The Mission.

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Steve's POV.

The next day was my last to be at the base. I woke up and the first thing that popped in my head was.... Peggy. I thought of our nice date together and how much we had to look forward to. I got up and got ready to head down to the meeting about the mission tomorrow.

I got dressed and right when I was walking out the door something popped in my head. "I'm forgetting something. Man I sound like a woman. Okay let's see... I'm dressed, I ate, I brushed my hair and teeth, what else? Do I have my compass? I checked my pocket. When I checked it, I pulled out the compass and also pulled out something else. It was a remote. Then it all came back.********flashback**********
How will I get back here?" I asked. "Well worm wholes open from both sides right? So what we've done is made this remote so when your ready all you have to do is click the button and the other side to whole will appear and you'll walk through it." Bruce answered. "I see." I stared at it.
*************End of flashback************
I looked down at the remote. "Ugh! How could I have forgotten? I guess I was distracted by Peggy. My mission! I totally forgot! Oh my gosh!" Then it all hit me. "I'm not going to be able to be with her." I collapsed in the chair. I was in a state of shock. How could I let myself fall into this? 'Now it will just be harder to let her go.' I thought. "What am I going to do?"

Later that day after the meeting Peggy walked up to me. I turned around and all I could do is look at her with sorrow in my eyes. "Steve what's wrong?" She asked worriedly. "Oh! Nothing Peggy. Just thinking." I said trying to shake my thoughts away. "Oh. Well I-I wanted to give you something." She said. 'Oh no.' I thought.

"Here." She said handing me a picture of her. I took it and rubbed my thumb across her beautiful picture. I looked back up at her with a sad smile. "What's this?" I asked. Even though I knew. "It' picture. I thought you might want it to keep while your gone to battle." She said. I again looked at it adoringly, then squeezed my eyes shut trying to hold back my tears. I looked back at her forcing a smile. "Thank you... Peggy. I-I will keep it with me always." I said fighting my tears. She smiled. "Good. Well I better go see Colonel Philips. Bye." She said. "Bye." I said quietly.

I quickly went to Howard. I had to convince him once and for all. "Howard?" I said walking into his lab. "Hey Steve! What's up?" He asked. "You can't do it." I said. "What?" He asked. "You can't save the serum! Or my blood!" I told him. He rolled his eyes. "I thought we'd been over this. You know we have to. It could save lives!" He argued. "Howard you've got to listen to me." I begged. "It will be used for evil in the future!" I explained. He looked at me annoyed. "Steve I'm not doing this. You know a lot about warfare, but science... that's my kingdom." He started to walk away.

I sighed I knew I shouldn't but I had to. "Just- let me prove it." I said loudly. He turned around skeptically. "Fine." We walked into his office and sat down. I took a deep breath. "If I tell you this you have to promise me you won't tell anyone." I said. "Okay. Shoot." He answered. I took another deep breath. "Okay here it goes. I'm not who you think I am." I said. He looked at me quizzically. "What?" He asked annoyed and confused. I sighed. "Okay so the guy that you turned into Captain America was the real me. But the guy who had his blood taken and everything else is me." I sighed knowing I wasn't explaining it well. "Okay. I-I'm from the future." I said quickly.

He sat silently, then burst out laughing."That's funny Steve! You really had me going there for a minute!" I looked at him seriously. He paused from laughing. "Wait your serious aren't you?" He asked. I nodded. "Steve I think you need a doctor." He said worriedly. "No I don't. Look I know it's hard to believe but I am from the future. A future that's in trouble because you saved the serum." I said.

"But if you did you get here?" He asked. "By this." I said I clicked the button on the remote. Suddenly a blue electric whole appeared out of nowhere. it roared loudly. Stark quickly jumped up out of his seat and stood back. "What-what is that thing?" He asked. "Don't be afraid it's just a portal to the future. It can't do anything unless you walk threw it." "Okay! Okay I believe you!" He yelled over the roar. I quickly pressed the button turning it off. He sat back down in astonishment.

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