We still collect faults. We collect them like they're fire flies. They glow so bright in the dark. We collect them and release them. You aren't supposed to keep fire flies.
The Exhibit A works so easily. Apparently beans are very affective. From what Josh seen he looked like a fish out of water. The school plans to get to the bottom of it. I almost feel bad but that changes when I hear Stacey being called Ez-Pass. He had a long route to go through.
Exhibit B was much more entertaining than I expected. Disappoint wears the face of everyone. Exhibit C was a long wait.
I had to wait for the snow to melt; that didn't happen until around the third week of Arpil but that wouldn't stop me. Nothing would. I poured bleach into his yard; spelling out asshole. I sit and wait for lunch to come around that morning. I walk up the hill with Josh.
"You seem happy" he states.
"Of course. I'm gonna go down in history after today."
"So yesterday's plans went into work?"
"Yup" I cheerfully sing.
Lunch came around as slowly as possible. It's like I wore the look of 'I did something terrible.' I always got looks in the hallway but never looks because I was smiling like I won the damn lottery. I couldn't even sit still once in the cafeteria. We all waited and I wish Josh could be around to see.
"Ryan if you keep smiling like that he's going to come in here and just know you did it" Ash tells me.
"I don't care. I'm so excited. I can tell he's almost here."
I sound crazy. A good crazy and not the crazy I was back in November. I spot Lucas walk into the cafeteria before he notices me. He looks around and his head stops at the sight of me covering my mouth with eyes of joy. He walks slowly over here.
"Ryan calm down he's walking" Stacey mutters.
"It'll be fine. I befriended him so I can take all of the blame."
Each of them say "What?"in sync.
"You're the one who fucked up my yard" he growls and I don't get to respond for his fist connected with my jaw. Its just silence and I hold my cheek as blood fills my mouth.
"It was you. You was the one who filled up the toilet with jello, got your little friends to take up all the working stalls, have me running around like some fucking idiot trying not shit my pants. You was the one who put oreos in my locker and replaced the icing with toothpaste."
I try to hold back a laugh but I couldn't help myself. I tumble over, clenching stomach and laugh like I won't be punished for that.
"What type of sadistic bitch are you?"
I'm up on my feet. "You're the one who started this sadistic game. Looks like you just couldn't handle what rules I had to throw in."
The deans are holding him back. Mrs.Rogers places her hand on my shoulder. The grip is painful but I'm on cloud nine, laughing because nothing from this day on will every matter.I got suspended for two weeks. Mom is so disappointed during the meeting Deren had to speak with her
I change the story around completely, telling them he accidentally dropped food on my shoes (which was true) and had it out for him for the longest. I also slide in some fake acting. I was expected to get worse of a punishment but they had no proof I ruined his yard. So in the end I received outside of school suspension and anger management during the summer.
We walk back home. I stroll behind them still on cloud nine. I probably won't see anyone during those two weeks but that would be fine. This wasn't even close to the end. I wouldn't leave school unless I gave it a reputation.
"You did this for your friend Stacey" Deren says on my way up to my room. I squeal and nod yes. "This is why so many people would want to be like you. All of the things most people would fear you laugh at. You'll be death in an arm wrestle."
I hop upstairs and throw myself into bad. No phone, no laptop, and no video camera. I can't do faults for the next two weeks but I can laugh until my stomach hurts and I'm crying. I hug my pillow and shut my eyes.I spend a lot of time working on my map. Deren bought me glow in the dark paint; I brush some of it on every string that has already been done. I think by the end of year I'll know my fault and we'll done enough people for me to post my fault.
I hear the door click open and I am pressed against the floor by Stacey. "You idiot. How could you take the blame?"
"Because your parents would be on your ass" I answer without a care.
"Was it even worth it?"
I simply nod.
It's only Stacey that visits. She tells me Josh was supposed to come but his dad found out about him being in on the plan. He doesn't get into serious trouble like me.
I hand Stacey a post it with an email and a password on it. She looks confused. "Stacey, I need you to sign into my email and respond to everything everyone has sent you. You have to show Megan and Anastacia what we do."
Shly she responds,"W-why can't you do it?"
"Because I can't use any of my technology. I taught you how to make their faces blurry. I showed you how to upload and post messages. This is meant for you to do. You have to keep collecting these faults. You can never stop. You have to go out the states or let then come to you but you can never ever stop collecting them."
Her bottom lip wobbles. She bawl her eyes out in my chest. I had only seen her cry twice. This is by far the worse time. She's drooling all over my shirt and as much as I want to stay calm I'm a little grossed out.
"I only did it because you was doing it. I really wanted to be friends with more after that incident. I should have defended you."
"I'm not a confessions box. We are friends. We're still doing this together. I just need you to take over until my suspension is up."
She makes me promise I won't leave. I promise. Stacey nods and pull herself together like a recovering adult after drinking. They don't pull themselves together, they wobble, regret bad decisions and stroll a walk of shame. Then they play it cool. I've learned from the very best of the bests.
I make my decision.
This has to hurt someone and make someone else happy.
It's either they suffer or the suffers.
But in the end I'm left with the suffering for who I have picked.
I promise.

The Fault In Our Minds
Teen FictionRyan is a high school junior. It's her first year in high school. She's been home schooled her entire life due to her overprotective mother. Her first year in high school makes her believe she's insane and gets her put in a mental home within a few...