The Last Fall of HYDRA

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Steve's POV.

While we were hand cuffed in the van with guard watching us, they were going to kill us, but I just couldn't stop thinking about what and who I saw. "It was him. He looked at me and he didn't even know me." I said crushed. "How is that even possible it was like what? 70 years ago." He asked. "Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did it helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him." I explained. 'No not Bucky. He was the nicest guy in the world! How could this happen? I never should have let him fall! I should of don't be everything I could to save him. This is all my fault!' I thought to myself. "None of that's your fault Steve." I heard Natasha say tiredly, across from me. I couldn't believe that though. I just kept looking down in a type of shock. "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." I said still in shock. I heard Sam talk to the guard about Natasha. "We need to get a doctor. If we don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Suddenly one guard to out an electric rod and took out the other guard. My head shot up. The guard to off her mask revealing a familiar face. Maria Hill. "That thing was squeezing my brain! Whose this guy?" She asked point towards Sam. I explained who Sam was and that he wanted to help, then at a stop light Maria took out a rod and cut a whole threw the bottom of the car we escaped through the he whole and rolled out from under the car hiding right behind it, then we ran to a car parked on the street. When we got to the hide out we which was actually a dam. We went inside and they took us to a room where we saw... Fury!? "About time." He said "Your alive!?" Natasha and I both said in unison. Later a doctor came and took care of Natasha wound while Fury explained everything to us.
Authors note: I'm not going to explain the whole situation because if you are reading this you probably have already heard the drawn out reason of why he kept it secret.

3 hours later...

