Chapter 43 - The Dinner

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Samantha looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She was still a little unsure if she was dressed appropriately for tonight's dinner and dance. When that boys had first invited her, she had asked them what to wear, but they gave the usual male repose. They told her that anything she wore would be fit because she was gorgeous.

Samantha remembered scoffing at them before she was able to pry out the fact that it was dressy country...whatever that meant.

She had listened in to the girls around her during the first half of the rodeo to see if they would talk about what they would be wearing. Luck was on her side as a number of them did discuss clothes. She had been pleased to hear that they were going to wear similar things, but until she saw them in it, she was going to worry.

She took a deep breath before taking one last look in the mirror. She adjusted the way the halter neckline on the short summer dress sat so that she wasn't hanging out. Some cleavage was fine, but showing her boobs was not the look that she was going for.

She released her breath as she muttered, "You'll be fine. You've got this. Now get out there." She closed her eyes, spun to face the door, and counted to three before she opened her eyes. Without another look in the mirror, she walked to the bathroom door and opened it.

The boys were not in the room, but she could hear them all talking in the connecting room. She found her heels, put them on, grabbed her purse, and a light shrug. She walked over to the open door and stepped through.

The room went silent.

Samantha lifted her eyes from the floor to see why everyone had stopped talking. She found all their eyes on her. The blush rose on her cheeks and started to spread down her chest. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Before any of the males could answer, a horrible thought ran through her head. She quickly looked down and breathed in a sigh of relief. Her boobs were still covered and in the right place. Maybe this dress wasn't going to work out after all? She didn't want to spend the whole night worried that they would display themselves. Maybe she had time to change quickly?

"No, don't change. You look absolutely gorgeous." Josh stepped forward and held out his hand to her.

Samantha blushed again as she realized that Josh's comments answered the thoughts in her head. "Crap. Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes you did Sweetie. I must say though, Josh got it wrong. You aren't just gorgeous, you look so sexy in that dress." Jake walked forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Samantha felt her blush rise once again. She couldn't believe that Jake just said that in front of their dads. If they kept up with these comments, Samantha was soon going to look like a tomato.

She took a couple of slow breaths to try to calm her heart rate down. It didn't slow until she felt Jake put his hand on the small of her back. It was an immediate reaction. His touch calmed her. This really wasn't good. How was she going to survive leaving them again?

"The boys are right. You really do look stunning." John gave her a reassuring smile.

Jason winked at her. "It's a good thing that you have four strong male escorts tonight because you are going to need it."

Samantha started to giggle. Never had any guy made her feel this way about her appearance. She was beginning to accept these types of compliments from Josh and Jake, but getting them from their fathers' was a whole new experience.

"Are we all ready to go?" John looked at each of them until they either verbally responded or nodded. "Then, let's head out."


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