Chapter 6 - Good Morning

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Saturday - Day 2 of the Rodeo and Music Fest

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

"What was that noise?" Samantha thought to herself knowing that she hadn't set the alarm the night before. Keeping her eyes closed and her head on her pillow, she reached out to swat her alarm clock just in case.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

There is was again. It was starting to drive her batty as she struggled to fully wake up. It had been early Saturday morning by the time she had managed to get to bed and fall asleep. She really was not ready to wake up yet. Giving up, she opened her eyes into a squint to look around to see if she could find what was causing the infernal beeping.

Beep, beep.

There, under her bed she saw the glow of a light matching the beeping noise. She looked under her bed and found her cell phone on the floor. She must have knocked it off her night table while she had been sleeping. Getting up she bent over and picked up her phone. She sat down on the edge of her bed to read the texts that she noticed were on her phone.

Jake: Good morning Sweetie!

Josh: Hope you had a great sleep baby!

"Baby?" she wondered while trying to contain the grin that was taking over her face. She remembered Jake calling her Sweetie in front of the overbearing ladies yesterday, but now Josh had called her Baby in two texts. She couldn't decide how she felt about it. On one hand it was really sweet; who wouldn't love be calling nicknames like that from two gorgeous and built guys. One the other hand, she was already starting to fall for both of them, which wasn't exactly normal, and these nicknames were going to make it harder to keep her feelings in check especially if she ever heard Josh call her Baby in that voice of his.

Samantha: Good morning boys. Up already?

Josh: Of course. We have already been out for our morning run and exercise program.

Jake: Boys? Don't you mean gorgeous specimens of the male form?

Samantha snorted as read Jake's reply. She wasn't a morning person most of the time, but Jake was quickly changing her attitude this morning. Just as she hit send on her message, a text beep sounded on her phone.

Samantha: Well I think that I would have to see more of your bodies before I could agree to that statement.

Josh: Jake!

Josh: Anytime you want to examine me, I'm up for it.

Jake: Josh! I didn't know you had it in you! I'm up for being examined, too.

Samantha fell backwards onto her bed, shaking from laughing so hard. Her mother was walking by her room and heard her laughter. Her mother smiled, happy to hear such laughter coming from Samantha's room as she continued on to the kitchen.

Josh: We were missing you and wondered what time you would be arriving?

Jake: We were hoping to meet up with you before the rodeo.

She looked at her bedside clock and realized that it was only 8 in the morning. It was no wonder that she had had such a hard time getting up. She only got up that early on Saturdays if she was working the opening shift. Otherwise Saturday's were her only sleep-in days since Sunday's were filled with church activities.

She didn't have an answer for Josh. She had been exhausted when her and her mother arrived home and they didn't talk about their plans for today. She knew that she should probably get up and go talk to her parents about the plan for today, but her bed was so comfortable. Just as she was thinking about going back to sleep a delicious aroma wafted past her nose.

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