Chapter 62

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*completely unedited because I kept you waiting long enough!*

At the sounds of their brothers' voices, Josh and Jake went rigid. "Fucking assholes, get out of here." Jake sat up and turned to face the doorway making sure to block Samantha from their view as Josh helped her to find her top.

"No can do little brother," Kyle pushed the bedroom door open wider and walked in.

"How long?" Josh couldn't even turn around he was so upset. He looked down when he felt Samantha's hands on his thighs. He sat on his heels in order to help her put her shirt back on.

"Long enough to hear that you wuv her." Luke leaned against the wall.

"What the fuck?" Jake stared at his brothers in disgust. "Why'd you stay if you'd been here that long?"

"Or at least said something?" Josh looked over his shoulder at Brandon with hurt in his eyes. He never would have expected something like this from Brandon; Kyle and Luke sure, as a joke, but not Brandon.

"Why do you think I said something when I did. I didn't want you to take it any further without knowing." Brandon stared at Josh trying to tell him that he was sorry for letting it go on as long as it had. He had actually been surprised. He never expected something like this from Josh and Jake. They had always been the epitome of restraint.

"Assholes,"Jake muttered flexing his cramped fingers. He looked over his shoulder to check on Samantha who smiled at him.

Samantha sat up still completely blocked from view by Josh and Jake. She felt a little embarrassed at being caught in such a compromising position, but the comments made by the older brothers made her want to fall of the bed in laughter. In the short time that she had known the older boys, she had correctly pegged them for being more bark than bite. Their stories were outrageous, but usually said in a way to elicit laughs. Even though her initial panic at being caught doing something that they probably shouldn't have been doing, she knew that the boys had only said those things to needle Josh and Jake.

"Chill little bros," Kyle flipped on the bedroom light. "We have something more pressing—"

"What? A new round of antibiotics?" Samantha suggested with a grin over Josh's shoulder.

Brandon and Kyle started to choke on their laughter as Luke stared her down. A grin broke over his face as laughter erupted from his belly. He lifted his hands to wipe the tears from his eyes. "Oh Samantha, I do like you. If you ever get tired of these two," —he stopped under the combined glares coming from Josh and Jake— "Well, you know." He winked.

Samantha chuckled as she scooted between Jake and Josh. Jake immediately grasped her hand as Josh repositioned himself so that Samantha was sitting between his outstretched legs. She nestled back into his chest.

Josh stared at the guys who were now resting against his wall or in the case of Brandon, sitting in his desk chair. He pursed his lips wondering what they were doing. "Seriously guys, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Kyle and Luke turned to Brandon ho nodded. Brandon leaned forward resting his head in his hands as his eyes locked with Josh's. "What's going on with Lily?"

"Yeah, weren't not stupid," added Kyle, "we know that everyone is keeping something from us."

"We know that you three know, so spill." Luke bit his lip. Lily may not be his sister by blood, but she was his little sister. He knew that she had been struggling with something all year; something that she wouldn't even spill to him even though he was always the one that she confided in. He was really worried.

Samantha could feel Josh's chest muscles tighten behind her. His arms around her waist, squeezed her a little tighter as Jake's hand tightened on hers. She bit her lip not sure if Josh would listen to his parents about keeping the older boys in the dark or if he would tell them. She could see from the looks in their eyes that they were all very worried about Lily. She had a feeling that they would not have even bothered to interrupt her time with Josh and Jake if it hadn't been for their worry about Lily.

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