Holding up a picture of Pierce, Fury starts speaking. "This man turned down a Nobel Peace Prize he said that 'Peace wasn't an accomplishment, it was a responsibility.' See it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues." "We have to stop the launch." Nat said to him. "I don't think the council is expecting my calls anymore." Fury said sarcastically. He opened a brief case and reviled three chips. "What's that?" Sam asked. "Once the Helicarriers reach 3,000 feet, they triangulate connecting with the insight satellites becoming totally weaponized." Maria explained. "We need to replace the targeting blades with our own." Fury added. "One or two won't cut it. All three have to be linked for this to work. Because if even one of the ships are operational, a lot of people will die." She finished. "We have to assume everyone on the carriers is HYDRA. We need to get passed them, insert the chips and maybe, just maybe, we can salvage a little bit if what's left..." I interrupted Fury before he could say more. "We're not salvaging anything. We're not just taking down the carriers we're talking down SHIELD." I stated. "SHIELD had nothing to do with anything." "You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. SHIELD's been compromised you told me yourself. HYDRA was right under your nose and you didn't even notice." "Why do you think we're down here? I noticed." Fury said. "And how many people paid the price before you did?" I asked point blank. "He's right." Hill said to Fury. He looked at Natasha and she just looked at me then he looked at Sam. "Hey, don't look at me. I do what he does, just slower." He told Fury. He sighed "Looks like your giving the orders now Captain." Later on a bridge outside I have memories of Bucky and I after my Mom died. He was always there. He used to tell me when I would want to be independent in tough times "I'm with you to the end of the line." He was my brother. "He's gonna be there you know." Sam came up and said. "I know." I said calmly. "Look whoever he used to be... I don't think he's the kinda guy you save. He's the kinda guy you stop." "I don't know if I can do that." I told him. "He may not give you a choice. He doesn't know you." "He will. Gear up. It's time." I ordered. He nodded. I took a deep breath and started to walk off. "You gonna wear that?" Sam asked from behind me. "No. If your gonna fight a war, you need a uniform." I answered and left. I went to the Smithsonian and snuck into the Captain America section. I saw on a dumpy the exact thing I came for. My old suit. I 'borrowed' it and left. When I got back we all were ready and headed to the SHIELD building. When we arrived we came through the roof door and held the guard at gun point. Maria, Sam and I entered the the tech room Natasha was dressed like one of the council members and was going to stop Pierce. I spoke into the monitor, right in time because in min. they were going to launch them. "Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me lately, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The strike team and insight crew are HHYDRA also. I don't know how many more, but I know that their in the building. They could be standing right next to you.they almost have what they want: complete control. They shot Nick Fury and they won't stop there. If you launch those carriers, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not." I told SHIELD. "Did you write that down or was it off the top of your head?" Sam asked me. I laughed. "Their initiating launch." Maria told us. Sam and I ran out the doors to the airport. "Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked as we were running. "If their shooting at you, their bad." I told him. Sam nodded and flew off, while I headed down to one of the Helicarriers. "Hey Cap, I found one of those bad guys you were talking about." Sam said in my ear piece. "You okay?" I asked him. "Not dead yet." He answered. While I'm fighting to get through, into the Helicarrier, Hill speaks through my ear piece. "8 minutes Cap." "Working on it." I say impatiently. I finally got in and traded the chips on the carrier. "Alpha locked." I said. A few minutes later Sam said "Charlie Carrier's 45 degrees off the port bow. Six minutes." Maria told us. "Hey Sam, I'm gonna need a ride." I told him. "Roger. let me know when your ready" Sam answered. Jut then a HYDRA agent started shooting at me. I jumped off the carrier. "I just did!" Sam flew over and caught me. He landed us both on the last Helicarrier. "You know your a lot heavier than you look." He told me as we walked to the door of the Helicarrier. "I had a big breakfast." I told him shrugging. Just then Bucky appeared and pushed me off the side of the carrier I grabbed on to the hedge of the carrier and pulled myself up. "Cap! Cap, come in! Are you okay?" Sam shouted in my earpiece. "Yeah I'm here! I'm still on the Helicarrier. Where are you." I asked expecting him to be flying around somewhere. "I'm grounded the suits down. Sorry Cap." He told me. 'Great' I thought to myself. "I don't worry. I got it." I told him. I walked in the Helecarier ready to replace chip, when I saw Bucky on the bridge I had to cross to replace the chip. I sighed heavily. 'Oh no.' I walked up to him. We were no standing across from each other. He just stared at me. "People are gonna die Buck. I can't let that happen." I told him also trying to remind myself. I told him he just stared at me. "Please, don't make me do this." I begged him. He just stood there silently. I realized what I had to do. I sighed. Then I threw my shield at him. We fought for a long time, but I finally got to the targeting system. I pressed the button and began placing the chip in. Before I could place it Bucky attacked me, making the chip fall out of my hand. It slid down the Helicarrier floor and stop right at the edge. I went down to get it and Bucky again attacked me. He stabbed me in the shoulder with his knife. I fell on my knees. Bucky slid down and picked up the chip. I finally managed to pull out the knife. I ran over grabbed Bucky by his thought and held him down. "Drop it! Drop it!" I ordered him. He didn't I held his arms back and heard a snap. Then he passed out. I took the chip and ran to the targeting system. I was almost there climbing up to the targeting system and boom I felt a stinging sensation in my right thigh. Then burning. Then searing pain. I had been shot. I managed to climb up and limped over to the targeting system "Thirty seconds Cap!" Hill said. "Stand by." I said breathing heavily. I pulled out the chip and was about to replace it when bang! I again felt searing pain in my stomach. I fell down, sat up turned myself around leaning against the targeting system. I looked down. Bucky had shot me in the stomach. I was in terrible pain. I almost gave up, but I saw the guns of the carrier being aimed. 'I have to do this!' I pulled myself up and leaned over the targeting system railing. And weakly managed to replace the chip. "Charlie Locked." I spoke weakly, reporting to Hill. "Okay Cal get out of there." She told me. I see the guns aim on each Helecarier aim at each other. "Fire now." I ordered. "But Steve..." "Do it! Do it now!" I ordered Hill again. "She said nothing. Just then the Helicarriers starting shooting each other. I looked down and saw Bucky trapped under something. If I was going to die I had to finish what I started. I went down to where he was and lifted the rubble off him. He stood up. "You know me." I told him. "No I don't!" He yelled. "Bucky, you've known me your whole life." Bucky punched me wanting to fight it. "No I don't!" I didn't fight back. I refused. I fell on my knees. "Your name is James Buchanan Barns." I told him. He hits me again. "Shut up!" He yells. He wanted me to fight, but I wasn't going to. I dropped my shield and took off my helmet. "I'm not gonna fight you. Your my friend." "Your my mission." He started attacking me with punches. Over and over and over again. I fell to the ground. He kept on. "Your my mission!" He yelled. "Then finish it." I told him. He just stared at me. With his fist raised. "Cause I'm with you, to the ends of the line." I told him. He stared at me not able to hit me again. He looked as if he remembered. Just then the floor of the carrier broke off and I fell into the river below. I didn't even try to save myself. I fiscally couldn't. I sank down into the water and saw the Helecarier sink with me. 'My jobs done. I know I won't have died for nothing. Not this time.' I thought then it went dark. When I woke up I was on dry land coughing. I was freezing and wounded. I looked down the beach and saw Bucky walking off. Then I remembered he pulled me out! He remembered. I laid down and again everything went dark. I could hear people bustling around. Everything was dark. Was I dead. I couldn't open my eyes. I heard Natasha's voice. "Will he be okay?" "The doctor says he'll be fine but if he wouldn't have been found sooner he would have died." 'I heard Sam say. So I'm not dead.' I thought. "He'll be fine. He's just hasn't recovered from the sleep meds." Sam told her. "Oh okay." "I'll give you some time with him." "Thanks." Nat answered. I felt a soft hand interlock with mine. "I do care for you, but I don't think I can handle being with someone who is so... perfect. Every time I'm with you and I start to feel something, you do something that is so good. I can't be with you and always feel like I'm a terrible person. I can't change who I am and I don't want you to either. But I'm always here for you. Always." She told me then she left. How could she say she can't change? I guess she doesn't want to. I thought. Suddenly I heard music come on. I finally opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed and the music was from an iPhone. It said Trouble Man. I looked over to my right to see Sam reading a magazine. "On your left." He looked up and smiled. Later we went to the cemetery and saw a grave stone marked Nicolas Fury. "So you've been through this before." Nick said to me. "You get used to it." I answered "Not all of HYDRA went down sigh the ship. I'm heading Europe tonight. You wanna come" "There's some unfinished business I've gotta do first." Fury nodded. "What about you Wilson?" He added Sam. "I'm more of a soldier than a spy." Sam answered. "Okay then." He shook our hands. Then he left. That's when Natasha walked up. "You should be honored that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you." She told us. "Not going with him?" I asked "No." She answered. "Not staying here?" She shook her head. "I blew all my covers. I got to go find a new one." "That might take a while." I told her. "I'm counting on it." She answered. "That thing you asked for, here." She said handing me a file. "Do me a favor though? Call that nurse." I nodded. "She's not a nurse." I corrected her. "And your not a SHIELD agent." She said. That was a good point. "What's her name again?" I asked. "Sharon. She's nice." Nat assured me. Then she looked at me oddly and kissed me on the cheek. And started walking away. "Be careful Steve. You might not wanna pull on that thread." She told me. I nodded. I opened the file and Saw a picture of Bucky being frozen. Sam walked up behind me. "Your going after him aren't you?" "You don't have to come with me." I told him. "I know when do we start." I smiled.

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