Chapter 39 - Gillette, Wyoming

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Friday morning, Winnipeg


Samantha reached over to shut off her alarm. It wasn't as if she needed it. It wasn't as if she had actually gone to sleep last. She had amassed two, maybe three hours of broken sleep before she finally gave up. Instead she had spent the rest of the night reading. It was the only way that she could settle down. Today was the day when she was heading off to the airport for her three day, two night trip to the US to see Josh and Jake. She knew that today was going to be a long day with all the travel, but she didn't care. She told herself that she would just take some motion sickness medicine before getting on the plane. That way she would sleep for the first of her two flights.

She put her book down, got up, and grabbed her toiletries for the bathroom. She was just reaching out to grab her door handle when she heard a light knocking on her door.

"Samantha, are you up?" She heard her mother whisper through the door as she tried from waking up Samantha's younger brother.

Samantha opened the door gently. "I'm up mom. Just heading to the bathroom."

"Good," her mother replied before retreating back up the stairs to her bedroom to get ready.

Samantha watched her mother retreat. Despite the fact that her parents had said that she could go she could tell that both her parents were not very comfortable with the fact. She reminded herself, as she closed the bathroom door, that she needed to be thankful that they were allowing her to do this. The last thing that she wanted to do this weekend would be to abuse their trust in her.

After a quick breakfast, Samantha and her parents headed to the airport. Although her flight didn't leave until nine am, she had to be at the airport over two hours early just so that she could go through US customs. They had decided to leave her brother at home sleeping as it was only six am.

Samantha's parents went up to the check-in counter with her. Her ticket was waiting for her, a gift from John and Jason which had helped encourage her parents about how much they truly wanted her to be in attendance for Jake and Josh. She had already completed the pre-screening of her suitcase, carry-on, and passport so she was able to check-in her suitcase as soon as they handed her her boarding passes. Unfortunately there were no direct flights from Winnipeg to Gillette, Wyoming so Samantha was having to fly into Denver first before boarding a connector to Gillette.

Her parents accompanied her to the US security area. She gave them both a hug and thanked them once again for trusting her enough to let her go on this trip. She promised to let them know when she landed in Denver and again in Gillette. After another quick hug, she walked through security where she went through all the screenings needed to enter the US.

She took a big breath once she was through and let it out slowly as a big smile washed over her face. She was finally on the way to see her boys again.


Samantha tried to discreetly stretch out her muscles as she walked towards the baggage claim area of the Gillette-Campbell County Airport. She had spent the last four plus hours travelling with only a short stop over in Denver where she couldn't even relax as she had to run from one area of the airport to another in order to catch her connector flight. Thankfully Gillette was one hour behind Winnipeg so it was only just after twelve thirty in the afternoon.

Thankfully her suitcase was one of the first on the belt. She grabbed it and headed to the doors where she hoped that someone was there to meet her.

The doors opened.


Samantha looked up into the face of a smiling Jason who was walking towards her.

"Jason," she replied with a matching smile as she jogged towards him. She was so relieved that someone was there. Josh and Jake had given her the name of the hotel that they were staying at as a just in case even though they assured her that someone would be there to meet her plane. She knew that she could trust them, but she was also a realist and knew that something could have happened to prevent them from meeting her.

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