Prepairing Team Cap.

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Wanda's POV.
I was at the Avengers building sitting in my room. Stark had trapped me here to "protect me." I didn't ask to be protected. What I really can't believe is that Steve hasn't come to get me. I thought he cared at least a little about me. I started to cry. Then I heard the door open. "Wanda why are you crying?" Vision asked. "Because I'm hurting, and angry." I answered bitterly. "Why?" "Because I'm trapped here and the Captain seems to have forgotten about me." I said and started crying again. "The Captain? Wait. Are in infatuated by Captain Rogers?" He said mechanically. I giggled a little. "What does infatuated mean?" I asked. Sometimes he just doesn't make any sense. "Oh umm, you have an admiration and a sort of passion for him. He inspires you." He said. He's like a walking dictionary. I turned away and blushed a bit. "So that what it means." I said trying to stay off the subject. "Yes and well do you?" Vision asked. I sighed and nodded. "Oh." "But I don't expect him to feel the same way. He's well, a lot older than me. And I think now he thinks I'm too dangerous anyway." I said looking at my hands. "I see. Well it's normal I hear, for young girls to have crushes on men who take care of them or who are mature." He said. "It doesn't matter anyway... Not anymore." "Why?" "Because, he doesn't care anymore. He's afraid of me. Afraid of what I could do, and I don't blame him." I said ashamed. "Why do you think he doesn't care?" Vision asked. "He hasn't come for me has he? He doesn't care. He just was training me so that I wouldn't be dangerous." I said getting up and going to the widow. Just then I saw a flash outside. Apparently Vision did to because as soon as it happened he came to my side. "What is it?" I asked him. "Stay here." He answered and went through the glass outside. Just then I heard a sound and turned around. It was Clint. "What are you doing here?" "Back to pay a debt." I smiled. "You don't have to do this." I said. "I know. C'mon Cap needs our help." He grabbed my hand and started running. As soon as he said Cap I stopped. "What?" He said turning around. "Why didn't he come?" "Why didn't he... I don't get it." He said confused. "Why didn't he come and get me instead of sending you?" "Because he is busy trying to help his best friend. And Tony's been on his back this whole time. It's the first time Tony hasn't been around him." I nodded. "Let's go." "Oh we have to make a stop on the way." I nodded. Then we ran out before Vision could reach us.
Steve's POV.
I went with Bucky and Sam to an auto dealer and got a car that was very very low profile.

I called Sharon on my cellphone and she told me that she could get our suits and weapons and meet us at an overpass near the airport

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I called Sharon on my cellphone and she told me that she could get our suits and weapons and meet us at an overpass near the airport. "Okay thanks." I said before hanging up. "Let's go."I said. I got in the drivers seat and was ready to pull out until I realized Sam and Bucky were still outside. I got out of the car and saw then arguing. "No man. I'm Caps wingman okay. I sit up front." Sam said. "I've known Steve way longer than you." Bucky said back. "Well as I can recall you were the guy who shot Steve in the back like what? Three times?" Sam snapped. "Yeah but that wasn't me." "That wasn't you huh well you listen here..." I finally decided to interrupt. "Hey!" I yelled. They both stopped. I sighed and rubbed my hand across the back of my neck. 'I didn't know having two best friends would be this hard.'I thought. "Okay, look both of you are my best friend okay. You both are brothers to me. Look you guys can't be like this. One- it takes up a lot of time and we are in a hurry. Two- I don't want you guys to kill each other. So here's what we're gonna to do. Rock Paper Scissors okay. Go!" They started and Sam won. "Yes!" He said. And jumped in the front. I looked at Bucky who was getting into the back and I shrugged. He laughed and we drove off. While we drove to the underpass Sam andBucky argued the whole way. It was like having kids! I would just laugh. "Okay, Steve if you were in a fight with the hulk, who would you choose between me and this dude to help you take him down?" Sam asked. I shook my head and smiled. "Not involved." I stated. Sam rolled his eyes. "No but Steve okay we have been Best friends since we were kids okay. We're brothers." Bucky said. I nodded agreeing. "Yeah but Steve and I are brothers to I mean we took down HYDRA or SHIELD together, we've been through a lot. I mean I helped him get used to the 21st century." Sam argued I nodded again in agreement. "So who would it be?" They both said in unison. "Neither." I said. "What?" They again said in unison. "I'd choose Wanda. At least she doesn't talk a lot." I laughed. We finally got to the over pass and I got out of the car. Sharon went to her trunk and opened it. "Here you go." She said. "Everything you asked for. You know I'm in soooo much trouble now." She said. "I know thank you for doing this Sharon." I answered. "Yeah, well I don't agree with the whole accord thing and I'm starting to get used to working with you." She said with a smile. "Well I better get going." She said. "Thanks again Sharon." I said she smiled. "Bye Captain." "Bye."
When we got to the airport parking garage we all got out of the car. Clint and Wanda got out of the their van and walked over. "Hey Clint thanks for doing this." I said shaking his hand. I noticed Wanda was straight faced and looked upset. "Wanda, hey you okay?" I asked "Fine." She answered. I nodded. "Where is he?" I asked. "In the car." He opened the van door and the guy jumped up. "Woah! Where am I." He said. "Get out Cap wants to talk to you." He got up and started shaking my hand. "Captain America! I'm so honored to be working with you sir." "Mr. Lang." I said shaking his hand. "I mean I'm  actually here with you! I mean I'm not only with you cuz that would be weird,but I'm here with the avengers! I'm rambling and I'm shaking your hand to much." He said and released. "So do you know what's happening? And why you're here?" I asked "Yeah something about mass assassins." "Yeah." I answered. Then Lang looked over at Sam. "How you doin' ticktack?" Sam asked. "Oh hey I'm so sorry about last time..." "Yeah last time. Great audition, but that will never... happen again." "Okay so let's suit up." When I was ready I came out of the bathroom and saw Wanda leaning on the railing. I walked up to her. "Wanda? You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I asked. "No." "Why?" "Because, you won't understand. Your mature." She said. 'Did she just call me old?' I asked myself. "Wanda just because I'm older than you doesn't mean I won't understand you." "Fine. Vision says that I'm-I'm..." "Your what?" I asked worried. Vision was the one that kept her there he might have told her anything to scare her. "He told me that I'" She said. 'Wait Wanda has a school girl crush on me? It all makes since now. Why she's been acting so weird and why she's been so angry.... wait that doesn't make since...' I thought. "Are you." I asked causally. She sighed and nodded. "Yes." "Oh. Well, Wanda its normal for young girls to have schoolgirl crushes on their instructors." I said "I know. That's what Vision said. And I understand that why you didn't come back for me was because you were a little afraid of me. And I under..." I interrupted her. "Wanda I'm not afraid of you and I couldn't come back because I was captured myself for a while. Then I had to go low profile so I sent Clint. Wanda I care for you, but not in that way. Your a very sweet girl and I'm very proud of you and how much you've learned, but I'm too old for you and again I don't feel that way. One day the right man will come along, but I'm not him." I said gently. She nodded "I understand. Let's go we have a job to do." She said. I nodded in agreement. We all were suited up and ready to fight.

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