Chapter 16 - More Friends

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Jake and Josh sandwiched Samantha between them as they started walking back to the trailer. From their height vantage point, they had a beautiful view of her slightly exposed cleavage. They tried not to stare since their pants were growing tighter, but being 17 did not make it any easier to live up to their morals. Knowing that she was theirs just added to their difficulty.

"Baby, since my dad came back before you were dressed, I never got to tell you how beautiful you look today," Josh told while trying to keep his gaze on her face.

"Beautiful, gorgeous, hot, sexy. Take your pick and it fits," flirted Jake as he hip bumped her.

Samantha blushed at hearing their words. She wasn't used to hearing compliments about her looks from guys that she actually liked. She didn't know what to say or how to react, but she needed to do something. She had noticed how her cleavage seemed to be distracting the two of them even though she was still dressed fairly modestly by normal standards. It wasn't that she was ashamed of her body, in fact she quite liked her looks and build, but she didn't always like to be watched and judged by her body. At night, going out dancing she would wear this vest like she was now, without a cami underneath, but during the day, she always wore the cami making her a little uncomfortable right now.

"Thanks," she finally responded with a smile, "but I would like to change. After all, I need to cover these up," —she motioned to her chest— "so I don't distract you while you're riding."

"Sweetie, you could distract me wearing a freakin snow suit," muttered Jake causing Josh, who was in agreement, and Samantha to laugh.

The three of them entered Josh's trailer so that Samantha could change into her new clothes and plug in her cell phone to charge.

Samantha looked into the bag her mother had packed for her. Inside she found a short jean skirt and a summer V-necked sleeveless blouse. The V-neck wasn't deep, only touching the tip of her cleavage for which she was thankful for. She took her new clothes to the bathroom to change while Jake pulled out the charger for the bag and plugged her phone in for her.

Feeling a lot better in her clean clothes, Samantha stepped out of the bathroom carrying her dirty stuff. She threw her old clothes into the bag and grabbed her other bag containing her light blanket and sunscreen for the rodeo.

As they went to leave the trailer, Josh put his hand out and grabbed her wrist pulling Samantha to a stop. "Do you still have my phone on you?" he asked.

Samantha shook her head. She had pulled it out of her pocket so that she could return it to him, but forgot it on the table where her bag was. Josh turned around and went back to pick up the phone.

"Please keep it on you for now since yours is still charging. I don't want you to be without a phone," he pleaded with her as he tried to give it back to her.

When she looked like she was going to hesitate, Jake decided to jump in. "This way you can still talk to us during the first part of the rodeo and we can let you know when we are leaving the competitor area."

Realizing that she had forgotten that the boys still had to compete this afternoon, she agreed to take the phone. She couldn't believe that she had forgotten that they were going to be riding bulls this afternoon, but maybe it was her way of coping with the idea. Deny that it was going to happen and then she wouldn't be worrying about. It was a tried and true coping strategy that she used all the time. It probably wasn't the best strategy, but it worked.

Samantha took advantage that Dan and Tracy weren't there to hold onto both Josh's and Jake's hands while they were walking back to the food area. This was her last day with them for over a week and she wanted to take full advantage of touching them whenever no one was around. She didn't know how she was going to survive without them being around. She wondered how she had survived before she knew them; they had become that important to her.

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