Chapter 23 - Some Comfort

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Four hours later, Samantha was relieved to head back to the staff room for her lunch break. Her shift had been going well. It was steady, but not too busy. A number of her customers were regulars and knew that she had gone to the rodeo for the weekend. They all wanted to know the same thing; did she meet any hot cowboys? This was always accompanied by a wink and a wishful statement by the questioner about how they were young again. Samantha usually responded with a polite smile, pink tinged cheeks, and the confirmation that there were indeed many hot cowboys there. She never confirmed that she had met some preferring to keep that information to herself.

She grabbed her supper and her phone from her bag in the locker before sitting down at the table. She was alone at the moment and was relishing the peace and quiet.

Taking a bite of her supper, she pulled out her phone and turned it on. Immediately her phone started to vibrate with incoming messages. The majority were from Jake and Josh, but a few stood out.

"Cheryl!" she huffed out with some annoyance. She had hoped that since she hadn't heard from her since the last text yesterday afternoon that Cheryl had forgotten or stopped her attempts to contact Josh.

Samantha read through them quickly noticing that all the texts were written in Cheryl's mistaken belief that Josh was getting them. She talked about how she, Cheryl, was willing to forget Josh's indiscretions on the weekend since he was clearly trying to make her jealous. She mentioned that she was willing to come over for a nighttime visit to help with his sore muscles and to work out all muscle cramps that had or would develop when he saw her outfit. The only good thing about the texts was that she hadn't included any photos or videos.

Growling, Samantha started to text a reply.

Samantha (Josh): Josh's girlfriend here. You seem to have forgotten that he gave me his phone. Sorry, but he won't need you. I am taking care of his his muscles problems.

Samantha (Josh): Please stop throwing yourself at another girl's guy. It reeks of desperation!

No sooner had Samantha finished hitting send when her phone started to vibrate again.

Cheryl: You're not his girlfriend. His mother says he is single making him fair game. Besides I'm sure that he is loving the pictures and videos I sent.

Samantha (Josh): His mother doesn't know everything. Oh and he never saw those pictures or video. He figured that my real body was better and all that he wants.

Cheryl: Since you don't live nearby, he will discover that my real body is better than yours tonight.

Samantha (Josh): LMAO. It's not April fools or Halloween so good luck with that.

Samantha couldn't believe how bold she was being, but it had to be done. Even though she had told Josh and Jake that she would let them know whenever Cheryl contacted her, she hadn't really meant it. She wasn't going to hide it from them exactly, but she had been planning on just mentioning casually days later. Unfortunately, she was thinking that she was going to have to break her plan and she wasn't happy about.

She continued to eat in peace, lost in thought about how and what she was going to text the boys about Cheryl. She was thankful that Cheryl had stopped texting for the time being.

Wanting to lift her spirits Samantha decided that she would read the texts from her boys. So far today, they had consistently made her laugh and after Cheryl she really needed it. Looking at the clock, Samantha saw that she only had fifteen minutes before others would be in the staff room as well and she didn't want an audience when texting them.

Josh: So do I get kisses better too?

Jake: Finally some free time. Going to cool down in the pool.

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