Going Home

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Steve's POV.
Two weeks later....

I was sitting in my room watching the news. They were talking about Loki. And how he was being a slave driver. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "There's nothing we can do!" I exclaimed I picked up the remote and threw it at the wall. It's pieces went everywhere. "Great!" I went over and picked ip the pieces.

As I was picking them up I heard someone mock at the door. "Come in!" I yelled, still distracted by the broken remote. "Hey Steve! We did it!" Tony exclaimed. I looked up at him quickly. "What?" I asked. "We did it! The equation it's right we figured out how to get you there!"

"Wow." I said in a state of shock. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah. It's just... it's a lot to take in that's all." I said. "I understand. Well it will be a few days before it's ready so just let it sink in for a while." "Okay thanks Tony." Then he left.

I sat on my bed again. 'I'm actually going back. I'm going to see everyone again. I'm so scared! But why?' I thought. "I've got to do this." I ordered myself. "No matter what."
Three days Latter***********************

Tony had called me to the lab so I was on my way. When I got to it I saw Bruce and Tony standing in front of a window. I walked over to them. "Hey what is it?" I asked. "Come here." Tony said. I looked at him oddly and went to the widow. "Look." He said. I looked. There it was. A metal sphere hooked up to a capsule and inside was Loki's stone.

"That's it?" I asked. "Yup. That's what's going to send you back." Bruce said with confidence. I looked at them. "How will I get back here?" I asked. "Well worm wholes open from both sides right? So what we've done is made this remote so when your ready all you have to do is click the button and the other side to whole will appear and you'll walk through it." Bruce answered. "I see." I stared at it.

"What now?" I asked "Well first we need to decide what time your going to go to. And when we do you need to remember all that was going on at the time. But you can tell us that tonight." "Okay sounds simple enough." I said with confidence. "That's not all. It won't be easy to talk my father into not saving them. Apparently he that that it would make up for loosing you later on and he also thought it would cure deceases." Tony said.

"Could it?" "Probably, but we never could find out because it was taken from us." Bruce answered. "Another thing. You can't change anything else in time. That's why you have to know exactly what's going to happen because you don't want to mess anything up." Tony continued "Got it." I paused.

"You do know that if we do this your father will be alive." I told Tony. His face froze. "No I didn't." He said then sat there silently.

"Also will you guys remember that any of this happened?" "No. It's possible we could of we get to close to the worm whole, but probably not." Bruce answered. "Also when you leave you might be there for days, but when you come back it will be to us as if you hadn't gone at all." Bruce continued.

"Okay. So how long until I leave?" "Well... About.... 2 days. We want to get this done as soon as possible, but you need to let us know about everything we talked about." Tony said. "Okay well I better go study up." I said and left the room.

The next day Tony, Bruce and I all discussed where I was going to be sent. The two finally decided the best place to be sent to would be right after I took the syrum. I finally convinced them to send me a little after because I didn't want to go through seeing Dr. Erskine killed again. And I didn't really like the idea of having to get shot in the side again either.

I was in my room on the computer studying everything that happened after that day. While researching I started getting home sick again. On the computer I saw a picture of Peggy. They were talking about how, when I came with my act that she was there giving me confidence and telling me I was meant for more. Just then I realized. 'I'm gonna see her again.' I looked down at a link. It read... Margret 'Peggy' Carter pioneer woman.... I clicked on the link and it brought me to a news bulletin about her death. I frowned. Then looked at the picture on article. A smile began to form. "I'm coming back Peg. You won't know I ever left, but I'll know. And like usual you'll be there anchoring me." I spoke aloud.
2 days later***************************

I was in the gym working out. I only had 2 hours before it was time to go. Who knows how long I would be there, reliving the past. How would I talk Howard into not keeping the syrum? He was so stubborn when I knew him. It will be so strange seeing everyone I used to know.

Just then Sam came in. "Hey man." "Hey." I said. "So when are you going?" He asked. "In 2 hours." I said nervous. "You okay man?" "No not really. I guess I'm just nervous about seeing her again." I said honestly. "You do realize she won't feel that way right? You'll know it's been forever, but she won't." "I know. She won't even be inlove with me yet." I answered.

"Will you be able to do it?" He asked. "I have to. I'm the only one who can." I answered. "Okay. Good luck man." He said and patted me on the back. "Thanks. I'll need it." Then he left.
2 hours later*****

I was in my room thinking about what was about to happen. I was going home. To Peggy. I had dreamed about this for as long as I can remember. I'm gonna see Howard to. He was a good friend. I'll finally be back where I belong. I got out of my gym cloths and got dressed in this...

 I got out of my gym cloths and got dressed in this

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I heard the door open. "Cap? It's time." Tony said. "Okay."

We went down to the time reactor, at least that's what Tony called it, and Tony put in the time coordinates. Immediately the metal sphere roared and glowed a bright blue. Then it stopped roaring and quietly hummed. All the Avengers were standing there to see me off.

I turned to Bruce and Tony. "Okay so you know what to do right?" Tony asked. "Yeah live out everything as it happened, but get Howard not to save the syrum." "Right and don't tell anyone about the future. It could mess things up." Tony said. "Got it." I said. "Good luck." Bruce and Tony said. "Thanks." I said hugging them.

I walked over to Clint. "Good luck Cap." "Thank you Clint. For everything." I said and shook his hand. Then I went over to T'Challa. "Good luck Captain. I know you can do it." "Thank you your highness." I shook his hand.

I looked over to see Natasha with her sideways smile. "Hey." I said. "Hey." She smiled them she got serious. "I want you know I'll never stop believing in you and I um..." She shook her head. "Good luck." I looked at her oddly. "Tasha. I'm coming back." I nodded. "I know. It's just... Don't do anything you'll regret Steve. I need you- we need you here. We always did." She said. "Okay? And thank you." I said and hugged her. 'Did she just say she needed me?' I asked myself. Before letting go she leaned up and kissed my cheek softly. I pulled back and looked into her eyes. 'She's afraid of loosing me.' I thought. I smiled sweetly. Then walked away.

Finally I got to Wanda. "Good luck. I hope everything goes okay." She said "I hope so to and thank you." I said hugging her. Lastly I walked over to Sam. "Bye Cap." "Bye Sam." I said and hugged him. "Good luck man." "I'll need it." I patted him on the shoulder.

"You ready?" Tony asked "Yeah. I'm ready." "Okay go." Tony ordered. I nodded and looked at everyone then back at the glowing portal. I slowly walked towards it. I closed my eyes. "Here we go." I said aloud. And I walked through.

I felt a jolt of energy pierce through my body as I was traveling back. I felt a stinging sensation on my fingers and my hair was standing on end. My eyes were closed. I could see anything. I heard a roar of electricity around me. And the close on my body became hot. I felt a jolt. All of the sudden everything stopped I felt normal again. "Steve?" I heard a young woman ask. I opened my eyes and was shocked.

Omg! Who said Steve? And I wonder why Natasha was so worried about him? Find out in the next chapter!

I Want You Here - (Steggy and Romanogers!)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now