inside the baked potato shell.

The guys had all looked at the table strangely, but didn't say anything. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes were not their usual summer fare. They were also labour intensive and they all knew how tired Sherry had been lately. When the guys sat down without saying anything Lily piped up. "Notice anything different?"

This had the guys all looking closely at Lily. When they couldn't see anything different from what the had commented on yesterday after she had returned from the trip into the city, they turned their gazes to both Sherry and Sharron. When that seemed to fail, Jason cautiously told them that they didn't notice anything.

Up until that point the males hadn't realized that they had an audience. It was the snickers coming from the three eldest boys over the computer that really let them know something was up.

Jason turned to look at them on the screen. "What are you guys doing?"

The three boys shrugged their shoulders while Kyle responded. "We don't know. Sherry just told us that we needed to be here for the big reveal so here we are."

John looked to his wife. "Reveal? What reveal?"

Sharron, Sherry, and Lily couldn't take it anymore. Sherry went over to the side table and picked up the covered dessert plate. She placed it on the table before Jason and motioned for him to open it up.

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