The Fight

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Steve's POV.
"You guys ready? Hopefully it will all go alright. If not you know what to do." I said to the team in my earpiece. "Got it." They all answered in unison. I ran quietly out to the airport to a helicopter making sure the coast was clear.

Just then Tony landed in his suit right in front of me, then Rodey did the same. "Hey Cap! What a coincidence to see you here!" Tony said sarcastically. I sighed. "Hi Tony." "Isn't it weird how you always run in to people you know at the airport? Isn't Rodey?" "Yep weird." Rodey said also sarcastically.

"So Cap why don't you come with us and end this okay?" Tony asked. "I can't do that Tony." "You know your the hardest head I've ever met! You are splitting this team apart! I've tried being nice. Asking you nicely. But that's over! You wanna war? Fine you can have one!" He said telling me off.

"Tony! You don't understand. That psychiatrist is the one who brought all this on! He wants this! He wants us to get distracted so we won't focus on the real problem." I started to explain. "Okay Cap. So what exactly is the real problem?" Rodey asked. "The real problem is, is that Bucky did not kill the King of Wakanda! That psychiatrist, he's the one who killed the King! It was all part of his plan to take over the world. He framed Bucky to get the government to arrest him and then he used Bucky to find out where the other winter soldiers are." I explained. Just then Tasha walked up. "Other winter soldiers?" Natasha asked. "Yes 5 of them and they are stronger and more powerful than Bucky. You've gotta let me go."

"Okay I've run outta patients. On the roof!" He yelled. Just then out of no where, my shield was ripped away from me and my hands were bound in some sort of webbing. I looked over to see a man in a spider suit holding my shield.

It was red and blue

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It was red and blue. "Hey everyone." He finally spoke up. He sounded like a kid. 'Wow. Of course, Tony would go and get a kid who has no idea what's going on.' "Hi Cap. Big fan." I nodded. "Okay okay we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony told the kid. "Oh okay sorry Mr. Stark. It's just I'm a little excited you know." The kid said.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, Steve your not going anywhere. And I'm tired of asking nicely so..." "Your coming with us." Rodey said finishing Tony's sentence. I sighed. Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way. "I'm not going anywhere." I said. "Hawkeye, help me out." I said quietly in my ear piece. Just then I lifted my hands above my head and Clint shot and arrow from higher ground, cutting the webbing. "What!?" Rodey exclaimed.

"Lang! Now!" I yelled. "Right then the spider.... kid was flipped over. Then Lang in his Ant-Man suit turned big again and took the shield from the kid and giving it back to me. "I think this is yours Captain America." He said heroically. I have never been called Captain America by a team member when in battle before. Lang was an interesting man.

Just then Black Panther showed up. "Where is he?" He asked referring to Bucky. "We'll find him soon enough." Rodey told him. "Hey Cap. We found a Quinjet. It's in the hanger in front of you." Sam told me. "Got it." Just then Rodey and Black Panther looked over to the airport building and saw Bucky and Sam running down a ramp. They started raising after them. "Wanda! Now, on the west wing side!"I yelled.
Wanda flew over to Rodey and Black Panther, and threw Black Panther into a plane. I went after him.

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