Chapter 41 - Canadian Girls

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Saturday morning, Gillette, Wyoming

Samantha stretched in response to the featherlike caresses on the skin on her upper arm. If felt ticklish and raised goose bumps, but she was too comfortable to do much else other than to stretch. As soon as it stopped, she cuddled back into the warmth that was surrounding her. She never once opened her eyes.

She started to fall back asleep when she felt warm, moist air on her neck and ear. She tried to raise her shoulder to get it to stop, but found that she wasn't able to move.

"Samantha," she heard in her ear.

She tried, once again, to move her shoulder up. When that failed, she tried to bring up her hand to dislodge whatever was causing the tickling sensation. In her sleep addled mind, her only concern was that it was a fly flying around; annoying, but not the end of the world. She cuddled in again.

Josh and Jake watched Samantha's antics with amusement. She looked adorable with her skin flushed from sleep. Her face relaxed into a slight smile except when it grimaced each time that they lightly stroked the skin on her upper arms or whispered in her ear.

"She's too cute like this. I hate the idea of needing to wake her." Josh rubbed his whole palm up and down her back with enough pressure to make sure that it didn't tickle her.

Jake scratched the growth of hair on his jaw. His day old beard tickled, but he wondered if Samantha would like the not so clean cut look on him. Maybe he wouldn't shave today. "This was probably her first good night's sleep in over a week. Let's let her sleep a little longer."

"You're right. It's not as if we have to rush off anywhere this morning. The only concern is what our fathers' will think. Maybe you should get up and go mess up the bed we were to sleep in last night."

Jake's eyes widened. Fuck. He had forgotten that they were supposed to sleep in the other room with their dads. He nodded to Josh and slowly extricated one of his arms from under Samantha's arm. During the night she had wrapped her arm around one of his; not allowing him to move too far from her side. Not that he was complaining though.

He sat up carefully so as not to jostle the bed. When he realized that Samantha hadn't even stirred, he stood up and padded to the connecting door. He noticed that the door was almost closed which confused him. He was positive that the door had been open wider last night. He shrugged his shoulders and figured that the air movement from the AC probably closed it. He lightly pushed to open it. He looked into the room and stopped.

"Shit," he muttered as his brain realized what his eyes were seeing. He backed into the room he had slept in last night bringing the door with him until it was in the same spot. He turned around and headed back to the bed. Once he was settled back in, with his arm around Samantha's waist, he look up to meet Josh's questioning gaze.

"Why didn't you go in and fix the bed?"

Jake leaned forward and placed a small closed mouth kiss on Samantha's bare shoulder near the strap from the tank top that she wore to bed the night before. He met Josh's stare. "I couldn't. Our dads each slept in a separate bed last night."

"Crap," muttered Josh as the air from his lungs rapidly escaped.

"My thoughts exactly."

Josh rolled slightly until he was mainly on his back with his head resting on the pillow. He rubbed his face as he stared at the ceiling. "So they were each in their own bed?" His eyes shifted until he could see Jake, who was still propped up on his side, over Samantha.

Jake nodded.

Josh stared at the ceiling again. Both of them remained quiet as they thought of a way to explain what happened. Josh rolled onto his side again until he was facing Jake over the still sleeping Samantha. "If they were in separate beds, then they must have checked on us before they went to sleep. They would have seen us all asleep and left us."

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