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Steve's POV.
It's been a long week. After saving the world from Loki and his alien army, I could use some down time. Of course, I'm not complaining it was nice to be back. Walking up the stairs to my apartment, I see the girl who lives next door to me coming out of her apartment and locking the door. "Hey!" I say unsure of myself. She turns around abruptly to face me. "Oh! Hi! I didn't hear you come up." She laughed. "Well, I-I just wanted to... to uh," I said not knowing what next. "To uh..." She said quietly then giggled. I laughed. "Well I wanted to ask your name truthfully. We've been neighbors for about 2 months now and I don't know anything about you." I said honestly. She giggled again "that's true. It's Kate." She said. "Kate...." I asked "Kate Benson. And your Captain America." She said confidently. I looked surprised. I don't know why it's not like I have a secret identity. I guess it was just her knowing it. 'Do I like her?' I thought. 'Yeah, I do she seems nice and she pretty.' Then cleared her throat, making me realize I had just been standing there silently like an idiot. "Oh! Um, sorry I've had a ruff week. How did you know who I was?" I asked without thinking. "Well you aren't exactly hiding your identity." She said "True. Well now that we've been properly acquainted..." Then she interrupted me "I think what you did downtown was wonderful. I just wanted to say thank you. I know a lot of people are mad at you all, but I think they're really being ungrateful." I was taken back a little bit. "Thank you. I needed that." I said she nodded "Well I better be going. Work you know." I nodded "Bye. Oh if you need anything just yell or um nock." I said gesturing toward my door. "Thanks, I will." Then I went into my apartment as soon as I closed the door I saw ... Fury! "Why!?" I asked. "What?" He asked "Why would you break into my apartment? I did what you wanted! I got back in the world. Heck I helped save it!.." Then I was interrupted. "Captain I'm here with an offer." I paused "An offer? What kind?" I asked cautiously. "We need a leader in SHIELD and Natasha could use an experienced partner. How would you like to join?" I sat down speechless. "You'd be back serving. Giving and taking orders, just like the old days." He told me. "It sounds... perfect for me. Maybe too perfect." "What?" He asked "The world, the government...they've changed. It would be nice to imagine that serving in SHIELD would be the same as it was in the army, but it would be just that, imagining. I'm sorry I can't." I said. "I guess I can understand that. So if you don't do this what are you going to do?" Fury asked. Which was actually a very good question. And I didn't know the answer. "I don't know." I answered. "Well you better find out soon we can't keep funding you." "I know I didn't expect you to. Let me think about the offer." "Okay." Then he left. That night I was looking at Peggy's file again. She worked for SHIELD. She helped start it actually. So did Howard. 'Maybe I should do it' I'm sure Peggy would say It's what I meant to do. To protect the people. I thought. Then I remembered when I had been complaining to about how I wasn't serving and how I needed to serve.
****************flash back****************
I was drawing in my journal what I felt like I was. A circus act.

All of the sudden I heard women's heals on the stage

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All of the sudden I heard women's heals on the stage. I turned around and saw Agent Peggy Carter. I hadn't seen her in months! I didn't realize how munch I missed her! I didn't really even know her that well. It must just be how beautiful she is and how kind she always has been. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Officially I'm not here at all. That was quite a performance." I suddenly felt my cheeks heat up. I felt so embarrassed. Why did she have to see it? Why? "Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state I visit." I said positively. Trying to hide my humiliation. "Is that Senator Brant I hear?" She asked. "At least he's got me doin' this. Philips would have me be stuck in a lab." "And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey?" She asked gesturing to my notebook. "You were meant for more than this you know." She told me. The truth is I did know it, but now it seemed to late to do anything about it. I started to respond but decided there was no point. "What?" Peggy asked. "You know, for the longest time I dreamed about going overseas and being on the front lines. Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights." I said disappointed.

*************End of flashback************I smiled at the memory

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*************End of flashback************
I smiled at the memory. That's exactly what she'd tell me now. I took out the picture of her again in my compass and looked at it for a while.

"Thanks Peg

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"Thanks Peg. Without even knowing it your advise helped me out even in the future." I smile. Then the next day I called Fury and told him I'd take the job.**************

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I Want You Here - (Steggy and Romanogers!)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now