My body is aching. Mostly due to going ice skating every day since Monday up until December twenty second. I try to listen to Josh about his lecture on ice skating too much. I still went back to Wollrink and there he found me disobeying everything he said. I make time to do some Christmas shopping for everyone before I run off to go ice skating.
I wake that Tuesday morning still sore but better than ever. Anyway I wake to mom sitting on my bed holding my metal shaped heart box. Is today gonna be a bad day?
"I knew you was cutting yourself I just didn't know you had so many reasons to do it. I didn't-I didn't know I was one of them."
"Mom I'm-"
"Don't bother apologizing. I should be apologizing. That's not why I'm here though. When was you going to tell me you and Josh was a thing?"
I unwillingly grin and respond,"Um I was debating about it I just wasn't sure when."
Her lips dive into a wide smile."You have visitors downstairs. I want all the details once they leave."
Visitors? Josh? No she said they. Who's coming to visit me besides Josh? Josh popped his head in without a smile so I don't smile. It was not a good day. Each one of them walked in after him. Stacey, Ash, Megan and Anastacia. I'm confused on what Megan and Anastacia are here. Stacey pulls me up for a hug. Even more confused. She walks away from me. Everything happens so quickly I'm paralyzed. It takes me seconds to finally understand that she just RKO me onto my own floor. I'm rolling over withering in pain.
She exhales and yells, "How dare you have to even decide between staying here or living with your biological family? How dare you not mention that to me after you told me about your family? How dare you Ryan!"
"I have-"
"Unacceptable" she interrupts. Stacey rolls me onto my stomach and pulls me back by my throat. "Promise me you'll stay here no matter what."
My feet hit the floor. If Josh isn't getting in the way because of this menace then I won't get angry. Maybe this is revenge for dropping him. She releases me.
"I promise" I pant into fully developed gasped.
She plumps next to me. "Okay Stace spill the beans to her" Anastacia says.
And Stacey starts crying. I'm looking around utterly confused as always. After she gets hold of her crying she goes into full details about how her and cafeteria guy (aka Lucas from her music class) hooked up during a party and he tells most of the football team how she easy she is to get with. I'm not sure which one of us has the worst taste in guys.
"So we want to seek revenge" Megan and Anastacia say in sync.
"I can probably help with that. What do you got planned?"
Their plans is to first ruin the football game by supplying them with water and Gatorade full of laxatives before the game starts. Nice way rk embarrass the team and our school. Honestly I thought that's all they had planned but it never seems to end. The next step was to use a hair product with certain chemicals to make their hair fall out.
I snicker, "You evil little bastards. Why do you need my help?"
Stacey wipes her face and says, "Because this is all the stuff we're doing to the football team. They practical terrorize me. We have to get that bastard Lucas. I'm sure you can think of something."
I rub my hands together waiting for thunder to hit me something sinister. This a first for me. Something I'll never be able to do again. My one and only chance. I'll probably get expelled but reckless behavior is what I master in.
"I'm going to flirt with him" I say with a flamboyant action. Josh's face is stone cold. It's so stone cold he doesn't even have to say something about how much he disapproves. "But-"
"I might sound like another parent guardian but I refuse for you to even try."
I groan. "Okay I have a better idea. I'll become friends with him and-"
"No" he interrupts.
"Why are you so against her ideas? We wanted her help" Megan says.
I reply, "If you haven't noticed we're in a relationship." Maybe I said it to get her jealous but that's besides the point. The room goes through oh's and 'that makes sense.'
"I hope you guys know the next football game isn't until spring so the pranks you all came up with have to take time to develop."
"We know" each of them groan.
"But my plans will only take approximately three weeks. Just so it doesn't seem like Stacey did all this. But it still requires me becoming friends with him." I make sure my voice sounds higher towards the end of my sentence. Josh utters a fine so low it's lower than hell. I clap with excitement.
"Exhibit A is simply. First were gonna need three or four packs if jello and a toilet but it has to be off limits for twenty four hours."
Ash raises her eyebrows and covers hee mouth. "You evil little troll" she says.
"Any way I'm going to pay off one of the janitors to put a out of service sign on one of the stalls. Then bulky Josh will go into that stoll and pour the jello in. During our lunch period the next day I'll some how give him a reason to run and do number two. Some of you will dress like boys using the other stalls. He'll run into the one filled with jello possibly run out and possibly go into the girls bathroom and embarrass himself in front of all the ladies inside."
I'm out of breathe from explaining. Now all of them are covering their mouths calling me sinister. I laugh it and make a mental mark that, that plan was an a okay.
"Exhibit b is pretty simple too. Josh is going to put oreos in his locker but replace the icing with toothpaste. We'll get to see the reaction during lunch."
Stacey and Josh looks at me weird for knowing he has gym before lunch. I just always see him walking from the basement when it's time for lunch.
Anastacia praises me, "It took us twice as longer to come up with these ideas and Ryan is just spitting these out like fireballs. Very impressive."
I wave off her compliment. "Exhibit C a one man job which I will do. I'm going to pour bleach on his yard. His grass will never grow back and I'll make sure to spell out something offensive."
Stacey tackles me. "You sweet sweet devil. I love you so much of course you're never leaving here. Right?"
Her grip tightens. "I'm staying here. I promise."
I promise.

The Fault In Our Minds
Roman pour AdolescentsRyan is a high school junior. It's her first year in high school. She's been home schooled her entire life due to her overprotective mother. Her first year in high school makes her believe she's insane and gets her put in a mental home within a few...