Can't Help Falling Inlove

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Steve's POV.

After talking to Natasha I had to go on a mission for about three weeks. When I came back I decided to talk to Peggy. I went to her over apartment. I knocked on the door and it opened. "Hello?" A young women asked. "Uh hi. I think I have the wrong apartment. Um does a Miss Peggy Carter live here?" I asked. "Um a week ago yes, but not anymore." The woman answered. "What?!" I exclaimed. 'She moved. She didn't want me to find her!' I thought. "Thank you Miss." I said and left.

I went back to the Avengers building and decided to talk with Tony about the situation. "So she left?" He asked. "Yes without telling me. I mean she had broken up with me, but she never said she was going to leave the condominium!" I explained. "I understand." Tony answered. "Let me see if Pepper knows anything."

He picked up the phone and called her. While on the phone he turned to me and nodded. Then mouth moved to me. "She's there." My mouth dropped open. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Steve stop!" He said. "Oh nothing honey just uh...Steve's breaking down. I've uh gotta go. Love you." He said, and hung up. "Why would you say I was having a break down?!" I asked.

"I didn't know what else to say. But the point is, she's at our house in Los Angeles. Pepper was talking to a woman in the background and when I asked if she knew anything about Peggy, she quickly answered 'Nope! Not a thing. She's' Then she paused and the woman spoke. Then she said into the phone...'London!' Pepper never can hide things. If somethings going on that she is trying to hide she always gets nervous if you ask questions at least." Tony explained.

I nodded. "Well now what? I know I'm inlove with her and not the other person. I just don't know how to get her back." "Well...maybe if you make her jealous." "Yes! That's it! Thanks Tony."

The next day I went to Tasha who was at the kitchen getting coffee. "Hey Tasha." "Hey, Rogers." She answered. "Hi, I need to ask a favor of you." "Okay shoot." She answered. "A big one." "Okay?" She asked.

"Okay. I need you to come with me to Los Angeles to try and make Peggy jealous." I said squinting my eyes shut, waiting for her to snap at me. "Sure." "What?" I asked opening my eyes. "I said sure." She answered.  "Okay I'll pick you up tomorrow and Tony will take us as guests to his house. Okay?" I asked. "Yup." She answered. I nodded. "Good see tomorrow." Then I left.

The next day we meant Tony at his private airline and took off to Los Angeles. When we arrived at his 'Vila' we got out and went in. "Hey Pepper? I'm home!" He yelled. Just then Pepper ran down the stairs into the living room with a smile on her face and froze and the smile faded.

She looked at me and Tasha who were holding hands, purposefully, and looked back at Tony. "Oh and I've got guests." He added. "Oh. You didn't tell me. That's going to be a problem." She told him. "Why? We have 4 guest bedrooms." He stated. "I know, but..."

Just when she was about to finish Peggy walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. She took one look at me and dropped the cup. "Peggy!" I shouted, taking my hand away from Natasha. "Oh Peg!" Pepper shouted and ran over to her helping her pick up the broken cup. Then she looked over at Tony angrily. "That's why they can't stay." Tony stood speechless. Then Peggy stood up. "N-No it's alright." She told Pepper.

Then she walked over and stood in front of me. "Steve! What a surprise!" She exclaimed. "Yeah." Was all I said. Then I grabbed Tasha's hand. I had to make her jealous so she would come back. She was all I had! Peg took one look at our hands and tears filled her eyes. "Oh, um so you two are ...together now?" She asked holding back her tears. Natasha spoke up. "Uh yes. Yes we are." Peggy nodded. "Well, I'm very...happy for you." She said looking at me and putting on a fake smile. Then I tried to smile to, but it hurt to see her hurting.

"Will-will you excuse me

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"Will-will you excuse me...for a moment?" She asked suddenly, then ran up the stairs. Tony quickly went over to Pepper, who was now in the kitchen, boiling made that he had brought us. I realized that getting her back wasn't worth having to see her heartbroken.

Then I took off and ran up the stairs. I came to a hallway. With 5 doors "Peggy?" I yelled. Then I heard crying from the third door on the right.
I went to it and opened it. When I did I saw Peggy on the floor with her hands and head on a daybed, looking as if she had collapsed.

I slowly went over to her and put my hands on her shoulders. She jumped and looked at me. "S-Steve? What are you doing up here?" She asked. "I'm here to make sure my girl's okay." I told her gently, then winked.

She shook her head. "Steve if you love her, go to her." I shook my head. "But that's just it. I'm not. I love you." She looked at me confused.
Then sat on the daybed, while I kneeled on the ground holding her hand. "What are you talking about? You two were inlove before."

I looked down then up at her. "Peggy. Yes I loved her, but that was when you weren't an option. You were...gone." I said pausing. I then remembered how awe full life was without her. I winced at the memory, then shook my head and looked back at her. "Steve, that's the whole point I ruined your destiny by coming back." She explained while crying.

"Peggy, she was my destiny when you weren't around yes, but now...your my destiny. Just like you were when I first met you. Peg, I love you and you mean more to me than Natasha, The Avengers, Bucky, the whole world and even my life. Peggy Carter I have fallen hopelessly inlove with you. Please don't push me away. Instead will you...marry me?" Peggy's eyes grew wide with happiness and shock.
"W-What?" She asked. I chuckled nervously. "W-will you marry me?" I asked again.

She sat there for a second outing it together than smiled widely. "Y-yes. Yes, darling I will marry you!" She nodded. I smiled widely and stood up. She jumped in my arms and I spun her around.

When we had stopped we hugged then looked at each other. "I love you Peggy Carter." I confessed. "And I love you Steve Rogers." Then we kissed. I was never going to let her go again.

I Want You Here - (Steggy and Romanogers!)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now