Chapter 50 - Interesting Talks

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Jake waited for both of them to nod. He reached for Samantha's hand. "I just want to let you know that this is not something that Josh and I have already talked about. While we talked over most things, this was just something that we kept to general terms." He squeezed her hand and cut a quick glance to Josh. "We wanted to wait until we could talk with you."

Samantha squeezed his hand back. She was touched that they kept this to be something between the three of them. At the same time, she felt a little intimidated. Both of them were older than her. They had had lots of girlfriends before whereas she had only really had dates. Her boyfriends had just been glorified friends. She knew how to flirt and liked to do it, but as for actual experience, well...she didn't have much more that kisses.

Josh squirmed on the blanket. He knew that he needed to be the one to speak first. He readjusted himself so that he was sitting cross legged. He looked up to see them both looking at him before he dropped his eyes to the blanket. He cleared his throat. "I'm still a virgin. I didn't have a plan to save it until marriage, but I was saving it until I was with someone special. You both know about my brother and Jake's, you know that our dads were players. I just didn't want that for me."

"I'm still one, too," Jake shared shocking Josh enough for him to look up into Jake's face. Jake looked from Josh to Samantha and back again. "I can say that there were a few closer than I would have liked calls when Josh and I were being buttheads with each other, but every time I heard Josh's annoying voice in my head telling me that I was rushing into things." He smiled at Josh to show how grateful he was feeling for the words of caution and wisdom that Josh had imparted over the year as they talked about sex.

Josh gave Jake a half smile. He was thankful that his talks with Jake paid off, but what Jake said made him feel insecure. They may have both been on the same page with regards to sex and their lack of experience, but Josh was lacking even more in the experience department.

As a football player he knew all about locker room stories and how guys tended to exaggerate their sexual prowess, but he also knew that they tended to have a kernel of truth to them. He had no such story. They had said that they needed truth between them so now was the time to come clean.

He took in a deep breath. With a rush he told them. "Samantha, what I did with you earlier today is the most that I have ever done with a girl. You are the only one."

Samantha's breath hitched. Even though she had been listening to everything that her boys were telling her, another part of her brain was mentally comparing herself to all the other girls that they had been with. She wondered how she stacked up. Was she lacking? Was she going to be able to give them what they needed to stay with her? Would they get bored with having to share and move on physically to other girls? It was nerve wracking and to be honest, it was one of the many reasons that she had been holding back on her commitment to them.

She was scared to put herself out there like that. It would only cause even more pain when it invariably ended. But to hear that Josh was almost as inexperienced as herself changed things. It took off some of the pressure. Maybe, just maybe, she could handle having two boyfriends.

She slip her free hand over towards Josh's knee. She placed her hand on his lower thigh and squeezed gently. She looked at him shyly, but met his eyes. Softly she said, "I've never gone that far either, but I'm glad that I got to experience it with you."

"Really?" Josh's face broke out into a full grin at her nod. Samantha's face heated, but she smiled as well.

Jake looked between the two and grinned. He watched as their confession relaxed both of them. While he didn't have a whole lot more in the way of experience, his lack of it had never bothered him. He had listened to his older brothers talk about sex and knew that experience would come. He had enough areas in his life where he was being compared to others. This was one that he could ignore. He was relieved that they were finally talking. This talk had been long overdue.

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