Chapter 44 - The Dance

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The trio returned to the dining room as Mr. Dawes made his way to the podium again. He informed everyone that the dance hall was open and that they had a special treat waiting for them.

Samantha's eyes were lit up with excitement. She started to bounce on her toes, eager to head over to the dance hall.

"Why do I have a feeling that Samantha knows what the special treat is?" John looked at the boys for an answer.

Josh smirked at his dad. "Because she does."

Jason pursed his lips before he gave in and chuckled. "Are the three of you going to share since it is obvious that the two of you know as well?"

Josh shrugged his shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows.

Jason growled and pretended to put him in a headlock.

Samantha laughed and stepped closer to Jake and John to get out of the line of fire.

John leaned over towards Samantha's ear. "The only way to rescue him from Jason is to share your knowledge, Little One."

Samantha looked at John. Her eyes twinkled and her cheeks were starting to get sore from all the grinning that she was doing. "Fine, I'll spill."

Jake wrapped an arm around her waist and put his hand over her mouth as he pulled her back away from John. "Never shall you get the secret from her," he taunted John.

Jason stopped trying to give Josh a noogie and stood up straight with his arm still around Josh's shoulders at the sound of Jake's voice. The four guys looked at each other before they all burst out laughing.

Samantha just shook her head. Jake still had his hand on her mouth as he laughed so she licked his palm. When that didn't work, she wedged her tongue in between the creases of his fingers until he couldn't keep his hand still. Her body matched his shiver at the sensation of her tongue gliding between his fingers.

He ripped his hand away and shook it rapidly as he tried to fix his body of the intoxicating feeling that her tongue left.

Samantha laughed at Jake's antics. The laughter helped to disguise the butterflies that she felt in the pit of her stomach. Yet even with the butterflies she couldn't believe how powerful she felt knowing that she, with just her tongue, has caused such a reaction from Jake. She knew then that the three of them needed to talk soon as it was obvious that they were all playing with fire. The last thing that she wanted was to get burned and with the way her hormones were responding, getting burned seemed like it might be a foregone conclusion.

Jake brought his head down beside her ear. "You think that's funny, do you? Just wait till you see what I do in revenge." He kissed her cheek quickly before dropping his arm from around her waist. He moved to stand beside her, but placed his one hand on the small of her back as he urged her back into the circle the five of them made.

Josh looked at his dad and Jason. "Do either of you remember Matt? From the rodeo camps?"

John and Jason looked at each other. "Was he the one with the older brother?" John asked his son.

When Josh nodded, Jason continued. "Didn't his older brother hang around with Brandon, Kyle, and Luke? A singer?"

Jake rubbed his hand up and down Samantha's lower back until he bumped into Josh's hand. He nodded to his father. "Samantha met him a few weeks ago in the city. Matt plays drums with his brother in a band. They just signed a record deal."

"And their label has them playing here." Josh added with a grin on his face.

"So I guess we're spending the night here at the dance hall," suggested John to Jason with raised eyebrows.

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