Chapter 56 - Confessions

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Noon Friday before Labour Day, Winnipeg MB

Samantha wiped her brow with one hand as she waved goodbye with the other. The last toddler was making their way down the hallway in the arms of their parent. Vacation Bible Camp was finally over. She heaved a sigh of relief and stretched her arms up over her head. Her body was physically tired from all the chasing she had done that morning. Her tossing and turning in bed all night hadn't helped matters either.

She headed back into the toddler room to help clean things up for Sunday school. As she put things away she thought about the decision that she had made. It had been tough, but she knew that she needed to follow Matt's advice. She needed to see where this relationship between herself, Jake, and Josh was going. The last thing that she wanted was to spend her life regretting the fact that she hadn't had the courage to follow her heart.

She couldn't wait to tell them. Just thinking about it made her heart race, her skin flush, and put the largest smile ever on her face. She was in love and now that she had admitted it to herself, she felt elated.

"Samantha. Hello in there. Samantha."

Samantha startled as a hand waved in front of her face. She shook her head trying to bring her thoughts back to her current situation. She looked beside her and found Tracy standing there with a smirk on her face. "Sorry Tracy. I didn't see you there."

Tracy laughed. "I'd say not. I call your name a few times before I stuck my hand in your face. What la la land were you visiting?"

Samantha's eyes started to glaze over. "I was just thinking about this summer and all that I've done."

Tracy watched as a dreamy expression took over Samantha's face. If she didn't know any better, she would have sworn that Samantha was in love, but that couldn't be. As far as she knew Samantha hadn't met anyone other than those two rodeo guys. None of the guys at church had said anything about dating Samantha either. She shrugged her shoulders. The only way to find out would be to ask. "So Samantha, we haven't been able to spend much time together lately. Anything new or exciting happen?"

Samantha smiled and her eyes twinkled. "Lots of things happened. I travelled, met new people, watched lots of rodeos, and just got to experience lots of new things."

Samantha walked over to the sink to grab the wet cloth so that she could wipe down the tables as she talked.

"And all that stuff is what has made your whole face light up?" Tracy lifted one of her eyebrows in a challenge.

Samantha chuckled. "Yes it is."

"Girl, you're killing me here. I know that you are hiding something so spill. Pleeeease."

Samantha couldn't help it. She laughed at the pleading face that Tracy was making. She looked exactly like the toddlers when they were wanting a special treat. She laughed so hard that she had to wipe away the tears that were running down her cheeks.

Tracy huffed before she broke down into laughter as well. She walked over to the sink to grab another wet cloth so that she could help. "Seriously, though. You look happier than I've ever seen you. So whatever is making you so happy, I'm glad for you."

Samantha stared at Tracy. She wondered if Tracy's sentiment would be the same if she knew that Samantha was in love with not one, but two boys? Would Tracy still be happy for her or would she look at her in disgust? Everything that she knew about Tracy would lead her to believe that Tracy would still be happy for her, but it didn't really matter at the moment anyways. She wasn't going to tell anyone about her decision until she told her boys. She smiled wider with that thought...her boys! "Thanks Tracy."

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