The Return.

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A month later after visiting Peggy....

Steve's POV.

I'm sitting in my bedroom, watching television and looking at some old news papers from the files Fury gave me. In the paper I see an article on Peggy. I sigh and turn the page, deciding not to read it. It's not that I don't want to read anything about her, it's just...
For a month I've been trying to move on, to let go and every time I thinks it's working I hear her name or see her picture! I don't know what I'm going to do. Just then I see a picture in the paper of a man named Tony Stark. Howard's Son? I read the article. "Tony Stark has announced that his new Stark Tower will now power all of New York with clean energy! He is very confident in the project. It will be put into action on May 8th. " the publicist said. That's today I thought to myself. He continued. "Tony Stark is once again bringing honor to his father Howard Stark's legacy."  So it was Howard's son. With that, I put the papers down and turn the television off. I go into the kitchen and decide to make breakfast. Im not that hungry so I'll just have 2 eggs bacon and some milk and coffee. It's sounds like a lot, but because of my fast metabolism when I'm really hungry I eat a lot more. After breakfast I decide to go to the gym. I've been doing that a lot lately to get out my anger. It's kind of like therapy. At the gym I start hitting a punching bag. As I hit it, I start thinking of everything that has lead me to the situation I'm in right now. The war, Hydra, Bucky's death, Peggy, the crash, and then the question. The question I wake up with every day, in my mind and can find no answer for. Why didn't I die! Why couldn't I have died! I have no life anyway! It's not fair! That's when the punching bag flew across the room. I was breathing heavily. I picked up another bag and put it up. Then I started punching it again. "Trouble sleeping?" A voice asked. I looked over to see Fury. I knew why he was here, he wanted me to come back. "I slept for 70 years sir. I think I've had my fill." I said annoyed. "Then you should be out there celebrating, seeing the world." I started unwrapping the cloth of my hands. I thought about how the world had changed. How all the peoples morals were almost gone.
"I went under, the world was at war. Wake up they tell me we won. They didn't tell me what we lost."I said "We've made some mistakes along the way some of them even recently." He said. I looked at his hands. He was holding a folder. Now I knew exactly why he was here. "You here with a mission sir?" I asked sternly. "Yes I am actually." He answered "Trying to get me back in the world." I asked. "No. Trying to save it." He answered handing me the folder. I took it. When I opened it I saw the very thing I never wanted to see again. "Hydras secret weapon." I stated. He explained how they had gotten it and why they had kept it. "Who took it from you?" I asked. "His name is Loki. He's... not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to tell you about if your in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know." "At this point I don't think anything would surprise me." I said, upset. "Ten bucks says your wrong." He said. "Is there anything you can tell us about the Teserached?" He asked as I was walking out. "You should have left it in the ocean." ***************************************
Later that day I called Peg and talked to her. "They want me to come back." I said to her. "Really? Well that's wonderful!" She exclaimed. That was not the reaction I was expecting. So I was silent for a while. "You are going to go back aren't you?" She asked "I-I don't know Peg. It's not the same world anymore. I don't know if I could put the suit on again and serve." "I see." She said pausing. "You know just because the world has changed doesn't mean that it doesn't need saving." She said. "I know that's what Fury told me, but I just don't know how I can do it. I feel so lost and alone. Almost... misplaced." I said. She sighed "I know you do Steve, but you can't just do nothing. People need you! And your not alone. You'll never be alone as long as you have friends." She said "But I don't have friends." I said "You would if you would go out and make some. You know your not the only superhero anymore. There are a lot of people just like you." "I guess your right  people do still need me. Or Captain America." I said "No Steve. They need you." I smiled. "Okay I'll do it. For you." I said to her. "Good." She answered. Then we hung up. After talking to her I realized I was being pretty selfish. I've got to stop thinking about myself. The next day I was picked up by a helicopter and taken to the Helacarier where I met a woman named Natasha Romanoff and man named Bruce Banner. Later that night we were all standing around the computers when an agent yelled to Fury. "We got him!" That's when Fury looked at me and said "Captain your up." I nodded. I was so nervous! I hadn't done this in 70 years! I walked to the locker with the name Captain Rogers on it and saw my new suit. When we got to where Loki was he was about to kill an old man. I jumped down out of the helicopter and landed right in front of the man, shielding him with my shield.

 I jumped down out of the helicopter and landed right in front of the man, shielding him with my shield

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Standing there as a beacon of hope, I was ready to fight. Captain America was back. And this time... I wasn't going anywhere.

Sorry about the boring chapter. I've been having a little writers block. It will pass though. Anyway I do hope you enjoyed this chapter I promise to try to make the other chapters more interesting. Thx for reading!!😘😘

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