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Steve's POV.

On our way in the Quinjet, to the ship that was taken by pirates, the 3rd in command of the strike team, Agent Grimlow explained the situation. "The ship has been taken by pirates, as you already know, and they have kidnapped the crew and they have some of SHIELD's Intel." He stated I nodded in understanding. "The leader of the pirates is this guy." He said, pointing to the picture on the screen. "His names George Batrock." After giving us the information Nat and I started getting our gear together. "Secure channel seven." I said into my wrist radio. "Channel seven secure." Natasha said. "So, you doing anything fun Saturday night?" She asked. I looked up at her. 'Is she asking me out?'I wondered. "Well, everyone in my barbershop quartet are dead. So no. Not really." I said trying to make a joke. I walker over to the hatch and opened it. "You know if you asked Kristin out from Statistics, she'd probably say yes." I was a little disappointed she was trying to set me up with someone else. I know. That's why I don't ask." I said. "Too shy or too scared?" She asked. Yes I was shy and scared a little. I've always been a little afraid of women. But I also just don't have time. "Too busy." I said shrugging. Then I jumped out of the Quinjet into the icy cold ocean. I dropped feet first into the ocean, swam to the ships anchor and climbed up the chain. Once I got on the ships deck I snuck up behind a guard an nocked him out. Then I ran across the ship taking down all the other guards. Finally my luck ran out. I took down to guards. When all of the sudden a man put a gun to my head. Just when I thought I was beat he fell to the floor. I turned around to see Natasha and the strike team coming down on the ship in parachutes. Grimlow had a crossbow in his hands. "Thanks." I said. "Yeah, you seemed pretty helpless without me." He joked. When Natasha landed on the ship she took off her parachute and started walking with me. "What about the nurse who lives across the hall from you? She seems pretty nice." She said. I just smiled a bit. "Secure the engine room. Then find me a date." "I'm multitasking." She said and jumped over a railing. Later we had gotten the hostages out and I had found Batrock, but I lost him. Grimlow told me that Natasha didn't meet back at the meeting point and that he couldn't reach her. I tried calling her. "Natasha. Batrocks on the move circle back around and protect the hostages." She didn't answer. "Natasha..." Just then Batrock attacked me so I used my shield. Using it he never could hit me or what he was misting doing, he couldn't kick me. Finally he stood in front of me and began to speak in Russian. I knew how to speak Russian from when I was in the army. And they taught me how so I could go undercover. "I thought you more than just a shield..." He said. I put my shield on my back and took my helmet off. "Let's see." I said back in Russian. We started fighting. He didn't even get one punch. At the end of the fight I pushed him through a wall and found Natasha in a computer room. "Well this is awkward." She said. "What are you doing?" "Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into." She answered. Romlow needed your help! What the heck are you doing here?" I asked angrily. Then I saw the screen. "Your saving SHIELD intel." "Whatever I can get my hands on..." She said. "Our mission is to rescue hostages." I said. "No that's your mission, and you've done it beautifully." "Do you relies you just jeopardized this whole mission!" "I think that's overstating things." Just then Batrock got up and threw a bomb. I took Natasha and put the shield in front of us and jumped through the widow. "Okay that ones on me." She said. "You bet it is." I answered upset. Later after the mission I talked to Fury. He's always keeping secrets. Tony was right about him. After I told Fury off he took me down to a floor where 3 huge Helecariers were being made and being stocked. He told me that they were going to use them to get rid of threats before they happen. Meaning kill people before they've done wrong. Just because they have a possibility of being an assassin or a terrorist! "By holding a gun to everyone on earth your call it protection." "You know I read those SSR files. Greatest Generation. You guys did some nasty stuff." He said. "Yeah, we compromised. Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep at night, but we didn't so people could be free. This isn't freedom, this is fear." I stated and pointed to the Helecariers. "SHIELD takes the world as it is not as we'd like it to be. And it's about time you get with that program." He said sternly. "Don't hold your breath." I said and I walked away. Later I talked to Natasha about what hey we're doing. "Did you know about it?" I asked "No. I didn't. I know I don't like it though." She said. "But there's nothing we can do about it." I just shook my head. There's always something you can do about it. " I said. "Hey you know what you should to get your mind of things. You know instead of the punching bag." She said "What." I laughed. "Go see the Smithsonian! They have a new section. And it's about... you." I smile. It would be like going back in time. "Okay I'll give it a try." I left and headed to the Smithsonian. When I got there I went straight to the Captain America section. I saw a little boy staring at me, while his sisters were looking at how tall I was before and how tall I am now. I looked at him, smiled and made a gesture to be quite. Then I found a place for Bucky.... I can't believe I let him fall.
My best friend. I walked over to a dark room where that had a video playing. It was the same interview I had watched almost a year ago. "He saved over a thousand men..." Peggy said. I pulled out my compass and looked  at her picture "Including the man that would become my husband as it turned out. Even after he died Steve was still changing my life." After that I had to see her again so the next day I went and talked to her. She had grown weaker but still had those strong beautiful eyes. And was happier than ever to see me. I started to tell her about my struggles at this point in my life.

At the end of our conversation Peggy forgot completely that I was alive. I felt like I wanted to cry. I hated her to have to go through his again. Later that day I decided to go see Sam at the V.A. He was talking with some veterans who had worse problems than me really. After it was over he came out and saw me. "Look who it is, the running man." Sam said. "I caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense." "Yeah, brother we all got the same problems. Guilt, regret." I knew what meant. ""You loose someone?" I asked "My wingman, Riley. Flying a night mission. A standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn't done before, till RPG nocked Riley out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It was like I was just up there to watch." I knew how he felt. It was the some with Bucky. "I'm sorry." After that, I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there. You know?" He explained. "But your happy now. Back in he world?" "Hey, the number of people giving me orders is down to about zero. So yeah! You thinking about getting out?" That was a good question. After finding out about The lumarian star project... "No. I don't know... To be honest. I don't what I'd do with myself if I did." I answered. "Ultimate fighting?" He said. I laughed. "It's just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously you could whatever you want. What makes you happy?" That was a good question, one that I didn't have answer for. "I don't know." Later that night I went home as I walked up the stairs I saw Kate she was on the phone, It's weird she lived in New York next door to me, and now she lives again next door to me but in D.C. I waved "Oh hey! Sorry I've got to go. Love you. Sorry. My aunt. Kind of a ammoniac." She said and giggled. I looked at the basket of cloths she had in her hands. "That's fine, uh hey, if you want to use my washer your welcome to. It doesn't cost a dollar." She smiled. "Oh really than what does it cost?" She asked flirtatiously. "A cup of coffee." "Thanks, but I doubt you want my scrubs in your washer. I just finished a rotation in the infectious ward so..." "Oh well I'll keep my distance." I said jokingly. "Hopefully not too far." She said. I nodded she started to leave. "Oh and I think you left your stereo is on." She said. "Thanks." I said. And she left. I don't remember leaving my station on I listened through the door. There was music playing. I went into my apartment through the widow and grabbed my shield. I hid behind the wall that entered into the living room when I looked around the corner I saw Fury. "I don't remember giving you a key." I said annoyingly. "What makes you think I need one. My wife threw me out." "I didn't know had a wife." I said "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." "I know Nick. That's the problem. I leaned over,turned on the light and saw that Nick had been beaten to death. He motioned me to stay quiet. He took out his phone and turned it around. EARS EVERYWHERE. it said. I looked around the room not believing it. "Sorry about this, but I had no place else to crash." He said and started typing again he turned his phone around.

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