Chapter 49 - The Swimming Hole

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Wednesday, Third Week in August, The Farm

Samantha stood in front of the full length mirror that Jake had installed for her wearing the blue and white striped bikini that Sherry had talked her into purchasing last weekend. She really liked how the 50's inspired sweetheart neckline with the tie around her neck showcased her boobs.

She didn't spend a lot of time worrying over the size of her boobs, but like most teen girls, size or the lack of size occasionally played havoc with her self esteem. She was most likely average in size, but still she worried. Josh and Jake had never said anything and she knew from their actions that they liked her for her. Still, she was always having to fight her way through much bigger boobs to get to their side.

She remembered what Sherry had told her when she had tried on the swimsuit at Sherry's instance during their girls only shopping trip while at the rodeo. "Samantha, you have to get this. Josh and Jake aren't going to know what hit them."

The shopping trip had been fun. A nice change of pace from the usual rodeo weekend schedule. It had all started Friday night after they arrived at the rodeo campgrounds.

They had all been sitting around the table in the trailer eating supper when Sherry surprised them all by saying that she needed a girl's afternoon with Samantha. She felt that the three males were more than capable of watching Bryan for a few hours after Jake and Josh had competed for the day.

Jason was quick to agree with her to the dismay of Josh and Jake. They were going to have to give up some Samantha time when they were already sharing her with Bryan who never left her side except to nap.

Samantha looked at both her boys and finally had an eye conversation that they all understood. The boys turned to Jason and Sherry looking abashed as they agreed to watch Bryan with Jason.

Sherry smiled secretly at Jason. She was excited to spend more one on one time with Samantha. This time, she also had an underlying agenda to help let Samantha know that a threesome relationship was fine with them.

The following day, Sherry, Bryan, and Samantha met the boys outside the competitors' gate while the rodeo was still going on. The boys had already competed for the day in each others speciality. They were saving their main rides for the competition the next day.

Sherry and Samantha left the boys and headed to the mall. Sherry suggested that they do some clothes shopping which Samantha readily agreed to. Together they entered a maternity store so that Sherry could try some clothes on. Sherry purchased a few things to help augment her current clothing that was already starting to get too tight.

After a drink and some food for the pregnant Sherry, she talked Samantha into trying on a few things. They walked into a few different stores before Sherry made a beeline for Victoria's Secret. When Samantha had balked a bit not being too comfortable in a lingerie store, Sherry had guilted her by saying that soon the only sexy clothes that she would be able to wear was lingerie.

Samantha gave in gracefully, but was unprepared for Sherry's surprise attack. Before Samantha could blink, Sherry had a sales lady measure Samantha for a bra and then proceed to pick out some sets for her to try on.

It was while they were walking back to the change rooms that Samantha had seen the bikini. Sherry had noticed her looking at it and insisted that she try it on even though Samantha kept saying that beach season was almost over.

She tried it on and loved it. Sherry had insisted that if Samantha didn't purchase it that she would purchase it for Samantha. So Samantha bought it.

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