The Return Of An Old Friend

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Steve's POV.

It was the day after Peggy's funeral and I was still in London. I woke up in the hotel room and looked out the widow. Today was the day that the signing of the accords would take place. Natasha, Rodey, and Tony would all be there. I shook my head thinking about the situation. Then I got a call from Sharon. She asked if I'd like to meet her for lunch. I told her yes. At lunch we talked about Peggy and Sharon asked about the war. She seemed very interested in it. After lunch I offered to walk her home. When we got to her condominium, we stopped at the elevator. "Thanks for walking me back." She said with a smile. "Oh no problem. Can I asked you something?" She nodded. "When you were.... snooping at me from across the hall..." I started. "You mean doing my job." She corrected. I laughed a bit. "I know. When you were doing your job.... did... Peggy know?" I asked her. "She already had so many secrets I didn't want her to have any from you." She said. I nodded. Then Sam came up. "Man, you gotta see this." He said worriedly. We looked on the tv and saw that a bomb had been set of at the U.N. And they were blaming Bucky! "I've got to go to work." Sharon said. When We flew to Berlin I called Natasha to see if she was okay. On the phone she told be not to find Bucky. I had to though I was the only one he wouldn't kill. Sharon secretly gave me a file of information about where Bucky was. It said he was in Romania. The next day me and Sam went to Romania and I found Bucky in his apartment. "Do you know me?" I asked "Yeah, your that Steve guy I read about." He answered. "Your lying." He just stood there. "Were you in Berlin yesterday? I said handing him a news paper. He read it. "I don't do that anymore." He said. "We the people who think you did are coming after you. And they are going to be here any minute." He signed heavily. "This doesn't have to end in a fight." I said worried. "It always ends in a fight." He said taking his glove off his metal arm. Then the fight started he attacked the police officers and jumped out of the window. He landed on the roof of a building next to us. Then I was watching from the widow and saw a new super human fighting Bucky. He wore a black cat suit. I jumped out the window and chased after the two. Finally at the end of the fight me and Sam caught up to them. But the police were there before us. Rodey landed in his War Machine suit and took us into custody. Right then the cat man pulled off his mask and it turned out to be Prince and now King T'challa of Wakanda. Later when we got to the CSI headquarters Tony and Nat were there. They were also angry at me and Sam. The CSI agents took our weapons and put them away. "I'm not getting that shield back am I?" I asked Natasha. "Technically it's the governments now." She answered. Later Tony came in to the office they placed me and Sam in and we talked. "Why don't you just sign it. Then we can put all of this behind us, and Bucky won't be put into a Wakanan prison." He said. I sighed. 'Maybe he's right. If I signed We all could be a family again. Maybe I'm making to much of a big deal about it. ' I thought. "I'm not saying it's impossible." I paused. "They'd put him in a good therapy center?" "Of course! Anything to help him." I nodded. "And after we clear Wanda she can be let free..." "What?" I asked. "Wanda. She's at the Avengers building. She's been told to stay there until we clear things up we don't want her to accidentally do something...." "Aw Tony! Really? Right when I think you've changed you go right back! She only 17 she shouldn't be imprisoned!" "It's  not like she's behind bars! She has the whole building to herself! I'm trying to keep her safe." "Safety?! Does she even want to be "safe"? It was one time! And it was my fault to! You can't do this to her!" ""She's to dangerous to be let out in the world!" "She's a kid!" I yelled. I sighed and shook my head. "It's not gonna work." I told him. Then he left. After, we all watched on a tv a psychiatrist talk with Bucky who was in a glass chamber in hand cuffs. Sharon met with us in our office and we all three talked about Bucky. "He said he didn't do it. And I happen to believe him. He doesn't do that stuff anymore." "Than whoever did it expected us to find him." Sharon said. Then she looked at the screen at the psychiatrist. I did the same. "He's the only one we don't know here." Sam said. Then the lights went out. And the screen went black. We all three ran down to the place where he was being kept. Suddenly, Bucky attacked Sam and through him across the room. I saw the psychiatrist sneaking out I grabbed him and asked him what he had done to him. He didn't answer and just smirked at me. "From the inside an empire will fall." Then from behind I was attacked by Bucky we fought. When we got to the elevator he punched me with his metal arm and I fell down the elevator shaft. When I hit the bottom I could hear a faint sound of a conflict up the shaft. I quickly climbed up the elevator wires. When I got to the floor where Bucky had been I saw that he wasn't there. I quickly ran up the stairs to the roof. He had gotten a helicopter and was going to take off. I grabbed the bottom of the helicopter and tried pulling it down. I slid all the way to the edge of the roof and finally he crashed onto the roof. I pulled out the door and got Bucky out. He was knocked out so I carried him over my shoulder to a wear house. I called Sam and he met me there. "Hey man." He said rubbing his shoulder. "You okay?" I asked "Yeah. He puts up a good fight." "Yeah." I answered looking over at him. I had tide him his arms in chains so he couldn't get out. All of the sudden he woke up. Sam and I went over and stood across from him. "This was a good idea." He said looking down at his arms then back at me. "Which guy am I talking to? The winter soldier or Bucky?" I asked sternly. "Your Mom's name was Sarah." He paused and started laughing. "You used to wear news papers in your shoes." He laughed. I smiled. "You can learn that in a museum." I said "So just because of that we're all good? We're just gonna act like the last hour didn't happen?" Sam asked. "It wasn't him." I said. I looked back at Bucky. "What did I do?" "Well other than crashing a helicopter, destroying the cell you were in and breaking the elevator, not much." Sam answered before I could. I looked at him then back at Bucky. "It wasn't your fault. "I knew this would happen. The stuff HYDRA put in me is still there. All he had to do was say those...words. "What did the psychiatrist want from you?" "He wanted to know about a mission I carried out in May of 1991." "What was the mission?" I asked him. "I stole some of the super soldier syrum and gave it to HYDRA. They used it to create 5 more winter soldiers. He wanted to know where they were. And I told him." "Are they still alive?" "Yes, they're in Russia. If he finds them...well let's just say I won't be the worst thing that happened to D.C." "What do you mean?" "They could take over the world Steve." He said blankly. "Just let them try." Sam said angrily. "You won't see them coming. They can speak 30 different languages. Can hide in plain sight..." I turned to Sam. "So what do we do?" Sam asked. "If we let Tony know..." "He wouldn't believe us." Sam said. "Even if he did..." I said hopefully. And was shot down again. "The accords probably wouldn't let him." "We're on our own." I finally said coming to the conclusion. "Maybe not." Sam paused. "What?" "I know someone."

Hope you liked this chapter!! Sorry it took so long to update!

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