Chapter 12 - Complications

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"Did she really just agree to it?" questioned Jake to himself. He had been so worried that she wouldn't go for it, and then, when Josh had messed up telling her initially, he thought that it was all over. He was so thankful that he had been able to diffuse the situation enough for them to tell her their story, but when she just sat there after Josh tried to compromise with her, Jake lost himself to his thoughts. That was why he was slow to believe and respond to her declaration.

Josh had no such hesitation. As soon as the words "I agree" came out of Samantha's lips, Josh moved towards her. He stared into her eyes as he put one hand on her cheek. His second hand went around her waist and settled on the small of her back. He caressed her cheek that was in his hand. As she leaned in to nuzzle it, he slid his hand back through her hair until he was holding the back of her head. He pulled her close to his chest and without any build up or hesitation, brought his mouth down on hers. Their kiss started off desperate, demanding as Josh had too much pent up tension to allow for a gentle kiss. He needed to work off his tension first. The minute that Samantha fractionally opened her mouth, Josh's tongue was there, pushing its way into her mouth. After duelling with her tongue for a few minutes, they were both struggling to breathe. It was this need that finally allowed Josh to soften his kiss. He backed his tongue out and placed a few closed mouth kisses along her mouth and jaw as the two of them struggled to get air into their lungs. Finally, he stopped kissing her and rested his forehead against her's.

"I told you I would get my kiss later," he panted.

Samantha started to chuckle from the release of tension. She was so happy. She had never felt this way before about a single guy let alone two of them at the same time. It was so overwhelming.

Jake watched them kiss with a smile on his face. "This is really going to work," he muttered as soon as the other two stopped kissing.

Jake moved so that he was pressed up right against Samantha's side as she continued to try to smooth out her ragged breathing. Josh backed his head away from her's to give Jake some room. Leaning in, Jake placed the sweetest kiss on Samantha's cheek. Even though she had just been locked into a passionate, no-holds-barred, kiss with Josh, the minute she felt the sweet kiss that Jake place on her cheek, she blushed.

Once again Samantha started to giggle. This time the boys joined in.

"Well, this has been an exciting evening so far. Maybe we should all get ready for bed and relax while watching TV," suggested Jake as soon as they all stopped giggling.

"Sounds like a plan," responded Josh before he added, "Samantha, I have a t-shirt that you can wear to sleep in, if you want?"

"Yes, please, Josh," she replied as she watched Josh turn and pull open a drawer. He reached in a pulled out a dark blue t-shirt and handed it to her.

"I think that I will go get changed in the bathroom," she told the boys as she moved herself to the end of the bed so that she could climb down.

She headed off to the bathroom as the boys stripped out of their pants and shirts. They each pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from the drawers and put them on.

After they each had a turn in the bathroom, the three of them settled back against the headboard with Samantha between the two boys. Josh turned on the TV and loaded a comedy since they had already dealt with a lot of drama.

They settled in to watch it, but Samantha couldn't get her mind to focus on the sitcom. Her brain continued to churn over everything that Jake and Josh had told her. She couldn't believe how truthful and honest they were being with her. They must have really taken their fathers' talks to them about honesty in a relationship to heart. The one thing that kept jumping out at her was the number of times over the past 2 days that the boys had mentioned that their parents thought that they were gay. They had both kissed her and wanted her to be their girlfriend. The both had had girlfriends before so she wondered what made the parents think that way. She had never seen anything going on between them other than a close friendship, but maybe there was something there. Could they possibly be bisexual? She didn't have any answers, but she wondered if they would be willing to honest with her if she asked them about it. Did their openness and honesty go that far? There was only one way to find out...

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