The Search For A Ghost part 1

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Steve's POV.

SHIELD compromised? So in code his 'wife' is SHIELD. Was he kicked out of SHIELD? "Who else knows about your 'wife'?" I asked in code. "Only my friends." he said turning his phone around. YOU AND ME. So I am the only one who knows. Why didn't he tell Natasha? "Is that what we are?" I asked. " That's up to you." He said. Then BANG! Something shot Nick in the back right through the wall. Nick fell to the floor coughing. I dragged Nick into the dining room. While I was dragging him I saw ,what looked like a metal arm, through the window. I stood over Nick and he let go of my hand, reveling a USB chip in his hand. "Don't-trust- a-any-one..." He said. I took the chip and heard someone brake the door down. I picked up my shield ready to fight. "Captain Rogers?" A woman's voice said. When the woman turned the corner, I saw who it was.
"Captain Rogers I'm agent 13. SHIELD special service." "Kate?" My neighbor, a SHIELD agent? "I've been assigned to protect you." She said. "On whose orders?" I asked. I don't need protection. Kate looked over in the dining room and noticed Fury. "His." She answered and rushed over to him. "Fox Trot is down! He is unresponsive. We need EMT's!" She said into her walky-talky. Over the radio I heard a SHIELD agent ask "Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" Right then, I noticed the shooter through the window. "Tell them I'm in pursuit." I told her and ran through the wall to chase him. I finally caught up to him and threw my shield at him. To my surprise the man turned around and caught my shield with a metal arm.

He threw it back at me and he was so powerful that it made me slide backwards

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He threw it back at me and he was so powerful that it made me slide backwards. When I looked back up he was gone. Later I met Agent Hill at the hospital. We watched as the doctors did surgery on him. Natasha came rushing in and asked about the shooter "He was fast. Strong. Had a metal arm." We all watched as they did surgery on Nick. Out of the blue, they started to loose him. I over heard Natasha begging Nick to hold on. But to no avail he passed away. Later Natasha would not leave his side. Hill and I stood while she said goodbye to him. Then I went over to her. "It's time Natasha. They need to take him." I told her gently. She looked up, wiped a tear, and walked out of the room on her heel. "Natasha! Natasha!" I yelled running after her. "Why was Fury at your apartment?" She asked. 'Should I trust her?' I thought 'Nick said don't trust anyone, but what about Nat. No. Steve she's called the Black Widow for a reason she turns on you when you least expect it.' I shrugged my shoulders. "I-I don't know." I said casually. "Your a terrible lier." She said, turned around and walked out. Then Romlow called for me and said they wanted me at shield I told him one minute, but he insisted. I didn't want to bring the USB to SHIELD so I decided to hide it in a vending machine. Later that day Pierce talked to me and threatened me that if I didn't tell him why Fury was there he would have me killed. I excepted it. I couldn't trust even Pierce. After talking to him I went to the elevator. As I stood there the elevator filled up. The men were sweating and the strike team were holding their guns. All of the sudden it hit me 'They're here to kill me or take me in. I'm a fugitive just because I said no to telling what Fury said.' I looked around dreading this. I mentally got ready. Once the elevator was totally filled, I was ready. "Before we get started. Does anyone want to get out?" I asked. Then the fight started at the end Rumlow and I were the last men standing he tried to attack me with a taser. I finally picked him and threw him. I tried to escape through the elevator door but strike teams were set up at ever door so I took my shield and jumped through the elevator window and landed hard into the ground. I ran to the garage and drove out on my motorcycle. Later I went back to the hospital to get the USB. I went to the vending machine and all the bubble gum that was In front of it and the USB was gone I stood there shocked. Then I saw in the glass Natasha blowing a bubble. Angry I turned around and pushed her into a storage room. I took my jacket hood down. "Where is it?" "Safe" she answered. "Do better." I told her. She's hiding somethings I know it. "Where did you get it?" She asked. "Why would I tell you?" "Fury gave it to you. Why?" She asked. "What's on it?" I asked. "I don't know." "Stop lying!" I said angrily. "I only act like I know everything, Rogers." I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates didn't you?" I asked her. "Well it made since. The ship was dirty. Fury needed a way in so do you." "I'm not asking again." I told her. "I know who killed Fury." She said pausing. "Most of the intelligence community don't believe he exists. The ones who do call him the Winter Soldier." She continued explaining it. "So he's a ghost story." "I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran when someone shot out my tires. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight threw me." I felt a bit of anger pass through me thinking that someone would try to hurt her. I shook it off. She continued. "Going after him's a dead end. Like you said he's a ghost Story." She handed me the USB. "Then let's see what the ghost wants." We both left the hospital and went to a Mac Store in the mall to use the computers. We got there and she went to a computer. "The drive has a level 6 homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are." She explained. "How much time do we have?" I asked "About 9 minutes from... now." She said plugging in the USB. Standing there felt like hours. "Can I help you with anything?" A employee asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Natasha. "Oh no my fiancé was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations." She giggled. "Right, we're getting married." I said awkwardly pushing up my fake glasses. "Congrats you two! So, where are you going?" He asked. I looked at the computer screen "New Jersey." I said. "Oh...." Then he paused and looked at me. I got worried what if he recognizes me it could get to SHIELD that we're here. "I have the exact same glasses!" I sighed in relief. "Wow you two are practically twins." Natasha said. "Yeah I wish. Specimen. Well if you need help, I've been Erin." We both nodded. "Thank you."I told him. When Natasha found the location she looked at me and saw my face. "You know it?" "I used to. Let's go." Then we left the store. We headed to the escalator, when in saw members of the strike team walking around the mall. Rumlow was one of them. "Standard tac-team, two behind,two across, two coming right at us. I'll engage. You hit the South escalator to the metro." I said to her getting ready to fight. "Shut up and put your arm around me, laugh at something I said." Nat told me. "What?"
"Do it!" She ordered. I quickly did as she said. I leaned down and laughed. They all passed us. As we went down the escalator Natasha turned quickly to me "Kiss me." "What?"I asked confused. "Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable." "Yes, they do." I answered thinking about what she said. Suddenly Tasha kissed me.  She pulled away. Then I realized I really liked her. She turned around and walked down the escalator to the floor. I followed.

Natasha's POV

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Natasha's POV.

As we were going down the escalator, I saw Rumlow going up on the escalator next to us. 'He's going to see us! What do we do... I know!' I thought I turned to Steve. "Kiss me!" I told him. He looked like a deer in the headlights. "What?"he asked. "Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable." I explained. "Yes, they do." 'Ugh why can't this man just kiss me!' I quickly took him by the neck bringing his head down and kisses him. I pulled away gently. I think I like Steve! I thought. I turned around quickly and headed down the escalator to the floor he followed close behind. We headed out to the Parking garage. Steve hot wired a car and we got in and drove away undetected.

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